The Buried Unconscious

Nonfiction literary compositions

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The Buried Unconscious

Postby Syngin » Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:44 pm

If you've been on the spiritual journey for a while, you've
probably noticed that there are some problems that can be
easily solved with simple rituals, hypnosis, or tools like
flower essences and aromatherapy. And then there are the
other problems-the bigger ones that keep showing up no
matter how much you work on them.

So what is the source of these problems and why are they so
difficult to resolve? The answer is the many traditional or
spiritual techniques work wonderfully at the conscious or
subliminal levels of mind, but can't access the deeper
issues stored in the buried unconscious. Let's take a look
at these three levels:

CONSCIOUS MIND: This part of mind access thinking and stored
memories from our current lifetime. The information is easy
to access. The basic rituals of connection, assistance, and
healing access conscious mind.

SUBLIMINAL MIND: This part of mind stores all data from past
lifetimes, between lifetimes, and times from the distant
past when we didn't yet have bodies. It also stores all
impressions that we didn't consciously focus on, as well as
body and cellular memories. Hypnosis can have a very
positive effect on subliminal mind.

BURIED UNCONSCIOUS: Also known as "Bank" this part of mind
stores all information acquired when Spirit was somehow
absent or unconscious. Bank holds all information that
Spirit needs to review and assign significance to. Spirit
also needs to decide if any action needs to be taken. Spirit
is usually absent or unconscious in moments of non-survival.
Most traditional approaches such as psychotherapy or basic
spiritual practices can't access or clear Bank.

If you keep having the same life issues showing up in your
life-which are usually the Big Four of health,
relationships, life's work, and money-and no amount of
spiritual or therapeutic work has produced permanent
results, you may be dealing with information stored in Bank.

Here's how Bank works: Bank constantly monitors all our
incoming data, scanning for words, impressions, sensory data
or emotions that are similar to the data already stored
there. It then acts on that data as if you were back in a
past lifetime where the non-survival event happened. For
instance, one woman was knocked unconscious in a car
accident and someone told her to "wait here" while she was
still out (Spirit was not present). Shortly afterward she
began to gain a tremendous amount of weight. Bank
interpreted the words "wait here" as "weight here" because
both sound similar.

In another example, a man said, "I was 8 years old at our
summer house in Maine with our family. They asked me if I
wanted to go sailing with them on our boat. I said, 'No,'
not realizing why I didn't want to go but feeling very
strong about it. They teased me and tried to convince me to
go. I burst into tears without knowing why. I had this icy
feeling of terror that I was going to die." It was later
discovered that this person had a prior lifetime in which he
suffered great emotional shocks and losses. He then wandered
the seven seas for over 20 years on a large schooner that he
owned, drinking excessively every night until he died at the
age of 47 and was buried at sea.

Some people with bank events prosper in certain kinds of
work or in certain towns, but can't seem to make ends meet
when they change jobs or move to different towns. Bank is
also the source of most compulsivity and much addiction.
Why? Because when Bank "keys in" or comes online, we act and
feel the same was as we did back in that other lifetime when
we didn't survive but we have no information about it and
don't know why we do it. Bank is about events in which we
didn't survive, so our behaviors are all about non-survival.
Overeating, overspending, overdrinking, anorexia . these are
all detrimental to us and are often (though not always)
symptoms of Bank.

So what do we do about it? Modern psychology has little to
offer in dealing with Bank, but shamanic traditions have a
long history of exploring the unknown and unknowable parts
of mind (just read Carlos Castaneda's books!). Bank
clearings are often the most effective way to quickly get to
the core of the issue and clear it in this lifetime.

I Tego Arcana Dei
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