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House of the Dreaming • View topic - The Healing from Feeding and the Devils Advocate

The Healing from Feeding and the Devils Advocate

Nonfiction literary compositions

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The Healing from Feeding and the Devils Advocate

Postby deacongray » Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:25 pm

The Healing from Feeding and the Devils Advocate
By JannyC © 2009

I will play Devils Advocate being the scientific minded person that I am.

The feeling and the healing we get from feeding weather it blood or energy or both. You feel a whole lot better and it healing to you as well.

What if it was just a mind over matter effect? The mind is a powerful thing and if we think the blood is healing or energy is healing then it will be right?

Not quite my friends. As I mentioned I am some what scientific minded and I am the most skeptic believer. How can that be? Well I have experience things that my scientific mind can not explain, seen thing. I have run it through every possible rational outcome and it comes out the same. I may be scientific minded and skeptic but I am not closed minded. I believe any thing is possible the world is filled with so much we don’t know yet because we only see with half our eyes open. With that being said we shall go on.

Now is it possible that this energy and blood that we need is a mind over matter thing because we think it heals us and so it does?

In my awakening I can say for me no. Because being a vampire was something I did not want to be. I still dislike saying I am I more so maybe just have vampiric nature I really don’t know all I know is my body energy system is faulty and when I feed on energy it does wondrous things and I was not really thinking at the time oh this energy is going to make me better no way was I thinking that when I fed. Low and behold though I did. The chronic pain in my body lessened more that any drug could and I had energy! I was happy! It still baffles me in this. I sometimes let myself slip and not feed for a while and I start to feel crappy and it like this inner instinct know what I need but I’m like no not yet. Then I finally cave and feed and gosh it’s a rush and once again I feel so much better. My pain lessens. So mind over matter sorry Devil you lost.

( this and other articles can be found at www.thegraveyardpress.com )
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Postby Taris » Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:51 am

What we perceive is our reality is our reality. We think on right and wrong, good and evil, light and dark, god, and the universe yet never look at it from the larger view. Societal and individual perceptions.
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