Thank you and I agree. It's not easy to form close bonds over the net, but it can be done. My concern is that the community has become more interested in building soap operas than building family ties. I remember a time, as I've mentioned before, when nightkind would greet each other as brother and sister. That isn't to say that there weren't issues in abundance there as well, but that there were not as many people willing to buy into it as there are now. Building close ties and a close community ensures a support system, a network of empowerment, and less of a chance that those who thrive on creating issues will get their hooks in as many people. It's important to grow and such things only temper our growth if not smother it entirely. I hope for the coming year that the community as a whole will learn what it is to truly be "of the blood" as were the old phrasery.
The nightkind community needs cohesion.