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House of the Dreaming • View topic - The Paths

The Paths

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The Paths

Postby deacongray » Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:07 am

Learning leads to weird places. I found a segment on the various paths that people follow and took a moment to consider it carefully.

But here for all those who are not aware of the paths..( most of you are most likely) let me sum them up a little..

There are currently three roads that a vampyre can follow. The first is the road of the Ramkht who acts as the priest for the community.
The second are the counselors for the community, also known as the Kitra.
The third road is the road of the Mradu, who are the warriors of the community

Of course it is much more detailed really, but as I said this is a sum up.

I find myself reading and learning about these different aspects and as stated in the archives many times, no person is really a isolated being caught with in the confines of the lables. Still as I read through them I find myself wondering what path some one like me would follow.

Would I be best suited as Warrior really? Sure I have trained that way, but I have also trained as a healer, plainly I am not suited for the path of the Ramkht, my magical skills and abilities are so limited as to be laughable would it not be so pathetic. Yet my heart learns toward scholarly presuits and endevours much of the time. And to be Kitra, I am no more submissive than I am shy. Of course these are generalizations of the real issues which is finding a path regardless of what it is called.

So I turn once more...and too often as of late, to perhaps enlighten me as to your choices, if it is not asking too much, or at lest if not your choices some things you may have used to guide you in your choice.

I think I will claim none of them until I have too. Study all the paths to some extent and try to better understand their motivations...

Maybe some one could talk about each one a little and help explain the concepts roles and theroies?

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Postby Syngin » Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:20 pm

There is an article that explains the cast in some detail although I think it could be much more detailed if someone cared to do them. One article is titled The Caste System another one which explains some of the responsabilities of each caste during ritual titled The Caste and Ritual Work.
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:13 pm

I ran into the same problem when I first began considering a path. I opted to train in each of them. The Ramkt is the spiritual center of the community so to speak. This path is the path of the mystic, the one who teaches, who mentors, who leads ritual. This is the path of the one who studies the nature of the spirit and who understands that the realms of the physical and the spiritual must be in balance in order to thrive in a healthy manner. They are also the oracles, the future priests and priestesses, the ones who lead the community in a grounded manner.

The path of the Kitra is the path of one of pleasure and joy. Please understand that I also had the same issue with the submission aspect, until I realised that I was already in submission by being in service to my community and to my Family. Submission does not always mean reliquishing dominance, but instead in this manner it means service. The Kitra is the one with the organization skills. The one who plans events, who counsels and guides, the one who aids donors, or kitral. They are the ones who take pleasure beyond the general definition of the word. When you eat a good meal you experience pleasure, when you read a poem or hold a get together with friends, you not only receive pleasure you also give pleasure to those around you. The Kitra is the one who entertains, who places a calming balm on the wound, who is the living altar of ritual.

The path of the Mradu is not only that of a warrior, but the path of the watcher, the one who sees silently without being noticed, and the one who guards the energies of the Kitra and the circle. They are the holders of the sacred space as they ground and protect not only the Altar but also the energies that come into and out of the space. The Mradu is often called the warrior, however this path is one of diplomacy. The Mradu trains his or her mind as well as his body.

One does not have to be a member of a Household to uphold these castes. I have something on all three castes and the ronin path that I'm going to post this evening.


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby Syngin » Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:03 pm

I think that we all carry some aspect of each within us and they may even take turns being more prominant at some time. It would only make sense that someone who is Ronin be trained in each caste since they are basically alone don't you think?
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:16 pm

Absolutely, however a ronin has no one to train them so they have to handle that all by their onesies.
Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby deacongray » Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:25 am

Perhaps you can imagin my delemma, as I have always been either Ronin, or at lest, in legue with houses that either do not understand or do not emply these systems.

For me the study has always been pretty self directed, just as now, were I am researching these things out. Indeed I do find various aspects each to fall with in my personality, but at the same time enough things seems to go against my nature in a way that seems to disqualify me from all.

I guess perhaps with the research I am doing the Mradu seems closest, though as you can all see I am far from being a silent watcher...more the active seeker...or chatter box...

I have been studying from the articles offered from this house, but also from the House Eclipes, because for some reason they come up alot on google searches.

These paths are not difficult to understand, if one takes the time to read the articles, but undersing how I might fit into one of them is a little more difficult. At the same time, I find it is the search itself that I enjoy the m ost so....who knows where it will lead

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Postby The Madame X » Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:38 am

Some houses like Kheperu and Eclipse rely deeply on the caste/road system, particularly House Kheperu (as they are reencarnated from such castes in the ancient past). Most of us here, as Aislin mentioned, come from a ronin path or have been solitary, which means that we´ve had to learn how to master all three roads. When joinning a family one has the oportunity to relearn each caste individually.

For instance, as a house-initiate Ptah may choose the kitra path to provide support for the family, since that is the easiest most natural road for him... or he may choose a challenge and try to focus on learning and delving into the Mradu path with the guidance from other Mradu family members, learning with then and developing Mradu skills. As a Calmae Ptah may choose to continue with his chosen road deepening his skills and evening using his knowledge to each other members. As Ptah ascends to Eldership within the family, he may continue with his initially choosen road or delve into another. Some elders believe that a true Elder needs to master All Three Roads, while others belive it is best to specialize in one exclusive road.

Some times being part of a family we need to be flexible, sometimes we need to be specialized, but we should always be informed and seek our own answers. Personally, I feel that it´s good to experiment with different roads, but its never good to be forced into a task we feel unconfortable with or unprepared to do.

Good question!
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Postby Sharma Wild » Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:08 pm

Aislin, your post describing the paths were beautiful and very informative. I found the answers to my questions about the different paths of service in the House of the Dreaming.

In my life, exploring the realm of the spiritual alone, have found the need to become both the mystic, the healer and the warrior from time to time, as I am sure many of you have. What I find hard, is keeping a balance between these three.
Sharma Wild

Postby ShadowEyes » Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:52 am

Need denotes the balance you keep in your life. At times you must be the warrior, at other times the mystic. There is no real balance but change. Adapt, and you shall flow around your challenges like water.
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:19 am

There is balance as one must keep the other in check. One must use the skills of the Kitra and the Ramkt to keep the Mradu in balance. One must also use the skills of the Mradu and the Kitra to keep the Ramkt in check and the wheel revolves. Even though most people only dedicate themselves to one caste group or another, if they wish to ascend within the community it's a good idea to be familair with all three castes and comfortable working within them all. To do this one has to master each caste and be balanced with each one so that one doesn't overpower the other, even the more dominant caste.

Does that make any sense?


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:24 am

The idea is that they mesh together so they work off each other harmoniously. It's been a long day. I'll take this up tomorrow.
Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby The Madame X » Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:25 pm

Also keep in mind, that when it comes to the Caste system, the larger the House the greater the need to be specialized. So as you look into the doctrines of larger families like House Eclipse you´ll notice that there are several branches of each Caste, where each individual is even more specialized in their duties. Such needs expand and contract as the family expands and contracts. Certainly if a family has only 4 members it is unwise to structure such an elaborate caste system.

Generally, if a family is more dispersed where there are members who are phisically distant from the core of the family, it is more advantageous not to restrict a member to the exclusive study of one Caste alone. Certainly, when the family comes together there is an understood cast/roll each individual takes, either by study or instinctively.
These castes are important when the family is working together on a project, ritual, etc... but it again loses focus when the individual is alone fending for his/her needs.

Those individuals that have a destinct inner propensity toward one caste/road will find the bond of a family to be a usefull method of support.
Those individuals with no particular propensity toward any road, will find a Family a great environment for learning and charachter expansion.
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Postby SophieAnn » Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:50 pm

lol, I've been very slow to read this one, thanks Madame X.... I do get there eventually!!!!

A highly interesting collection of posts and thoughts. From a psychological angle, it also strikes me that a person may fill a role due to the absense of it in a given situation. For example, in a group of eight where someone was especially trained as a Ramkht, it would be natural for him or her to take charge of this. However, if that person wasn't there, without being aware of it, someone else would most likely temporarily take on that role without even being aware of it.

The same would be true of Kitra. If the role of mediator was required in an unexpected dispute, or a person was really struggling within a group where that specialist wasn't there, it is likely someone else would temporarily step up to offer assistance.

I remember from past courses how we have examined how different roles are often filled when the person who usually takes that role on, is absent.

For myself, I can see many aspects of the Kitra in me, for I have always risen to the challenge of being there for others in emotional support, and consider myself a creative listener. However, I am anything but well-organised, and I also know I lack social skills which is required to bring others together to make various functions work. In some respects I can see some of Ramkht in me as well, because I consider myself very spiritual and have tried leading others through various spiritual thought and meditation. However, this would not be strong enough at this stage, to lead a group. So I guess at this present stage in time I fall between two. I certainly would not feel comfortable in Mradu, for I shy away at physical conflict to the point of playing the peace role in any given war game!

Many thanks for this post
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Re: The Paths

Postby Kate » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:07 am

Labels and more labels...it makes for an interesting read and self assessment. But I gave up contemplating my own navel seriously when the teachers of a psychology course asked me to open up and tell them how I really feel. The lack of sound afterwards was deafening. :?

I like many of the responses here. We are unique and boxes were not meant for us. I will not pick any Path but forge my own. I am Gemini and can follow many Paths at the same time, thinking about it I actually NEED to follow lots of things at once or boredom sets in and that is usually destructive. Getting to the end of a Path would be an interesting achievement.

Warrior, watcher, sharpening my wit, mind and will as a samurai would his sword. I love the dances of wit and sarcasm, debates and artistry of conversation, alas it is a dying art these days.

Teacher, Healer and being of service... A mother is on call 24/7 service without end. It is not always a happy duty.

The priest and counsellor is where I like to be but this society has no place for me in this aspect. So it must be buried for the time being. Unless being a mere tarot reader counts.

I will explore the labels and cast them away when the don't fit any more, only to take them back and try them on for size another time.

Right now the label Human is not fitting right. Human on the outside I am not that odd, but on the inside... People that are 'normal' and 'average' and are typically human are so different from me. I am scaring myself on actually HOW different. :(
But reading through your questions and answers is reassuring, I am not so different from you.
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Re: The Paths

Postby The Madame X » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:28 am

Why would the community not have a place where you can explore your priest/counselor path? (and yes tarot reading is part of counseling)
I would be very interested in discussing this with you, here or in private.
I am of the firm belief that if we feel the that there is no place to develop our calling we must create it.
Some questions to ask are:
What am I passionate about?
What am I good at?
How can I make a difference?
How can I motivate/help others?

Ex Somnius Scientia
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