by Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:23 pm
Yes definitely. The ronin by him or herself has no support system within the community. While they may have friends, even very close ones, if there is a community dispute the Ronin has no one to turn to. Households in general do not get involved in outside affairs. So if you were having an issue with another member of the community who belonged to one household and could not establish an audience with that Elder to get it settled (and that is entirely possible), it is unlikely that any other House within that area is going to get involved.
They have no one to monitor their growth, evaluate their potential, and there is no way for a Ronin to elevate him or herself without the benefit of an Elder, who has already established a Household. A Ronin may start their own Household, however even so they need the blessing of a minimum of two Elders (and this depends upon how many Families reside in a given area lest there be territorial disputes) sometimes three and should have been elevated to a stature befitting someone to open a Household. One can attain Calmaeship as a Ronin and be able to open their own Household should they opt to...however, they can not elevate higher than that without another established Elder as a Ronin.
As all three roads go, a Ronin Kitra has no support system. Kitra need the balance of other Kitras, and their counsel. The reason for this is that Kitras often find themselves in the position of counselors to many people and they are very empathic by nature. If they keep everything in and do not ground properly they may end up overloaded emotionally, drained mentally, and ill physically. Ronin Kitras also have another problem that relates to an aforementioned issue as well. They tend to be very charismatic. People are drawn to them, and well sometimes a restraining order really doesn't mean I love you. They tend to attract stalkers and the obsessive types because they emit energy that is addictive. A Ronin on her own has to deal with this singularly, and so does the stalker. A Kitra with a Family is suddenly more intimidating. There truly is safety in numbers. The other problem the Kitra has is that he or she has to be everything in one roll. They have to be their own Ramkt, their own Mradu, and they have to do so efficiently to balance their energies. I can tell you that this is no small feat and it is extremely easy for someone in this caste to get burned out very quickly whereas a Kitra that ihas a Family and other people are sharing those roles things are a little more distributed.
The Mradu also has to be Kitra and Ramkt. The Ramkt also has to be Kitra and Mradu and so forth. Without others to balance them out they have only theirself to learn from. The idea is that they all come together and balance each other out. I'm pinched for time at the moment but there are some articles on the forum regarding the castes...check out another one I did that deals strictly with ronin multicasting, which is basicly what someone has to do when they are Ronin.
If you have more questions don't hesitate to ask. There are many sources here and also many brilliant minds.