
Nonfiction literary compositions

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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:38 pm


When we think of angels the first things that come into mind are humanoid beings with large fluffy wings, either black or white. We rarely consider them out of this context. Although the image of the angel is stepped in pre-Raphaelite and Rennaisance works, angels have walked the earth with human feet since the third race of man. Some are stationary with specific appointments, others walk freely between the worlds...some say between heaven and earth or earth and hell.

The Creation of the Angels

Humanity was crafted from an image of the Androgyne, the energy mass of feminine and masculine, creative and distructive energies. One could argue that humanity was indeed the first physical incarnations of thoughtforms, reflections of what each particle of the original thought. With a new earth and without guidance the first race of humanity perished miserably. Cold, predators, without the protection against either, this race died horribly. The second race was then put into form and with it a new creation. From the desire to aid these helpless beings, the creative force forged somewhat of an aid, images of itself, facets of itself that governed aspects of these beings life, death, rebirth, without interference. That is to say that these beings were given governance and charge over these newly formed humans but could not interfere. This was done simply because two worlds can not wholely exist within the same space if they are out of harmony. Their vibrations must match. The higher the vibration, the less physical presence one is able to assume.

In those days there were no light angels, no dark angels, no demons, no categories only purpose, meaning, and vibration. These beings were simply charged with creation or destruction...of either life or accordance to the purpose of their creation. Assignments of nature were given by humanity and religious sects at later times in accordance to perceptions of what defined evil and what defined good.

The Fall and Subsequent Rise of Humanity

At some point in most religious texts we come to the next stage of both humanity and angel development, the point in which one began to deliverately interact with another.

These particles of energy, thoughtforms created from aspects of the creator(s), watched as tribe after tribe died of much the same maladies as the first race and so when the third race was created, they drew closer to them. In doing this they also became heavier, as they approached a more physical presence and vibration. Thus they were able to develope emotions and subsequently free will. The more involved they became with these humans and finding them infinitely beautiful, the more heavy they became until they were finally able to walk the earth with them and take physical form. If one could imagine a very tall human with long tendrils flowing from their backs, possibly their shoulders and legs, you would likely be able to imagine the physical forms of these creatures. As they took physical form they found that some retained the energy in which they were created, some were female, some male, and some retained am equal energy mass of both energies and were inasmuch as adrogynous as their creator.

Some of these angels took each other for mates, others took human wives and husbands for mates and produced offspring. The 'Fall' occured when their vibration conflicted with that of their creator. They were no longer neutral but held distinct familiarity, affection, and contact with humanity. Not wanting to sit idly by as humanity died yet another horrible death, these incarnations taught humanity to make magick, fire, cook their food and create weapons for their protection against predators. The more involved with humanity they became, the less a part of the Androgyne they remained, thus the separation between the two was final and they remained in physical form. From this offspring came the angelkin we know now.

Assignment, Vibrational Allignment, and Dimensional Aspects

Once these angels achieved physical form they were unable to continue in the forms they once had. Once an etheric being becomes physical they have to work their way up so to speak. In short, their vibrational level has to be raised in order for their forms to thrive. To do this, these beings created mirror images of the universe or multiverse. The universe that we see is not flat but very much like a diamond with exact replications of each facet. Inasmuch time also is not flat but travels in a spiral in accordance to these verses (dimensions). For each verse there is a mirror image of you, me, and these etheric beings. Each physical aspect of each being carries a particle of their vibrations and directives. For instance an angel that governed death couldn't possible be everywhere at all times in physical form, nor could they be consistently on the astral plane to assist those along. That angel would be split into aspects, different governing particles that would take on facets of his or her duties. For every aspect there must be an equal and opposite aspect to balance the energy of that being. For every aspect that governs death, there is also an aspect of the same angel that governs life.

The most simple explanation for this dimensional split is simply because one incarnation can not fully hold the resonance of a being of that vibration, even one in physical form. A finite form simply can not hold the resonance of an infinite one.

A simple way of looking at it is to take the number 42, divide it in half each half representing a facet and an equal and opposite facet of an incarnation. Each verse could hold 21 aspects of each facet. In this manner one incarnation is not carrying the full resonance of the original, but a fragment.

Demons and Angels

The two are not synonymous in fact they have nothing to do with each other. Angels that have fallen are simply too heavy vibrationally to realign with their origin. They can only achieve this through ascension. As each angel is assigned duely they can only achieve this when they no longer have assignments, or when there is no longer a need for their presence. Their assignments are due to universal necessity rather than character flaws or punishment.

Demons are nothing more than pockets of negative energy created and left to run wild unchecked. Occasionally a created thoughtform may run amok causing no short amount of mischief earning the title of demon. Mostly what is considered demons are lower level astral entities seeking physical form and willing to go to any measure to achieve their goal. They are simply disembodied spirits awaiting their next incarnation but because their vibrations are so weighted they are glued to their seats so to speak until they somehow raise it to a passable level. Occasionally one will be created on the astral by misplaced energies. Since it can't carry out its purpose on the astral having been created to do so on the physical, it seeks out physical form. All in all demons are not created by wayward angels, wayward souls, or a devil. They are created by humanities mind and carelessness, a great dash of religious fervor and out and out fear.

When I first heard of angelkin it was through a group of people claiming to be star children, or incarnated stars. They believed they were different universes, dimensions, even planets and usually carried the ability to channel messages from those specific areas from higher beings. Usually those higher beings were still secured in their dimensions but were relaying information to humanity via physical form. The vampyre community wanted very little to do with them if anything. As more and more vampyres came to accept the concept of incarnated ancients there became a nitch for these individuals. Or at best some of the more low key individuals. Whether we refer to them as angels or ancients, myths were created around these beings or beings like them. They have inspired artists, poets, religions and movements. Angelkin have a special place in our community and are very unique branches of Otherkin.
Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby Lupus Nocturnus » Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:43 pm

Greetings Aislin,

I would definitely like to know more of this line of thought. Where might I find this research. It seems to combine the asian concept of Yin/Yan and also contain aspects of Chaos theory and the Mythos of the Anunnaki. It seems a sound concept. I subscribe to the theory that the universe in its inception was composed of interacting energies of disparate vibrational levels and that these energies grouped together according to vibrational similarities. The fact that these energies exist in different and seperate planes of reality would seem the basis for all the concepts of the ethereal and astral realms. There is a body of scientific theory that proposes this same concept. Multiple layers of reality which are interlinked.


Lupus Nocturnus
Not everything may be uttered in the presence of the Day
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:22 am

Greetings Lupus Nocturnus,

A great deal of this came from a Luciferian friend of mine, input from various discussion groups on the topic, and a natural curiosity for universal answers. I've been studying quite a few diverse things including Atlantis, Lumeria, the Anunaki, and the origin of species so to speak. Currently I'm studying the ancient archetecture of Ireland, Britain and Wales in conjuncture with my studies of Atlantis. Somehow or another this particular topic has managed to get intermeshed. I tend to believe that all myths have basis in reality, all deities are cultural reflections of actual beings that inspired those myths. The majority of them are central in theme and respect. I started studying Otherkin some years ago, prior to becoming a full member here (thanks to MadameX and an assigment on said topic), and have not shut up since lol. It's really difficult to understand Otherkin as a whole until the entire scope is explored. I think the first thing I read on the topic was The Starborne. It's a bit on the new agey side and was printed in the late 80's so I'm not so sure what the availability of the text is now. It's an account by the author who claims to be for all intensive purposes, angelkin. I believe some also refer to this as star seed or star children, fallen incarnated stars rather than terming them angels but with the ability to channel messages from angels.

I once threw out the theory that Jesus and Lucifer were the same entities. My thought is that their purposes were much the same. One was simply a physical incarnation of the other. One theologians embraced the other they did not, although there are many many deities that are nearly mirror images of Lucifer.

I'll try to locate sources for research for you. You could try They have huge volumes of information available on just about any spiritual and metaphysical topic you can think of.


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

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