The Ancients are all over the boards of late. A very hot topic indeed, but who are They really and why are They so important to us? Why do we care when we can't see Them or talk to Them? It's very simple. They are a part of everything. They are the givers of life and the takers of life. The eternal fountain of life, death, and rebirth. They are those who are incarnate, those that are yet to be reborn, and those that have gone before. They gave the universe life and They are the universe. They speak to Their children through visions and dreams, through impulsive maddening searches for wisdom and knowledge intended to lead us down the path to intuitive discovery. They call to us from the astral, the other verses, the other dimensions. They are the voices in the night that call our spirits to awaken and live. They are the angels, the fallen ones, the Mother and the Father and They are our ancestors. They are us.
We awaken to Their calling, to assume our rightful place on our thrones. To serve, to protect, to give honor to those who have gone before. We find our Family through Their guidance and those who have incarnated come to know themselves through Them.
They are the gods and the goddesses, the rulers and creators of the seas, the skies, the very earth we walk on. Listen to the wind and hear Their voices. Feel the changes in the Earth and know Their place in the cycle of life. Some are born calling Their names, some reach to Them later in life and some will never see Their faces.
They are the trees, the spirits within, the spirit within us and They are the tether that holds all things together. They are the dream and the dreamer. They are everything that we see and everything that we do not. They are what we feel reaching to us in the dark and what we embrace in the cold of the night.
Their names are many, Their faces are many, Their incarnations few. They are everything that has a name and everything that is yet to be seen.
They are the mystery beyond the Veil.
The Veil is shredding.