Again donor perspective here..
For me I didnt become a donor because its some romantic fantasy, or because someone I cared about was vamp and I knew how to wield and manipulate energy so voila I'm donor. I became a donor because I generate a TON of energy just on my own, and then doing much magical work atop that just draws more to me. Ask MX and Wulf, I am a human energizer bunny, LOLOL. I have always had this so have always known how to ground, how to push energy off me to others, hell just release it ambiently even, and also how to draw it back off, from the elements from the Divine whatever.. its how I survived.
But man let me tell you.. having too much sounds to be just about as bad as not enough. For me it starts with me just getting too fidgity, ADD like, then I get twitchy, like a cafffeine high. If I go too long from that I start getting disoriented, scattered and unfocussed, very much like a sugar LOW. If I still dont get it under control, or am not in the position to do that, I will go right into ultra PMS mode, irritated, angry and in general you cant even touch me, nothing pleases me. Then the migraines.
Now as I said, I have always had outlets for this, though not always do I pay attn to my own signs. I can ground, I can expend my own energy for a ritual rather than using Divine energy, I can donate blood or platelets.. whatever... However I find immediate relief if I can donate psi to someone and sang donation reached me at levels I cant even explain. I felt release from energy I didnt even consciously know was built up there.
THIS taught me a huge lesson though.... for me feeding someone could actualy be like a drug. I know how to do all this on my own, but the vamp quick fix was easier. Psychologically, I can seriously understand how a vamp might feel suicidal and depressed when they cant feed. Physically I'm sure they feel like crap, and when you feel like crap who wants to actually have to WORK to feel better. But I thank god realized this as soon as I started being a donor and thus donate sparingly, and make myself continue to discharge my energy other ways. I dont rely on the vampyric feeding as my relief.
Maybe for some vamps this is what really needs to be taught as the primary way of handling hunger, rather than how to cultivate and care for donors. There will always be people willing to be donors of course, but dependance is never a good thing in my book. And in todays day and age I'm sure sang donors are a rarer commodity????
Deacon if you ever feel like studying donors, you'll have to let me know, I'd love to see where I fall in the bunch LOLOL