Dark Healing

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Dark Healing

Postby SophieAnn » Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:15 am

What do I mean by a “Dark Healer”?

I am frequently asked this question. Usually it applies when I am in a general spiritual chat when people announce their various gifts. There are a few who do reiki, angel healers, paranormalists of different descriptions or people who are there simply to learn. There are some who feel they are awakening to the realisation of a new presence. And a couple who declare they are a “Light worker.” To which I answer cheerfully that I totally accept and am glad for their presence; I am a dark healer.

The room falls to a very humble silence whilst people try to assimilate that last comment. A dark healer? Could there be such a thing? Is there such a thing? And if I am not asked I volunteer the answer. That a lightworker typically tries to heal through the connection to the source energy. I do so through the individual. I believe in dreams.

Well a lightworker can work with dreams as well…

But in my opinion a lightworker focuses the dreams we desire, seeking to eradicate that which is uncomfortable. I, as a darkworker look to accept the dream and to bring the already existent desire into consciousness where it can be accepted and loved and worked upon if necessary. Lightworkers seek change. Darkworkers seek acceptance. Or can it really be that simple?

I have read upon various articles that the dark paths seek to enhance the individual. Fears and deviants can to a large extent be accepted and played either directly or through role-play if inappropriate or directly harmful. Whereas the light dismisses these forms of play as trivial, seeking to elevate the realms of consciousness and vibrations to higher dimensions, the dark centres upon our current mode and position.

These explanations generally cause a great deal of head scratching. Where is it people wish to be? If I am lucky a few mental barriers that were erected in haste start to crumble. And someone somewhere lets out a sigh they did not realise they were holding and acknowledges my way is at the very least a possibility. So a dark healer I am.
I do not find many who aspire to be a dark healer. Many are so taken by the idea of light, that to shunt our lower vibrations into the depths of illusion is to ignore part of our own soul; a part of our cosmic being. Many feel that to submit to the calls of the lower vibrations is to give up upon their dreams of becoming better and realising greater peace.

My work as a Dark Healer attempts to demonstrate to others that through utilising the darkness there is even greater peace at stake. That is not to mean that achievement across all humanity, but that real peace starts from within; with acceptance. That to open one’s mind to their desire is not a distraction, irrelevance or dismissal to a lower vibration, but pure acceptance of all the things we need to become who we are. Through acceptance we can manifest our own inner darkness for the greater good. Through our acceptance of ourselves so we can accept each other without the need to fight our way out. Through the dark we make our way to the light (equating with deepening understanding), yet carry our darkness and unconditional love along the way. And seek not to attack or change each other, but to learn and comprehend different and diverse points of view. Individually, and collectively, we find peace.
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