Are Vampires Real?

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Are Vampires Real?

Postby The Madame X » Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:36 am

Online version of the article from Paranormal Magazine UK Issue 42
(December 2009): ... ires-real/

Are Vampires Real?
Monday, January 11, 2010

(This feature can be found in Paranormal Magazine issue 42)

Yes, they are, claims veteran researcher BRAD STEIGER. After decades of
study, Brad has developed an astonishing – and alarming– theory
about the origin and reality of these most enduring of monsters.

The vampire legend has always been with us, from the shadows of the
ancient Egyptian pyramids to the bright lights of New York City. Every
culture has its own name for the night stalker. The word with which most
of us are familiar rises from the Slavonic Magyar vam, meaning blood and
Tpir, meaning monster.

The traditional physical appearance of a vampire in European folklore is
grotesque, a nightmarish creature with twisted fangs and grasping
talons. The cinematic depiction of the vampire in F.W. Murnau's
Nosferatu (1922) presented moviegoers with an accurate depiction of the
traditional vampire. In this film, which was Murnau's unauthorized
version of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula, we see actor Max
Schreck's loathsome bloodsucker, Count Orlock, skittering about in
the shadows with dark-ringed, hollowed eyes, pointed devil ears, and
hideous fangs. With his long, blood-stained talons, his egg-shaped head
and pasty white complexion, Schreck's Nosferatu captures the classic
appearance of the undead as seen in the collective nightmares of

After Stoker's novel became a popular stage play in 1927 and, in
1931, a classic horror film with Bela Lugosi portraying the Count as a
sophisticated aristocrat, the image of the vampire as a hideous demon
began to become transformed in the popular consciousness into that of an
attractive stranger who possesses a bite that, while fatal, also
promises eternal life.

In the decades that have followed Lugosi's iconic appearance, the
demonic vampire of legend gradually became replaced by beguilingly
romantic figures – figures which have proved the inspiration for a
thriving Vampire Community existing today.


Merticus is the administrator for Voices of the Vampire Community, a
high profile member of `a visible and vibrant community of people
who are using the label [vampire] to describe themselves'.

Merticus explains: `When a serious member of the vampire community
describes themselves as a vampire, they are not trying to tell you that
they think they're a fictional character with supernatural powers or
that they hope you're gullible enough to believe they're
hundreds of years old and live in a castle. They're not even
claiming kinship with the folkloric monster that frightened the people
of Central Europe and has them performing vampire-banishing rituals to
this day.'

The unifying factor is that members of the community really believe
themselves to be vampires, an attitude supported by the fact that, as
Merticus puts it, `there is no functioning definition of a real

He continues: `This is primarily because no one knows what the cause
of the phenomenon actually is, and the community has coalesced around a
set of loosely shared perceptions and symptoms rather than a central
organizing principle.

`Therefore, we can describe some common experiences involved in
being a vampire, but these shouldn't be taken as a definitive
vampire checklist. There are no known necessary and sufficient
conditions to be met before you can be a vampire. Likewise, there's
no single definitive sign that someone is not a real vampire.'

Merticus adds that the most common experience vampires share is the need
to take in life energy or blood, from sources outside themselves, to
maintain spiritual, psychic, and physical health.

`Blood-drinking, or sanguinarian, vampires have to consume small,
polite amounts of human blood from willing donors,' Merticus said.
`The majority of sanguiniarians report taking only an ounce or less
at a time; usually no more than once a week. Feeding is absolutely a
health necessity: vampires have reported many negative physical symptoms
when trying to ignore this need to feed.

`Psychic vampires, or psivamps, feed on psychic energy. Some
psivamps enter into relationships with donors in the same way that
sanguinarian vampires do, while others cultivate techniques for
absorbing ambient energy from crowds and public places, so as not to
take from any one source.'

Of course, not everyone who considers themselves a vampire prove so
civilized in their behaviour.


Photo: RICHARD TRENTON CHASE: One of the most notorious mass murderers
who believed themselves to be vampires

From the time of his birth on May 23, 1950, it seemed that Richard
Trenton Chase of Sacramento, California, had been born under an unlucky
star. As a child he was a bedwetter, a firestarter, and a killer of
small animals.

When he started high school, Chase became convinced that a Nazi crime
syndicate had targeted him and was paying his mother to poison him with
a chemical that was turning his blood into powder. As an antidote to
keep his heart beating, Chase began killing and disemboweling small
animals, mixing their organs with Coca-Cola in a blender, and drinking
the potion.

In 1975, after he injected rabbit's blood into his veins and
developed blood poisoning, Chase was committed to a mental asylum. Even
here he found a way to continue his obsession, by capturing birds that
landed on his window sill and eating them.

In 1976 Chase was released to his mother with a prescription for an
antipsychotic medicine. In mid-1977, he was found wandering nude in the
Lake Tahoe area. A bucket containing blood and a liver was later found
in his Ford Ranchero. In this case the vital fluid did not belong to a
human.He killed his first person in December 29, 1977, in a drive-by
shooting. About a month later, Chase shot 22-year-old Teresa Wallin
three times. He dragged her body
into the bedroom of her home, where he stabbed her repeatedly, smeared
her blood over his hands and face, and used a yogurt cup to catch some
of her blood to drink.

Two days later, Chase bought two puppies from a neighbor, killed them
and drank their blood. However, he decided animal blood did not give him
the satisfaction he gained from drinking human blood.

On January 27, Chase committed his most appalling crime. He murdered
four people within minutes of each other: Evelyn Miroth, her
six-year-old son, her friend Danny Meredith and her 22-month-old nephew,
whom she was baby-sitting. Chase removed several organs from the bodies
of Miroth and her son and drank his victims' blood from a cup. He
left behind him several perfect bloody handprints which swiftly led to
his arrest.


Illustration: BEAUTY AND THE BESTIAL: Hungarian noble, Elizabeth
Bathory notoriously blood-let young women and bathed in their life fluid
to preserve her youth

Vlad Tepes – known as the Impaler because of his habit of staking
his enemies on sharpened wooden posts – was a 15th century king of
Wallcahia (present day Romania) and has often been cited as an
inspiration for Dracula. He was also known as Vlad Dracul (meaning
`Son of the Dragon'), so lending his name to Stoker's

However, there is no evidence to suggest Vlad was a vampire. Cruel he
certainly was but in his homeland he is regarded as a national hero,
responsible for halting the apparently unstoppable encroaches of the
Ottoman Turks. Indeed Vlad could reasonably be regarded as a saviour of
the Western world. To call him a creature of darkness in Romania would
be comparable in the United States to calling George Washington a

However, there does exist a historical connection between Vlad Dracul
and a real vampire. Erzsebet (Elisabeth) Bathory belonged to the same
family as one of Vlad's right-hand men. The teenage Elisabeth, known
for her beauty and her flawless complexion, married Ferenc Nasady in
1575. Nasady was another family name with a sinister reputation, and the
young Count Ferenc had a streak of sadism running through him.

It is likely that Elisabeth would have remained just another depraved
aristocrat if her husband had stayed at home to keep her happy but
Ferenc was often engaged in warfare with the Turks for long periods.
While he was away the castle guests began taking on a strange
appearance, as Elisabeth's personal serving maid Iloona Joo and two
lesbian witches named Darvula and Dorka summoned bizarre acquaint ances
from all over the countryside to amuse their lonely mis tress. Some of
the visitors claimed to be vampires or werewolves. Others were witches,
wizards, and alchemists.

Many hideous and gruesome experiments were performed by these disciples
of Satan, and they often featured the torturing of servant girls to
enliven a dull afternoon. Jonas Ujvary, the castle's chief torturer,
would select girls from the staff on whom to practice his skills with
branding irons and executions.

When Ferenc died in battle in 1604, Elisabeth found herself a single
woman in her forties, concerned that she was no longer young and
beautiful. One night a serving maid spilled a small portion of the wine
she had been pouring for her mistress. The Countess struck the girl in
the face and sent a splattering of blood on her hand. When she brushed
the drops of blood away, it seemed to her that the skin beneath appeared
softer and younger.

Quickly the Countess summoned Iloona Joo and told her that she had just
discovered a vital element to the secret of eternal youth. While the
burly guards held the terrifi ed serving girl, the Countess drew a pan
of blood from her veins and began bathing her body with the blood she
had stolen. In her eyes, her complexion improved immediately.

With a desperate passion for retaining her allure, the fiery-eyed
Elisabeth Bathory of Hun gary set out to keep a regular supply of
maidens in stock to bleed for her bath. She would also take sips of
their blood in the belief it would keep her young. For 11 terrible years
the horrible acts of torture and murder were allowed to continue. At
last, her deeds were brought to the attention of the court in Vienna and
King Matthias of Hungary was compelled to act. Bathory's castle was
raided on New Year's Eve, 1610.

They found dead and dying bodies of young women strewn about the floor,
some of them horribly mutilated. From the sounds upstairs they knew that
a huge, drunken revelry was taking place. The raiders quietly sealed off
the exits from the castle and arrested everyone inside. The exact number
of young women murdered by Elisabeth Bathory may never be known, but the
most accepted total of her victims is about 650.

A year later Dorka, Ilona Joo, Janos Ujvary, and a number of other
witches were put to death and their bodies burned. Because of her
influential name, Countess Bathory was imprisoned under house arrest and
placed in a walled-up set of rooms. Her body was found on August 21,
1614. Nearly 50 when she died, the Countess of Blood was still a
remarkably beautiful woman.

Officers later said the putrid odour of Chase's residence was
overwhelming. Nearly everything in his home was stained with blood and
the refrigerator was filled with body parts. An electric blender on the
kitchen counter was stained and clogged with decaying flesh. There were
numerous dog collars scattered around various rooms, but no sign of any
living dogs.

Chase was subsequently examined by a dozen psychiatrists. He only once
admitted he was disturbed about killing his victims, but only because he
was concerned that their spirits might return to haunt him. He seemed to
experience no real guilt for what he had done. He said he needed human
blood to combat his many afflictions, that blood drinking was

Convicted of six counts of first degree murder, Chase cheated the gas
chamber by taking his own life in his cell at San Quentin Penitentiary.


When he was 13, Sean Sellers, a self-proclaimed `Devil Child',
made a pact with the devil and sealed it by drinking his own blood. From
that time on, he kept a jar of his blood in the refrigerator, hidden
behind the eggs. He later told the authorities he drank a lot of blood,
just like a vampire.

The teenage Sean began holding nightly rituals in his Oklahoma home and
inviting demons to possess his body. Soon the demons had renamed him
`Ezurate' and told him his power would grow if he were to kill
someone. On Sunday, September 8, 1985, sometime after midnight,
Sean/Ezurate killed his first victim, an Oklahoma City night clerk
called Robert Bower.

Just a few minutes before midnight on March 14, 1986, Sean stripped down
to his black underwear and conducted a demonic ritual while his parents
slept one bedroom away. Then, he later told police investigators, the
temperature in his room suddenly dropped 10 degrees. Sharp, clawed
fingers touched his flesh, and he was surrounded by demons flying all
around him in a strange kind of mist.

In the next few moments, Sean entered his parents' bedroom and shot
them both in the head. He truly loved his parents, he insisted, but he
laughed at the blood that poured from their wounds.

On October 2, 1986, Sean Sellers was convicted of first-degree murder.
At the age of 15, he became the youngest prisoner on Oklahoma's
death row.


In the example of the demon `Ezurate', who took possession of
young Sean Sellers, I believe we have an example of a real vampire. Real
Vampires are not the undead, returning from crypt or cemetery plot to
steal blood, the vital fluid of existence from the living. Real vampires
are parasitic, shape-shifting entities that feed upon the energy, the
life force, and the souls of humans. From whatever dimension of time and
space they have come, real vampires may be compared to an ancient,
insidious virus that first infects, then controls its host body, causing
it to in turn possess other victims.

Real vampires are the spawn of timeless entities such as Lilith, the
seductive fallen angel, or of other paraphysical beings who have
traversed the boundaries of time and space to prey upon humankind.

Lilith is most often depicted as a beautiful woman with long, unkempt
hair and large bat-like wings. Lilith quite likely was first feared in
ancient Babylon as Lilitu, who, together with Ekimmu, wandered the night
world in search of victims for their insatiable blood lust. In Hebrew
folklore, Lilith was Father Adam's wife before the creation of Eve,
the true chosen mother of humankind. The terrible night creatures known
as the incubi and the succubi were the children of Adam and Lilith.

Venerable traditions state that such entities as Lilith and her spawn
first manifested on earth at a time when the gods were said to walk
freely among evolving humankind. To these godlike creatures of darkness,
the primitive humans who regarded them with such awe and reverence were
property, chattel from which to gain energy and sustenance.

The apocryphal book of Enoch tells of the order of angels called
`Watchers', or `The Sleepless Ones'. The leader of the
Watchers was called Semjaza or Shemhazai (in other places, Azazel, the
name of one of the Hebrews' principal demons), who led 200 Watchers
down to Earth to take wives from among the daughters of men. It was from
such a union that the Nephilim were born.

The Nephilim are said in the Old Testament to have been the progeny of
the `sons of god', whose union with earth women produced
`giants…men of great renown'. Although often translated as
`giants', the word Nephilim actually means `the fallen

Since the Watchers manifested on Earth as angels, the Watchers were
beings of spirit essence, rather than flesh and blood. What these fallen
ones invading Earth needed from the sons and daughters of humans was
their blood and their flesh so that they might become corporeal beings.
The Watchers and the Nephilim were the first real vampires to exploit
humankind, and they continue today to feed on the life force of humans
– both their blood and their spirit.

It is interesting to note that all of the world's major religions
speak of a duality of the gods or demigods that came to Earth – some
to exploit; others to teach; some to enslave; others to free. In Muslim
traditions, the Jinn are demons who possess a wide variety of
supernatural powers. Some scholars declare the Jinn a bit lower than the
angels, because they were created of smoke and fire. Their leader is
Iblis, once hailed as Azazel, the Islamic counterpart of the Devil.

The Jinn are mentioned frequently in the Qur'an, but the entities
were known before the Prophet Muhammed wrote of their existence. In
pre-Islamic Arabia, the Jinn were revered as godlike beings who
inhabited a world parallel to that of humans.

Many scholars of mysticism and the esoteric declare one type of
Rakshasas – the unrighteous spirits of Hindu belief – to be the
Hindu equivalent of the Nephilim. The evil Rakshasas most often appear
as beautiful women who drink the blood and feed off the flesh of men and
women. The Rakshasas also possess shape-shifting abilities, and they
take great delight in possessing vulnerable human hosts and causing them
to commit acts of violence until they are driven insane.

The ancient Persians and Chaldeans named those angels who fell to Earth
the Cacodaemons. Cast out of heaven (another world, another universe)
for rebelling against the prevailing order, their leader, Ahrimanes, was
determined to rule Earth and the primitive humans who resided there.
However, the Agathodaemons, the representatives of universal law,
prevented Ahrimanes from exploiting or interfering with the natural
evolution of humans.

According to the Persians, the Cacodaemons were rejected from Earth and
took refuge in the space between Earth and the fixed stars, a domain
which is known as Ahriman-abad. It is from this dimension that
Ahrimanes, resentful and revengeful, takes his pleasure in directing his
daemons to afflict and torment human beings.

Throughout all of history, these paraphysical beings, mimicking our
human forms, have walked among us unnoticed, sowing discord wherever
they wander, sapping our soul energy, invading host bodies whenever
possible, causing vulnerable humans to seek the blood of their fellow

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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