
Nonfiction literary compositions

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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:33 pm


Magic is a very real way of life, indeed magic is life itself. There are two accepted spellings of the word magic. The “k” is commonly added to segregate it from the word magic denoting trickery or illusions. It is used without a k here because magic is just that. It is reaching into the illusion, becoming it even for a brief time and taking care that it does not shred, pulling it gently into the world we acknowledge as real. It is both an extension of ourselves and ourselves, the universe and universal mind manifested as perfect will and intention, a natural occurance cleverly masquerading as something supernatural.

Magic is the very essence of life, life manifesting itself through the thoughtforms of the Source. The magician carefully weaves their magic as an elaborate tapestry. So were we woven. Along with the mysteries of life we were given the mysteries of the very universe itself. Reaching into ourselves and outside of ourselves, we gingerly touch the fragile Veil of Mysteries and see into the illusion of life and beyond it, pulling our manifestations from the tender strands into the mundane world.

Magic is as natural as breathing and the very breath we take. It is the great I Am as we bring our divinity to the forefront, invoking within ourselves the power of the universe, our Creators, and ourselves. As being a part of the illusion that is everything we believe is reality, we have within us the power to shape our accepted realities, our dreams, and our lives with the release of our passions and intentions. Reaching into ourselves and allowing our spiritual link to the Divine to reach into the ether and connecting with that which is all and with ourselves we become creators.

The illusion of life is held in place by our accepted realities and just as our points of view may be changed as we grow and expand our minds and spirits, so do the veils of illusion slip away and allow us greater possibilities. As we become more aware of the illusion that is our realities and our lives and ourselves, we glean a greater acknowledgement of the connection between our dreams and our physical presence. The ultimate transendence is the final removal of the physical being and the complete assimilation into the illusion itself. When we perform magic or when we acknowledge ourselves as magical beings, we touch the immortality of the spirit and grow closer to the Divine thus also growing closer to transcending the mundane and becoming the final dream that is the total connection and reunion with the Ancients.

Magic allows us this reunion and is not merely something that is found in circle, in ritual, within tools, or books. A teacher can not instruct a student that does not carry the magic within their soul. No amount of experience can explain the all encompassing presence of Spirit within the life of someone who has opened themselves up to the grand illusion and reached into it becoming a thread within it. It is everything we see and everything we do not see. It is everything that was and everything that is to come. It is the fabric of the Veil of Mysteries and the Mysteries themselves. Magic does not allow us control over others, but rather teaches us control over ourselves as we move forward into claiming our rightful places as wielders of power with humility and grace.

Magic is believing not only in the balance of all things, but in the truth of absolute love and the hope of becoming love and truth as to move into a state of balance with everything and everyone around us. Magic is the essence of our spiritual selves transcending mathematical equations and astronomical evolutions to become our own manifestation of the dream. In short, magic is everything and in everything, and a part of everything. We do not use magic, we become it. We do not access higher powers, we carry it within us. It is the ability to believe the unbelievable and to achieve the imagineable.

Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan
copyright January 20, 2005
Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby The Madame X » Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:09 pm

Magik never was about a scrupulous mysticism - it never stood in
strange separation from daily activity, as if you could lock it in a
ritual room, visited in imperious moments to provoke a Will to
manifest. Magik was never about a complaisant scientific
experimenting guarded carefully as a wish-fulfilling jewel. You
cannot lock it away as a tool, a means to an end. And this is why
there are numerous texts prophesying Magikal arts that have only
amounted to interesting reading. And the few occult works with
finagled promise of a supreme power takes the form of a nonchalant
insanity. Magik, to date, in the vast mass of civilization, remains
a theoretical notion, a patronisingly treacherous entertainment,
because those who speak about it are stuck purely at speech. And the
reason for this is simple. Magik is misunderstood. By boxing it into
an art of concentrated will, into a numinous collection of ancient
words that unlock hidden doors, by making it into a mutated
empowerment, the realm of Magik has been infiltrated with half-lies
upon half-lies. We have treated Magik like a potion - a concoction;
take a swig and transform into that which you delectably desire. Did
you seriously think you could plaster a plaque announcing your
Mastership in Magikal Arts, and consider yourself credible? And now,
we exist in a world that does not see Magik anywhere. Except for
fleeting moments within yourselves that you rapidly disregard though
it haunts you forever.

This journal, then, is the correction of this colossal
misrepresentation. The task here is not to salvage Magik back to its
glory; it was the glory that destroyed it. The task, rather, is to
return it to its original state: a state of humility. Creation
itself is Magik. Even more poignantly, the Spirit that forms the
whole of Spirituality - is Magik. For too long has this phenomenon
been separated wrongfully into two different things. The Mindfulness
that induces miraculous feats from the Yogis, the sanctity of the
Gnostics, the battleground of the Shaman, the Nowness of the New-
Ager, the radiance of the Muslim, the stillness of the Buddhists,
the transcendence of Rastafarians, the healing touch of Reiki, the
chanting of the Pagan, and the prayer of the Christian - all cause
for Spiritual Peace, is a gift of Magik. The importance of
integrating Spirit and Magik as one is unmistakable now. This intent
of dissolving differences is fundamental to the spiritual process -
it is in line with the everlasting Tantric law: separating and
comparing the truth that underlies all forms is the cause for
suffering. It is the cause of loneliness. This is why Tantra bids
you to integrate. Yet the integration is but the first step towards
the panorama of the Magikal.

A Magikian is a wielder of elements. An invoker of miracles. Thus
far, this divinely human mastery has been regarded as elite, as
accessible to only those with innate supernatural power. Yet, when
the inner Spirit, and Magik, is shown to be one and the same, it
bids the question, who among us is not latently supernatural? This
book is extraordinary for this very reason. It marks an ordinary
human's self-discovery, in the manner of a day-to-day journal. I was
presented with the Quest of Merlin - the Seven Crystals Quest. In
its undertaking unravels my transformation into a wielder; and a
potent array of trials littered across my journey. Ordinary,
everyday trials. Doubt. Scepticism. Laziness. Boredom. Restlessness.
Confusion. These are the hardest of them all, are they not? How else
will every single person who reads this book, be it of any age, race
or vocation, understand on an unconsciously seeded depth that they
too are Magik itself in manifestation. This is a book of
experiences. Not a book of theory. It accounts not only the triumphs
or the realisations, but the failures and the great distrust of the
common man upon his own vitality. But most importantly, it reveals
the nature of free-will.

Most people are only in desire of peace of mind. Contentment. Yet
how will traversing calmness ever be available to them as long as
they remain ignorant of their own nature? This is everyone's journey
through one man's eye. Presented with breathtaking intensity. The
yogis undertake the spiritual road in order to be enmeshed with the
all-pervading love of one consciousness. Along with their goal,
comes a divinity, which they begin to realise as a true identity
that was unlocked. This same fate - or destiny - meets all who
remain steadfast on the discovery of the Spirit. Yet why have they
seemed so out of reach to the common man? Why do we look upon them
as if they are somewhere we could never be? Perhaps this is because
their transformation was never recorded - never shared. The Seven
Crystals Quest makes this sharing an endearing possibility. Everyone
would find at least a trace of themselves - their own fears - within
mine. And they will watch it disappear. If this fails to be a source
of inspiration, all it would render is to denounce Spirituality as a
grave lie. But only if I give up. And which human has ever truly
given up? This is why you are Spirit. This is why you are Magik.

What is Magik? Magik is the 90% of the brain that we don't use.
Reality is the other 10 percent. Magik is what's in a child's eye
when he sees snow for the first time. Magik is what's in an animal's
eye when it first begins to play with the others. It's what's in the
eyes of two lovers when they exchange wedding vows. Magik is what
clears all normality away. But just because we know about Magik
doesn't mean we can use it.

Everything said thus far was to establish that Magik is inert and
inherent. But just because you are Magik, does not mean you are
doing Magik. It doesn't mean you know how to wield it. This is the
sated paradox that actually isn't much of a paradox at all. For all
the avid spiritualists keen to run away into a fantasy world
emphasising a freedom that they do not possess, let us be clear on
the forefront: when you can actually walk on water, then may you
consider yourself a wielder of Magik. At any time, upon your will.
Until then, you must be innocuously objective about your state of
mind, slashing all discordious delusions that snuggles you into a
self-made iridescence that actually does not exist. The first lie
that must be dropped, is you calling yourself a Magikian just
because you believe in Magik. You may be an empath, your intuition
may be acute - but this does not make you a Magikian. Call yourself
a believer of Magik, and work to become a Magikian. Otherwise you
will waste a tremendous amount of time entertaining lies unbridled
from any sense of thoughtfulness. Until you can walk on water, you
are no Magikian. And when you can walk on water, take the boat.
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