FREE online seminars: The Great Integral Awakening 6/18

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FREE online seminars: The Great Integral Awakening 6/18

Postby The Madame X » Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:30 am

Dear Friends,

We want to welcome you to our new monthly Vistar View which will bring you information on events, teachings and other offerings from leaders on the cutting edge of the field of Consciousness. We are initiating Vistar View with an invitation to participate in a historic FREE online teleseminar series called The Great Integral Awakening: Pioneering a New Spiritual Path hosted by Craig Hamilton. It was Craig's feature article in the May 2004 issue of "What is Enlightenment?" magazine that inspired us and affirmed the work that we at the Vistar Foundation have been doing for fifteen years exploring the Field of Collective Consciousness and its evolutionary significance.

We are especially excited that this Saturday, July 18th, Craig will present a live interview with Andrew Cohen, spiritual teacher, visionary thinker and founder of EnlightenNext. Ron and I are honorary members of EnlightenNext and are aligned to and inspired by Andrew's teaching of Evolutionary Enlightenment. We encourage anyone to tune in who is interested in exploring their role and contribution to the radical and accelerating movement of consciousness occurring in our time.

The Great Integral Awakening: Pioneering a New Spiritual Path aims to catalyze a shift in the very way we understand and approach spirituality in the 21st century. This teleseminar series is an opportunity to engage in dialogue with a host of leading-edge visionaries, including Ken Wilber, Andrew Cohen, Don Beck, Marilyn Schlitz, Michael Murphy, Diane Hamilton, Genpo Roshi, Steve McIntosh, Sally Kempton, Terry Patten, and more, in an in-depth exploration of the next stage in humanity's spiritual development.

Over a 14-week period starting this Saturday, June 20th, these spiritual pioneers will explore the burning questions facing all of us who aspire to live an authentic spiritual life in our increasingly chaotic, fast-paced world.

Questions like:

* How does the spiritual path need to evolve to meet the evolutionary challenges and opportunities of our time?
* How can we make sure our own spiritual path and practice is "integral" and informed by both the timeless wisdom of the Spirit and an up-to-date understanding of the human condition?
* What does it mean to live a life of passionate evolutionary engagement that integrates our deep longing for spiritual transformation and our desire to improve the world?
* How can we evolve a new context of shared meaning and purpose that is both grounded in a scientific worldview and true to the wisdom of the Spirit?
* How can we come together with other evolutionaries to begin to create microcosms of evolutionary culture?
* How can we each help to accelerate the emergence of a new, more integral consciousness on Earth?

Each event will explore this set of questions from a unique angle. We'll look at how the discovery of evolution is giving birth to an entirely new spiritual impulse, as well as a new framework for engaging in spiritual practice. We'll ask how the great traditions of the past can be brought up to date and kept relevant to a rapidly changing, increasingly complex world. We'll explore some of the new, integral forms that spirituality is taking, from the emergence of new paths of self-inquiry to the birth of collective enlightenment. And we'll think together about the vital role each of us can now play in creating a more integral, and more enlightened, future for humanity.

Register today and, each week, you'll have an opportunity to listen to and interact with another spiritual visionary committed to helping pioneer a new spirituality for the 21st century. There is no charge to participate. All of the luminaries have volunteered their time so that as many of us as possible can come together to help create the future of spirituality.

To learn more and to register for this groundbreaking FREE event, visit

To our Evolution!
Ron and Victoria
Vistar Foundation Inc.
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The Madame X
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