A Shift in Time and Space

Nonfiction literary compositions

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A Shift in Time and Space

Postby Syngin » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:51 pm

Doing a dimensional shift can be as easy as walking across the
street. It can be like walking down a street you know well in your own
town, maybe you're feeling a little blase about things, slightly bored
because you've been on this street a million times and you know
exactly what is there on every block.

So you cross the street and start to walk down the block when you
notice something you've never seen before and then you notice you've
never been here at all. You're not blase anymore, you've perked up now
baby! Then you're wondering what the devil is going on around here?
But it doesn't bother you too much because you're feeling so calm and
peaceful and everywhere around you is so beautiful. You're saying, I
don't know where this place is but I'm sure glad I'm here and I'm in
no hurry to leave. It reminds you of the last time you crossed over
from your previous body and how nice it was to enter the light. And
you don't know where that memory came from either.

This actually happened to me when I went for my morning run through the desert. I entered a wadi and there stretching before me were rolling grasslands. Possibly the most gorgeous and tranquil pastoral scene imaginable to me. There were animals everywhere, deer and elk in small groups, coyotes sitting up on the hill, rabbits squirrels and chipmunks and over it all and seranading the whole thing were the birds. I didn't spook the animals at all when I walked among them, it was like I knew them and they knew me which I guess we did.

Everything felt normal to me so I walked on by and went up to a place
called the red wall where I could sometimes hear the bells.

Legend has it that while the bells are quite often heard they
cannot be seen until you are within 12 inches of them. So far nobody
has seen them that I know of. But I have learned to pay attention to
old stories and legends because they are usually based on fact and
since I have heard the bells myself I was keeping an open mind. Maybe
they are a kind of doorbell to the hidden city said to be under Red Hawn mountain.

The bells sound very faint at first almost like the wee folk,
Tinkerbell size would wear. They're not specific as to direction so
you can't get any bearing from them. Sometimes it's hard to tell if
you're actually hearing them with your ears or if they're inside your
head. Like a portal into another dimension maybe?

Going back home I passed again through the rolling grasslands
and all the animals admiring all over again how beautiful they all
were. But that was the last time I saw them because I never found that
place again. I could not for the life of me find my way back to it.
Now let me say right here, that I grew up playing in this desert. As a kid
I would take a lunch and hop on my horse. We would roam this vast desert all day and I have never been lost and I have always been able to
find my way back to anyplace I have been. So being unable to find
those grasslands again really caught my attention. I went back to the
same house and walked back the same direction about 4 times but no
grasslands. The red cinder pile was still there though, the only thing
different was it seemed to take twice as long to get there as I
remember it being. As though time had shifted as well. I think I made
a dimensional shift there without realizing it, it was so seamless and
easy. No I don't take drugs though perhaps its time to have the the water in the well retested.

I Tego Arcana Dei
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Postby deacongray » Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:13 am

Wow this is a really great article hun.

I have to admit the more I try the more I seem to fail with energy work. I am becoming more then a little defeated on the subject.

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Postby Syngin » Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:09 am

Deacon I think perhaps you are trying just a little to hard. I find that the harder I try to do something the worse I seem to get but when I just say screw it(excuse language please) it just happens. Sort of when you are looking for something can't find a single one until you aren't looking anymore then whatever it is you will find everywhere.
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Postby deacongray » Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:07 am

I know that was true with the precognition, but right now I am just flustered all together.

SO I will go back to green tea and weight lifting and see if I can improve my body, and perhaps my music appriciation. I just feel like I am floating loose on the sea right now when it comes to my nightside.

If I didn't have my projects to keep me busy I would most likley drop out for a few months.

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Postby Syngin » Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:21 am

I must admit I have felt the same way of late. Just like I'm floating on a sea with no connection and no desire to make one. I have been spending my time wondering in the realm of warcraft with no real desire to do much else. I have for the time being pretty much attempting to do anything in the way of study or writing because everything I have put down has been very lame and concentration is about nil.
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