by The Madame X » Wed May 23, 2007 6:54 pm
The double edged thing about scene names is their turnoff value. Scene names are our calling card, often they are our first words and our closing note, and they are what we first offer to others as a first impression piece.
Some common turn offs are: Cliches, bad sad combinations, bad spelling choices, cartoony names, RPG names, acronyms / abbreviations and names that make you sound dumb.
Cliches are turn off number one but we've learned to live with them as they unfortunately permeate the Community ... cliche' names include: wolf, raven, vamp, lilith, cane, drac... These names which may be a shoe-in for you, are so over used in the scene, that they are literally beaten into the ground. You may not want to be the 6th multicolored Wolf on anyones' Rolodex.
Bad sad combinations make folks want to cringe. What we may think sounds catchy may actually be in poor taste. Ask yourself: would a self-respecting community elder have such a name? Funny is usually bad. Rhymmy is usually sad. Rude Blood Dude is horrible!
Creative spelling choices are dangerous. Generally folks assume you misspelled your own name... and that's bad. Accidental text misspellings are bad enough. When using alternate spellings or a spelling change, make it subtle like: Jesabell from Jezebel. .. and Gsus from Jesus. Avoid apparent mistakes like: Lusifer and Drecula.
Cartoony names like Dewy Duck, Seedy Gonzalo, and Mighty Mouser are downright immature and will get you only disrespect (and maybe a few chuckles). It may be catchy, but if it sounds remotely cartoony, stay away from it. So...Don't use the Pirate Name Generator, Don't use the Goth Name Generator and definitely Don't use the Vampyre Name Generator for anything other than laughs.
Role Paying Inspired names, scream one thing:"I'm a roleplayer!!" Its a shame, but if you use WhiteWolf inspired names like: Ventrue, Ravenos, Cataiff, etc... You will automatically be dismissed for being a gamer wannabe. There are quite a few old school individuals with RPG inspired names who had to more than prove themselves to earn community respect. No need to start out with a name that may be counterproductive from the get go.
In the age of acronyms and abbreviations, its hard to stay away from them, particularly if we are looking for a scene name. But keep in mind that not everyone has your background and while you may understand the initials or abbreviations, others will mostlikely misinterpret them. Stay away altogether from extended acronyms as most folks will find those hard to recall. Abbreviations are dangerous they are misleading and often misinterpreted.
Ultimately you want a name that conveys your interests, personality, history, etc... a classy name, worthy of an Elder, not one that makes you sound less appealing, less talented or less polite. Poor choices would be: Lord Nothing, VampTramp, BloodWhore, Staked N. Stupid, etc...