The alchemical vampyre
A huge percentage of us were first introduced to the concept of vampirism through film, literature, rpg, or comics. Even those who were born awakened likely found resonance within the vampyre archetype found in any number of mediums. Through our search for identity, family, and truth we come across many myths of many origins and meanings. Are they all wrong? No absolutely not. Much like the witches of old created code for herbs, incantations, and locations, the old Nightkind Elders also created code and hid them in myth not only for our protection, but also for the protection of others. Spiritual teachings long since hidden away behind the myths are now resurfacing and causing many to look to the old myths for answers.
Some of the most common myths wrap around the concept of our origins. There's thousands of them and some of them are quasi correct and some are coded with hidden messages. For the newbie this can be confusing and even dangerous for those who still use the myths to gain following. There are many mundane explanations as well, not merely mystical ones.
Once Bitten
The bite of a vampyre is said to cause the transformation of a mundane human into a supernatural, all powerful, undying being. This was likely taken from the occurance of being bitten by diseased animals. It is also possible that in other times, beast control was a rare thing. With households and covens existing in a total state of anonymity, it is highly unlikely that finding someone to mentor a newly awakened vamp was a common occurance. Discretion in the old days wasn't a matter of choice, it was a matter of life or death. Vampyres in the old days were thought to be possessed by demons, especially if they exhibited poor beast control and randomly attacked whoever happened by them.
There are lots of facets to communion, feeding through a human bite is not the proper way. It is also unlikely that our ancestors thought much of it as well. Human bites cause serious infections and can lead to long term nerve and muscle damage. A vampyre may bite someone, but that person will not be transformed into a vampyre. The idea behind it is alchemical communion.
Three terms to take into account as important parts of this process are transmutation, transubstantiation, and transmigration. Transmutation is the transformation of one object into another and is strictly alchemical on many levels. In the scientific world it is done on an atomical level, in the world of the vampyre it is done on a spiritual level.
Vampyres on the cusp of an awakening, going through the awakening process, or latent but still radiating vampyric auras, may be pulled into a heightened state via these processes.
The mundane energy and the vampyre energy vibrate at different rates. Vampyre energies vibrate with a much higher frequency. A vampyre who is newly awakened has a higher frequency but it may lack consistency until they are fully awakened. A latent vampyre may exhibit the frequency but on a lower level, not quite mundane but not quite as strong as most. Mundanes have the lowest frequency of the four and have a consistent hum. Transmutation is simply the intentional raising of one's frequency by disembodied communion. This can happen on the astral, through dreams, by soul hosting, or through the process of awakening itself.
Transmigration is the incarnation of a soul into a different physical presence, whether it is a tree, a cow, mundane, or vampyre. Transmigration could have been taught in early vedic schools of thought as a means of showing relations to other living things, but evolved as an aspect of reincarnation. In the concept of vampyre transformation, the transmigration is done between a disembodied vampyre and a potential vampyre. This is often done through communion or through NDE's, extended astral interaction between an disincarnate and an intended. The disincarnate then hosts the body for an indefinite or permanent amount of time.
During this process, several factors must be in place. There must be several people present, one of whom knows how to perform effective resucitation methods, a priest or priestess knowledgeable in necromantic practices, and someone who is able to channel the spirit via the astral into the host. Without getting into details, the temporarily deceased exchanges one soul for another. Another way of doing this is to share souls with a disembodied. Mind you when I am saying disembodied I do not refer to ghosts or lower level entities. I am referring to ancient souls. It's easy to see how this practice could have lead to the belief that vampyres return from the dead.
There are of course ways in which communion with a disembodied ancient could certainly trigger a transformation other than the use of NDE's. I would stringently warn against those who claim to have used this method or who claim to have perfected it. The use of NDE's is not a common practice and certainly not something that a trained practitioner would announce to the world. Someone who has reached that level of adepthood knows full well the dangers involved and would not freely offer such a procedure nor would just anyone be a candidate.
Transubstanstiation is commonly referred to in Christian, especially Catholic, paths as the change from wine and bread to the blood and flesh of Christ during communion. In vampyre alchemistry, Vampyres offer communion as a way of assauging the desire to maintain familial ties with those who have gone before us and have paved the way for us to continue. Communion is the joining of souls for a period of time, relishing in the spiritual connections, by taking in some form of life energy. It can be through sanguine communion (blood), pranic communion ( life force energy), or tantric communion (kundalini energy) which is very common with eros vampyres. Communion is more than merely the act of feeding as one can feed without having a deep intimate tie with another person. Communion is the meshing of one entity with another. Transubstantiation combines transmutation with communion in order to bring about the awakening of a latent vampyre. It simply strips away the physical presence of blood or energy and reveals it as a spiritual tie between the younger vamp and the one offering communion.
One manner of communion is for the Elder to host a disembodied and then to share their energy (sexual, blood, pranic, etc), with their intended. The removing of the physical transport of the blood via hosting of the disembodied transforms the energy source into a spiritual source of bonding and communion.
This is not to be confused with sympathetic vampyrism which is another thing entirely. Alchemical changes occur only when the vampyre is mentally, physically, and spiritually prepared to handle the transformation from a lower vibration to a more intense one. As this tends to open someone to a new level of awareness, only someone who is in the best of health (physical, mental, and emotional) and who is spiritually grounded should be considered.
September 2006