The Modern Abbon

Nonfiction literary compositions

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The Modern Abbon

Postby deacongray » Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:03 pm

Through out time there have been those, who by the strength of their character and nobility of action have earned a place with in their own organizations of respect. These people are those who have a good standing in the community, but who also have a full knowledge and understanding of their organization. Called Emissary, Representative, Ambassador, and with in the vampire community they are called by some the Abbon.

The role these people play with in the community can be a very important one. The Houses, Covens and other organizations often have very different theories and philosophies. These differences, like all differences can lead to major disagreements and issues. With the help of these representatives, those who have the knowledge and the character, many of these issues can be worked out just as they were in times of old.

These individuals also work to help build strong bonds, deliver messages, help work on joint projects, and at times stand witness to the court as an independent voice of reason and intellect.

It is very important that the person who is chosen as Abbon displays the highest level of integrity, honor, and loyalty. One cannot be an ambassador to a House, and at the same time misuse the faith, to trépigner the House or its members. One is always allowed to have their own opinions, but by accepting the honor of Abbon they also accept that they represent the House to others, if they represent it poorly talk poorly of it, or attempt to bring it harm.

That is not to say that the primary loyalty of the Abbon is to their House they are assigned, indeed no, their primary loyalty will always be to their own organization. Still it is important to remember that good faith is key to successful ambassadorship.

In recent days many organizations have dedicated themselves toward building inter community relationships by pulling the leaders of many different groups into their forums. These leaders speak for themselves before the forum. An example of this new trend is the Voices of the Vampire Community.

The VVC as it is called has drawn in as many known active members of the community as possible. Drawing all these people together allows for a common thread of communication and work on projects and the like. While not a governing body of any type and with no real individual theories or philosophies many of the efforts at communications have ended with agreements to disagree, and ultimately very little in the way of obvious progression. Yet there is one that many of them perhaps do not consider.

The effect of building any group is a common means of communication, thoughts and accepted rhetoric becomes more bound in the social consciousness of the community.

More recently a group called the Dark nations has developed a renewed form of representative council patterned loosely on the United Nations. This forum includes currently only Organizational elements, Houses and the like with in their ranks.

Once again those strong of characters, honorable disposition, proven skill with in the community and ability to communicate with in the community on various levels have been brought into play, this time as administrational figures with in the Dark Nations, independent of Houses or other organizational groups. In this way they have once again become pillars of the community, administration, Ambassadors, and Abbon working in various forms with in a community projects.
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:42 pm

Excellent article Deacon!


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Re: The Modern Abbon

Postby The Madame X » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:19 pm

Bump for Nemesis Nexus
Ex Somnius Scientia
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