The Paths

Nonfiction literary compositions

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Re: The Paths

Postby Kate » Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:51 am

Hi there, computer crashed while posting last post and I seem to have posted it three times, so sorry.

I am very isolated from people right now, I have moved so many times and am just meeting my neighbours one more time. I am not sure where my place is in society. I do the school runs and work on the phone lines it awes me to see how I have become a virtual hermit once again.

I need community and I guess right now, you are it.

So being a 'holder of spiritual space' or a priest by a community is where I would like to be but I wait to be invited first.
I do not see myself as a passionate person, I am always a little worried when someone asks what do you really enjoy doing? errr reading a good book in the of the 8) I got passionate about oil painting last night, first time in ages I felt VITAL about anything. I like doing my writing as well and long to publish my next book but am waiting for others to edit it..which is annoying, no one edits my paintings, so why should they edit my writings....but I want it to sell so will try and be patient here. Creativity is a last ditch attempt to keep feeling alive in me. I do need feedback though, and I am not getting any. :(

I am good at tapping into want people need..I can easily read them and when asked can give guidance and advice. I am very good at seeing the dance of energy that flows between people. I am confident in my skills and probably come across very arrogant. :| Dont ask the question if you don't want the answer.

I do not feel useful and my energy is being wasted on irritations and screw ups, I do know better, but there is not much else for me to concentrate on right now. Even the necromancy which was fascinating at first has grown dull because I have been told I am on the wrong frequency level. I see alive things not dead things, I remember past lives and the dead do not linger long after passing for me. When I died before I had the whole universe to explore I wasn't going to hang around graveyards and hospitals. I don't believe in death, and from what I gather, you need too and you need to gain an ally and work with them . I astral walk and see shades of dreamers but these are living dreamers even if they are not in a body yet. So I do not see dead people like the necromancer who is trying to teach me, our ideology is at odds, though she has my deepest respect. It is a shame really because having some dead friends would at least be company.

I want to feel useful and make a difference, I want to feel challenged again. I am tired of individual readings, they are useful but it seems like the only question I am being asked these days are "Is he/she coming back?" which is very important to them but is a stupid question!

I want a community that will use my skills and push me further by asking more from me, I need the question, it is how I grow. I am surrounded by dullness and am terrified I will end up like This world is an illusion,what happens on the inner thought planes are more real. My inner thoughts are getting dull and creativity is the only thing that is keeping the spark alive.

Sorry bit of a pent up rant there...but it answers the question.. :roll:
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Re: The Paths

Postby deacongray » Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:21 am

I am glad you share it with us actually. I would say you have a fairly good grasp of the paths. I would add thought that Kitra tend to be counsler, a listening ear, a compassionate soul who can feel and listen with out having to FIX things for you. Kitra's are often the glue that holds the rest together.

Mradu are much like you stated, but there is a side that most do not see. Mradu can be silent, but that can also be a voice of calm, reason and consideration.

I will not venture to speak for the priests cast, it was never one of my stonger points.

Thank you for sharing though it was interesting and makes for a good discussion
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Re: The Paths

Postby The Madame X » Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:00 pm

Kate I think your dispassion comes from a loss of self. Somewhere along the line you lost touch with your passions, your core. We are often trapped in a world of responsibilities and duties where for way too long everyone elses' needs outweigh our own. We care help and nurture everyone else around us and forget our roots, why we are here and our own callings, needs and pleasures.
Your passions are there. Perhaps you have simply put them in the back burner for too long or the wrong people gifted you with such sour experiences that have made you shut down.

Spring is a wonderful time to reawaken, to breath deeply and emerge anew, rekindle interests and aspirations, venture forth with new explorations and adventures.
Surely there are things you are curious about, things you would like to explore or learn more about. How about your books? New books? New sources of inspiration? New wells of creativity... The possibilities are endless.
Perhaps you need to do something daring, extreme to make you feel alive, enraptured and reawaken your fire!
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Re: The Paths

Postby Damien » Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:57 pm

Since I figure deacon will be the one to ask me, the aspects that suit and dont suit me from the three roads

From reading thru it all. Here is the aspects of the kitra I like/am interested in :

Creativity is the secret of life
Energy is the mainspring

The ones I am not:

Service is the cardinal virtue
Pleasure is the primordial good
Celebration is a spiritual necessity
Love is what defines us

The Mradu path: I like most aspects of it, though here is a few that do not fit me : I am not very diplomatic, Nor the most cautious. I have no issue with destroying enemies if need be,

The ramkht path I like alot of, but ceremonies, funerals and the like are not for me. Though mentoring, learning, knowledge is. As alot of those areas that are suggested to learn i already have alot of knowledge in already.
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