Maintaining Balance: Working with Crystal Energy to Ease the Transition of Fall.
From the Open Center description: As we transition from the warmth & light of Summer to cooler and shorter days, heavy with more work & personal responsibilities, along with the anticipation of Winter & the Holidays “just around the corner”, we become more vulnerable to imbalances in our physical & emotional health.
Join us for an inspiring and insightful evening with special guest 'Rock Whisperer' Krista N. Mitchell as she shares her passion and knowledge of working with nature's most precious (and beautiful) crystal energies. In addition to sharing her unique system of Crystal therapy, she will lead a mini- guided meditation. Crystals will be available for purchase all evening.
FREE with a $5 purchase in the Cafe!!
6:30-8:30pm, Thursday Sept. 27th at the Open Center NY Bookstore, 22E 30th St., NYC, 212-219-2527