HotD’s Road System, A closer look at Road Vows

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HotD’s Road System, A closer look at Road Vows

Postby The Madame X » Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:52 am

HotD’s Road System,
A closer look at Road Vows
By Madame X ©2007

Roads function as an energy focus and balancing force within a ritual and family structure. Some of us are only able to master one, while others are talented in the characteristics of all three. Ideally it is highly suggested that members of our family study all three Roads, and be familiar with the strengths and weaknesses in each one.

The material presented here, in our Site, is our family’s personal perspectives of the Road System. Our Family encourages its members to make a more personal commitment to our chosen Road with a Ritual that includes a Vow, Oath or Affirmation. These Vows are private documents, available for study only to initiated HotD House members.

Unlike some other organizations’ Caste vows or Caste dedications, our Roads do not need to be life-long endeavors, they serve only to strengthen our current roles within the Family. Also, unlike some other organizations’ vows or dedications, Vow-takers (or ritual participants) are not raising energy for the original Caste Members nor for any Ancient entities (although They may choose to preside proceedings); any raised energy should be directed toward the personal development of the vow-taker as a productive part of our Family.

The purpose of an official celebration/ritual of the Road Vow is multifold:

EDUCATION – The first, and most obvious purpose, is the educational value of each vow. As the vow-taker reads, learns and assimilates each aspect of its content they consider it more deeply, understand it better, processing the information. Our Roads are slightly different than other house’s systems, it is important that vow-takers realize and internalize this. Such formalized study also helps members who are taking the vow to better understand their expected purpose, behavior, as well as their rights within our Family structure.

AFFIRMATION – By learning, memorizing, and effectively voicing the vow, its words become empowering personal affirmations. These vows are designed to impress both the conscious and the subconscious mind, which in turn shapes and affects the way the vow-taker thinks and behaves.

RITUAL – In order to ensure the effectiveness of the vows, they are presented in a ritualized setting, and its content conveyed with attention, conviction, interest and desire. The stronger the concentration and the more faith the vow-taker has in what they are doing, the stronger the manifestation of the desired results. Undertaking a vow raises and directs energy into the personal direction of the vow-taker as a beloved, productive part of the Family. Taking a Road Vow is very much like a formalized initiatory celebration of the role each member has chosen to take within the House.

VISUALIZATION – Road Vows are also a form of creative visualization. Their content should build mental images and scenes in the mind of the vow-taker; this helps to focus on the subject, goals, and situations we want each individual to achieve and create. The idea is to encourage the vow-taker to see and project themselves as a full member of their chosen Road performing their very best.

BONDING – Undertaking a vow that has been taken by other members of the Family creates a sense of bonding. It is important that same Road members walk similar introductory paths, uttering the same words, sharing the same desires and understanding. Gathering to formally celebrate each other’s decisions on long-term roles within the group is also a form of Family Bonding. Often vows are taken simultaneously by same Road members, this too, perhaps even more so, deepens the bonding between family members.

PRIDE – Much work and collaboration was put into the creation and development of HotD’s Road System, and our vows were tailored with similar ardor. The initial names of our Roads have changed to better accommodate for a wider understanding, but the concepts have remained unmoved. We hope our Road Vows transmit to the vow-taker artistry, cleverness, purpose but also a profound sense of Family Pride.
Ex Somnius Scientia
Madame X
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Re: HotD’s Road System, A closer look at Road Vows

Postby EzikielTempted » Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:08 pm

I loved this, thanks for sharing. :)

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Re: HotD’s Road System, A closer look at Road Vows

Postby The Madame X » Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:50 am

Please note that Caste Systems have been used since the dawn of time to separate socio-economic structures, to imply superiority and to divide tasks.
Casts were first used for the Vampyre House by Michelle Bellanger inspired in the ancient casts of Egypt she termed them Cast of the Priest, Warrior and Concubine, later changed to Counselor. The OSV renamed these casts Ramkht, Mradu and Kitra. And I believe Michelle even changed the name of her House Casts to reflect this, as did I, because I too was involved with Sebastian and Michelle in the development of the OSV and in the writing of the OSV book “V”. So I knew that those terms would best serve our purpose.

Originally HotD respectively referred to our current Roads as Paths: Path of Enlightenment, Path of Strength and Path of Creation. The internal revamping of the terms has greatly helped with semantics, while our content has remained the same. I need to emphasize that Our Road System within HOTD is not exclusively vampiric but these chosen roads are flexible paths of study and service within the house. If you read each description as we see it, each has little to do with vampirism and with the old Caste Systems and more to do with individual personality types and personal strengths. Within a House its good to know who to turn to should we need an extra hand, specific knowledge or advice.

I strongly encourage that you read The Roads section of our site at:
And similarly do some historical research on the origins and purpose of Castes so that you can see how much we truly differ.
Ex Somnius Scientia
Madame X
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Re: HotD’s Road System, A closer look at Road Vows

Postby LadyGigiFrost » Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:00 pm

Dear Madame X,
thank you for this information. I have found that through my teachings that the road from the spiritual aspects really open up. It appears I am allows adsorbing and learning new things about my self, spiritual self that seems to connect with my path with in the Caste System.
I am working on being a better teacher, but I lean more towards the healing and all things for the greater good. It's pretty amazing how a Caste can literally call out to a being. I find great peace and comfort in those places.
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Re: HotD’s Road System, A closer look at Road Vows

Postby Kate » Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:24 pm

I am interested in learning about and taking the vow of the Path of the Ramkht.
How would I go about this?
If you cannot explain it simply, you do not understand it fully.
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Re: HotD’s Road System, A closer look at Road Vows

Postby The Madame X » Fri Mar 21, 2014 6:24 pm

Kate, if you haven't yet, you may like to read our public page on the Ramkht at
There you will find our house's Oath of Protocol for those who choose to pursue the path of the Ramkht within our Family.
And, you can certainly use our oath to inspire you to create your own personalized oath that will serve as a focus of inspiration and direction, even when you are a Ronin or Solitaire. Ronin members of the community seldom choose to concentrate on a particular road, instead they feel it is more advantageous to diversify since there is no cooperative family support; road specification is only recommended for those who wish to be part of a Family.
That said, if and when you are interested in taking the next step toward membership with The Dreaming, just let us know :)
Ex Somnius Scientia
Madame X
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Re: HotD’s Road System, A closer look at Road Vows

Postby Damien » Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:38 pm

Interesting, I like aspects from all the paths - but also various aspects that would not suit me.
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