Our Energy Centers and Ascension
Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan, February 2008
Every being yearns of being reunited with the Source however one views that Source to be. This yearning pulls us down many paths and journeys to self discovery and a state of balance that allows us to awaken and then re~awaken to our higher form. The lie of separation does not prevent us from transcending the mundane and achieving the infinite. To aid us in this path to re~awakening and remembrance and to remember the limitless beings we once were, we are given points in our bodies with very specific functions that allow us to gradually raise our vibrations and ascend to our higher forms. These points are energy centers or chakras that help us balance our spirits as well as our bodies. They run in a line down the center of our bodies and govern each segment, but also a different part of spiritual development. If just one is blocked the path to ascension is halted.
Usually the blockage is something simple, such as fear caused by the confusion a newly opened chakra can cause. As physical beings we don't always welcome change. In fact most of us fight it every step of the way.
You may wonder what this has to do with you as a vampyre, but it is because we are already on the path to ascension and thus already have a heightened vibration that we are vampyres. It is because of these centers that we are able to travel in our sleep, heal our donors, and the community that we live in. These energy points allow us to awaken, hone, and utilize abilities that others only dream of having.
The chakra that roots us to the physical plane can be found between the balls of our feet and is the grounding chakra that connects us to the earth and allows us to release energies back into the earth. We first learn to use this as a means of releasing old ideas, fears, emotions, and then later as a part of ritual as a means of returning residual energy back into the earth.
The first chakra is the root chakra found at the base of the spine or the sacral point. This center houses the kundalini energy that awakens the other centers into full potential. This is the fire of creativity, passion, and action. This is the also the location for the beginning of the ascension process as it triggers the awakening and opening of all other centers throughout the body, mind, and spirit. It is often referred to as the serpent energy for the way in which it coils around the sacral chakra.
The second chakra is located near the spleen and is the chakra of sexual energy. This houses our desires and drive to commune with other beings, even if only on a physical level. It is the desire for reunification that drives us to cleave to each other, to exchange energies, and allows this chakra to aid the fifth chakra in emotional development and experience.
The chakra that we vampyres hear the most about is the core chakra that is located within our solar plexus. Many of us automatically guard this chakra by placing our hands folded over it when we are uncomfortable. This chakra holds our basic soul energy. When this chakra opens we begin our awakening process, but it can not happen until the other previous chakras have already opened. Astral projection, out of body events, and even dream walking and in some cases even feeding does not occur until this chakra has opened as it is one of two places that the soul enters and leaves the body.
Once the soul has awakened we learn compassion, friendship, and love. We learn the truth of ourselves and those around us and it is through these experiences that our fifth chakra is opened, the heart chakra. This is the energy center of healing and limiteless compassion, but only if we allow it to remain open. Should the chakra become unbalanced through bitterness, hatred, anger, and constant strife the awakening process is stopped until the chakra is allowed to open. This is the source of healing and healers use this energy center to process their patient’s illness into a more dense form before sending it to the first chakra to be released. This is also the source of our spiritual vibrations. It performs as transmutation of information from our higher soul chakras to our higher physical chakras resulting in a vibrational flow that has density, pitch, and form. When this happens spiritual energy is transformed into physical energy that results in emotions, attachments, and bonds.
This rarely happens without the use of the throat chakra which allows communication and release to occur. It is important to use this chakra wisely as the damage that occurs is not truly to the other person but to ourself. These two chakras are perhaps the hardest to remain open because when we meet adversity we first feel emotional then we feel rational then we begin to heal. These emotions are stored here and must be released in order for the chakra to work properly. The inability to release is simply the physical body’s way of telling the spiritual body that it is not yet prepared to move on to a higher state of awareness. These physical things prevent us from moving forward spiritually. In the end they must be dealt with or the ascension process is stopped until the person has released and healed.
This center may also be used as a tool for raising the state of awareness thus heightening the vibration of the spiritual body by chanting, toning, and harmonizing the energy field to a peaceful and mindful state. When this center is open and free flowing it awakens the third eye chakra found between the two physical eyes.
When the vibrations of the soul are heightened by the fourth and fifth chakras the 6th chakra, or the third eye chakra found between the physical eyes, opens. This center allows for sensory perception and abilities to manifest by allowing the mind to perceive that which is not seen with the physical eyes. This is the home of intuition, of psychic awareness and of an awareness of something greater than the physical world around us. When this center opens we begin to see the world and the universe through new eyes as our perception of the reality we perceive begin to change.
The crown chakra is that chakra found just above the head, as if it is floating atop our head. This is the last chakra to be opened on the ascension path between the mundane world and the infinite. This chakra serves as the gate to the higher soul chakras found in the spiritual body itself. When this chakra is open, psychic abilities manifest and a greater sense of interconnectivity is felt.
When all of these centers are opened and aligned properly they awaken the next four chakra centers. These centers concern themselves with the spiritual aspects of the individual rather than the physical aspects of the other 7. They hold within them the Akashic records, past life memories, and spiritual blueprinting that determine the individual’s path to ascension. Generally there are two points in the person’s physical development that halts the process. These points are between the grounding chakra at the feet and the sacral and the point between the heart and the throat. This is because the center between the feet is the grounding point for release and so this is an important part of the process. A person who does not learn to release blocks their own path of which is the beginning point in the kundalini chakra.
The 8th chakra is found aligned above the crown chakra and is the conduit of psychic abilities and spiritual information from the higher self to the physical self. This is also the chakra that holds and maintains whatever emotions or goals that were not maintained within the previous incarnations, or our karma. It is important to remember that the universe maintains balance and does not keep cosmic tabs on our behavior. We alone are responsible for those life lessons. The purpose of karma is to allow us to release those pains and trials that left residual spots in our aura that halted our ascensions in the past so that we can learn from them and move foreward. Once the door to the physical world is closed and the one of the spiritual world is opened, the individual, their perception, and their outlook is changed forever. This is the point in your development that you begin to see the world through new eyes. Simple things trigger hours upon hours of deep thought. You begin to see the universe not as a singular thing that is far off but as something dimensional of which you are an integral part.
Once you are able to view the universe on higher level, the 9th chakra opens and your spiritual blueprint comes into play. Your blueprint is the map that you create prior to your first incarnation that holds every experience an individual may encounter and the many paths those experiences may hold. The choices that you make in physical form activate the paths made on the spiritual realm. The skills, abilities, lessons, wisdoms, and soul type (creator, healer, or teacher) are found in this chakra. Generally when a person realizes the type of soul path they have maintained (based upon how many lifetimes have been spent in each of these paths) the way becomes smoother and the transition is easier. When they fight against it, life becomes more stringent and less wisdom is gleaned from the experience.
Just as there is a pivotal point betwen the two lower chakras there are also two pivotal points in the higher chakras. The point between the 7t and the 8th chakras and the point between the 11th and 12th. The first pivotal point is the gap that must be bridged between awareness and knowing. It is the same pivotal point of enlightenment between being a specific thing and simply Being. This point begins the process by which the physical body is shed and the spiritual body is freed. In short it is the shedding of self and the loss of identity and physical boundaries.
When the tenth chakra opens the skills stored in the 9th chakra begin to flow and manifest. This is the chakra of harmony, balance, and polarity. A person can only open this chakra if they are in a position of balance between the masculine and feminine energies of the universe. This is because divine energy has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with balance. An equal presence of both energies and the acceptance and love of both energies must be present for this divine energy to flow freely and open this chakra to align the following one.
The 11th chakra begins the integration process between the soul and the spirit. The soul is that part of us that even though is pure energy, it is bound to the physical form. The spirit is that part of us that is boundless. It has no form and is vast. Nor does is have restrictions, mass, or time limitations. It is our self in the true infinite state of awareness and Oneness. On this level the glimpse of multidimensional existence that began in the 8th chakra is vastly opened to include not merely a multidimensional state of awareness but also a multidimensional view of oneself. At this point one becomes aware that time, matter, and reality are all nonexistent and instead of awareness occurring on one facet, it occurs on many as all dimensions of the self become awakened and harmonic. As one dimensional self becomes awakened abilities and memories from the 10th chakra begin to open, thus even though the 10th chakra is open it does not fully awaken until the 11th chakra has begun the ascension process.
When this happens dimensional doorways open up and we may have memories of other existences, other languages, other skills, or people. Greater instances of déjà vu and precognition or flashes of very different current lives, anticipation, fear, confusion, the feeling that one is too large for the skin they are in, or an influx of wisdom, are just a few examples of what happens when this process begins.
This is the second pivotal point in the higher levels between the 11th and 12th. At this point the soul recognizes it's impending freedom but it has been so long in a finite form that it is unsure of the lack of mass. The emotional body responds by becoming fearful of ascending and losing that comfort zone and so a blockage may form until the energy of the person is once again stored to a balanced state and the fear has been healed and released.
The 12th chakra is the mirror image of our spiritual self. This is the highest center that triggers the transubstantiation from finite form to infinite form. This is the point of release as the physical body is shed and the spiritual body is allowed to expand into its true essence which is infinite, formless, and timeless.
It is important to remember that this process may take years, decades, and lifetimes to occur. Also remember that as humans we tend to respond to change on an emotional level that effect the process. Fear stops the process. Failure to properly maintain a grounded state, allow growth, and release harmful emotions and experiences hinders the process.