The Fallen

Nonfiction literary compositions

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The Fallen

Postby Syngin » Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:53 pm

This seems to me to tie together several topics sin, the ancients or where do WE come from, and I'm sure probab;t a few others.

When we talk about the Fallen Angels, we must first consider the legend of the Watchers, on the previous page. This legend has been passed down through generations to create one myth of "fallen" angels.

We then have to go back to the legend of The War In Heaven. Many religions have this concept in their teachings so I will place information here about these viewpoints as I research more.

There are several accounts of what happened to cause the War in Heaven, but the generally accepted one involves the creation of humanity.

God desired that all angels in heaven bow down to humanity, (as in to serve and protect mankind), and Lucifer refused. He wasn't the only one, and this became a major bone of contention among the angels. *Note* A good example of how this story might go, read Memnoch, The Devil by Anne Rice.

At the same time as Lucifer disobeying God in heaven, the Watchers, angels who were evidently something different than the being of pure living fire that most of their companions were, went down to earth on a mission from God to teach human beings certain tasks.

As legend states, these angels saw that the women of earth were beautiful and became lustful for them. They mated with them, and as a result were cast from heaven. A great war rose up. The heavenly host was victorious, and Satan, (or the Hebrew ha-Satan, the adversary), and his followers were tossed out of heaven and into hell, a place of eternal fire and torment.

Milton's Paradise Lost describes Satan's new home as a place of constant despair for the evil one and his companions. They spend a time bewailing their lost heaven, a place of infinite beauty and happiness. It is this despair that Milton insists drives Satan to plot against God for the rest of time, and for that, he must escape the gates of hell, guarded by Sin and Death. Sin, who was Satan's lover in heaven and once an angel herself, releases Satan. That is only the beginning of what has been a long-standing relationship between the devil and humankind.


Originally, in the old testament, the name satan is a word for an office, and the angel investing that office is not apostate or fallen. He becomes this way in the new testament when he emerges as Satan(capital S), the enemy of God. Originally ha-satan was a great angel, Chief of Seraphim, and head of the order of virtues. Through a misleading of Isaiah 14:12 he has been identified with Lucifer.

Lucifer, on the other hand, is called "light-giver". He is equated with Satan. This is the scripture which gives the misrepresentation:

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning," an apostrophe which applied to Nebuchadnezzer, king of Babylon. It should be pointed out that the authors of the books of the OT knew nothing of fallen or evil angels, and do not mention them, although, at times, the Lord "put no trust," in his angels and "charged them with folly," which indicates that angels were not all that they should be. The name Lucifer was applied to Satan by St. Jerome and other church fathers. Lucifer connotes star, and applies (or originally meant to apply) to the morning or evening star (venus).

Another name still is Los. The agent of divine providence, "the laborer of ages." Since his fall, he has spent 6000 years trying to give form to the world :"I am that shadowy Prophet who, 6000 years ago/Fell from my station in the Eternal bosom."


This shows that Satan, Lucifer, Los, and the other names, can actually be good angels too because through the years, the names have been mixed up. Now it makes one think...God's name never gets mixed up, Jesus' name never gets mixed up, the prophets don't, then why Satan? Because it could be just a myth where the details have changed over the years. Its like all faiths say, God is the one thing that remains constant. And I guess this is true:)

We must also remember that God allows things to happen in our lives. The Bible says God created ALL things. This also means evil, the fallen, the dark side of the force, if you will *G*. Without the balance, there is no way to appreciate the good in our lives. Just suppose that the war in heaven was needed, that God allowed it, and that the evil one was assigned the task of trying to create the dark side? If it was not allowed, it would not have been done. Yes, Im sure the angels had their free will too, and if the evil one, whatever name you want to call it, chose not to be a part of this plan, Im sure that God would have found someone else to help him. Hell has not really been created yet. The Bible says "Heaven and Earth shall pass away", meaning that there will be a new heaven and a new hell on the day of reckoning. Of course these are my opinions and theories on the matter. I'm not saying Im correct, but it does give one thought to ponder.

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