Dark Paganism

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Dark Paganism

Postby deacongray » Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:12 pm

Dark Paganism

By, Gypsy Valentine and Primus D of House Scarlet Moon
"Some are born to sweet delight, some are born to Endless Night" – William Blake
In 1794, when William Blake wrote "Auguries of Innocence," he could not have fathomed the number of dark souls this phrase would touch. Some of us are born to endless night; only when we walk in shadows do we find true enlightenment.
Dark Paganism is a movement within the magickal community – one with nearly as many different facets as the number of practitioners themselves. Essays have been written stating that Dark Paganism is merely a path combining gothic fashion, the vampyre subculture, and a misguided definition of "left hand path."
Such generalizations diminish the significance of the dark spirit that stirs and speaks within us. For some of us are born to Endless Night - and in us the dark flame of personal gnosis burns. This darkness is associated with the occult mysteries and the wisdom that comes from gazing into the abyss. It is here that some of the most enlightening mysteries lie, and it is here that you must go to master your passions and to greet your inner true self. This darkness should not be feared, because within that fear lies ignorance. (This article is completed at http://www.thegraveyardpress.com/dark_paganism.htm
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