Some Questions and Answers About Being a Donor

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Some Questions and Answers About Being a Donor

Postby The Madame X » Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:14 pm

Some Questions and Answers About Being a Donor
By Acacia from

What's a donor?

A Donor is pretty much exactly what you would think it is. It is
someone who offers, knowingly and willingly, their energy to another
individual who is a vampire.

What do you donate?

This is a toughie but I will try to explain it as best as I can.
There are several terms that can be used to name what it is that is
donated. I use the term "energy" to describe it. Everything is made
up of energy. Call it whatever you like, i.e. Prana, Energy, Life
Force Energy; it is all basically the same thing. It's just the
vessel in which this energy is carried through that is different.
Blood is one vessel that energy can be found in; another is within
one's aura, or energy signature. Every living being gives off an
energy signature that can be taken in by a vampire whose feeding
preference is psi. Elemental Energy is carried in the air via storm
systems, solar flares, waterfalls and just about any possible
release from nature.

What prompted you to become a donor?

I don't really know exactly. I didn't just wake up one morning and
say, "Hey, I think I want to be a donor today". It was a long
process of talking to other people who have both been Donors and
have had Donors themselves. Never be afraid to ask questions. Don't
get me wrong, I was nervous. I didn't know what to expect at all, so
I read up on the topic at sites online like Sanguinarius. org, SLAD
(St. Louis After Dark), and other forums such as ShadowLore's e-
group, and eventually their message board.

How long have you been a donor?

I've been a Donor going on three years. I'm what I like to call a
surrogate Donor. I will usually donate to friends who can't get to
their donor or until they can find a more suitable donor for

Aren't you worried about getting an infection, or worse, HIV?

Of course! Who wouldn't be in this day and age? It's very important
that you know and trust the person you are being a Donor for. Both
you and the other person should get regular blood work done at the
very least every three months. It also helps to be very smart in
sterilization and keeping peroxide or alcohol handy to clean any
wounds made if you are a Sanguine (Blood) Donor. Safety should come
before anything if you ask me.

How is it done?

That would depend on the manner on which the Vampire "feeds".
Sanguine Vampires generally feed from the energy within blood. The
way the blood is acquired is through either cutting the Donor just
enough to cause blood to flow. Finger pricking is also a manner of
producing blood and is easier to maintain. For those Vampires who
feed from Psi energy the method is different; they feed from the
energy that surrounds living beings such as one's aura or energy
signature. Most often, a Vampire would go to a heavily populated
building like a Mall or Airport, somewhere that there are a lot of
people moving about at any given time and they will skim the energy
from the area psychically. The same method is used for Elemental
Energy feeding except that the energy is skimmed from storms or
other natural weather and nature.

Doesn't it hurt?

Again, this will vary from person to person. Some people have a
higher threshold for pain than others. Being a Donor is not meant to
hurt anyone. Most Vampires will go out of their way to ensure the
comfort and safety of the one Donating to them.

What do you get out donating?

I'm a caring person and I don't get anything out of being a
donor...with the exception of a possible new friend.

If someone wanted to become a donor, where would they go to find out
more information?

Anyone can find information on the internet via e-Groups, online
magazines, or websites; the possibilities are endless.

And how should they go about finding a vampire to donate to?

You should always get to know any individual you meet before you do
anything further. You can always check out the vampire personals
that appear in any kin-related magazine or website.

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The Madame X
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