This Section of our Forum

Nonfiction literary compositions

Moderator: The Madame X

This Section of our Forum

Postby The Madame X » Fri Dec 02, 2005 9:50 am

Just to let you know that this public area of our discussion forum is open to all members of our forum to post articles of community interest either of their own authorship or with respective credit to the source.
Most of you enjoy writing and reading, and this is the perfect area to communicate on topics that require more than a few sentences. This is also a perfect area to learn from and discuss the presented articles.
If you scroll down you will see interesting articles on therianothropy, energy and magic among others.

Pls note this is a public area, viewable by those who browse of site.
If you wish to respond, or post an article of interest, you will need to register as a forum participant.

Dark Embraces
Madame X
Ex Somnius Scientia
Madame X
Matriarch, House of the Dreaming
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The Madame X
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Posts: 7268
Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:48 am
Location: Portugal / NJ US

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