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House of the Dreaming • View topic - twin flames, soul mates, and balance partners

twin flames, soul mates, and balance partners

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twin flames, soul mates, and balance partners

Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:46 am

Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby ShadowEyes » Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:26 pm

Interesting thoughts and observations. Always found myself to seek balance within, but it's possible to find that in others too. Good read.
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:58 am

Thank you. Sometimes balance can only come from challenges. We can't know what we are made of or what needs work unless we run into a situation that strengthens us. That's the purpose of balance partners. I seek balance from within also, but I am also challenged daily on many levels. Since we are constantly in states of flux and flow we have to be able to be flexible and open to change, keeping what is good for us and removing what isn't. This is in essence, what we do without thinking about it. It just happens because it's a necessity.

I'm glad you liked it. I haven't had the chance to post as many of my articles as I would like because I've had some ferocious computer issues, but I think it's been ironed out.

Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby Khan » Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:45 am

From "Universal Oneness":

Twin Flames are ourselves in another body. When Souls chose to enter into physicality, they were split into masculine and feminine aspects. Please note, I did not say male and female, because throughout our incarnations, we will be in both genders of bodies. When we first leave the Light to enter into physicality, we will connect with our Twin Flame. This is done so we will not feel so totally alone in the human experience. After this we go our separate ways and grow lifetime after lifetime in experience and wisdom until we are ready to break free of the bonds of physicality and mortality. When we have reached this stage we have the opportunity to reconnect with our “other half” or Twin Flame. The chances are that we meet our Twin Flame briefly in many lifetimes, but one or both of us are not ready for the intensity of this connection. When both halves of the whole are ready to come back together and meet they will discover that in that lifetime they have lead almost parallel lives. The events of their lives will mirror each other almost exactly. They may have come from very similar families and family dynamics. They may have had similar schooling or lack thereof. They may have almost identical careers. They may even have previous marriages and divorces within weeks of each other. When Twin Flames get to know each other, they will feel as if the other is reading their life script.

Once in relationship, the bond between Twin Flames can only be compared to the bond between identical twins. They are aware of each others thoughts, feelings, desires and needs at a level that is hard to imagine. The depth of Love is such that to be apart even for a day is a hardship. What is meant by that is that their hearts literally hurt when they are separated from each other. Even if only for the work day. It is this depth of Love that reminds them of the Oneness of Light to which they are returning. By anchoring this Love in the physical, not only are they preparing for their own ascension, but they are also leaving an imprint for others to follow in time for their own.
Ramkht, House of the Dreaming
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Postby The Madame X » Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:41 pm

unfortunately my personal paradigm doesn't allow for soul mates... i guess i'm truly a hopeless romantic...
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Postby obssidian » Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:04 pm

I personally consider a Soul Mate as someone that you learn from, the wisdom gained making you a better person. She is also someone that will challenge you, she will challenge the way you think, and she will challenge you to experance new things. She is someone that will help you face your fears, and someone that will make you whole, as you say "balanced".
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Postby Khan » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:20 am

I'd like to offer an alternative the the prevalent concept that a soul mate is an intended spouse or sole partner.

It seems that most folks have people that are involved in one's life that precedes a romantic partner, and in many instances, is around after the end of the romantic relationship. My contention is that these folks are ones that maybe should be considered as soul mates.

Going with the general interpretation, a soul mate is someone who keeps in tandem with your soul for the duration. Is it not possible that these mates could include friends, family, or even in odd situations, adversaries?

Personal perspective would indicate to me that those who truly influence and keep company with someone's soul hold regardless of romantic interlude, confidence and trust, or a shared perspective.

All life is held in some kind of balance. And though sometimes we might not be inclined to see it, just as there is an antithesis to who you are and your purpose, there are also those that share in the experiences your purpose provides, which could be just as important a soul mate as a lover.
Ramkht, House of the Dreaming
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Postby The Madame X » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:52 am

Since you put it that way... <chuckle>
I can certainly fit that approach into my life perspectives Khan.

I would further expand that to not just 2 individuals but that specific soul groups tend to travel together.

Similarly, and this is something i've been saying for almost 2 decades: Just because we might have perfect awareness of a 'certain type' of relationship in a past life, does not mean we aught to recapture it in the exact same way in this life, but instead to expand the relationship into other areas, building and balancing what was before.
I often find that recapturing and reenacting what was before brings little growth and a certain spiritual stagnation. We are meant to evolve and build, not regress.
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:16 pm

Yes Khan my brother it is entirely possible and annoying lol. Soul mates are nothing more complicated than people we agree to meet up with in another life. Ever wonder why you run into a ton of people you've run into before somewhere else?

I don't believe in soul mates in a romantic sense. I have a much more practical view of it. Occasionally a soul mate will also act as a balance partner as someone who is striving for elevation at the same time that you are. Hence the two of you may be soul mates but butt heads continually until you balance each other out, vibrationally speaking.

I would like to expound on MadameX's statement if I may. Just because we have known someone in another life does not mean that that person is a good person in this life. This is why past life relationships should for the most part stay there. Not everyone that was a good person will continually be a good person in every life they have. That would not allow growth and experience. It is always best to experience a person as an individual in this plane rather than dwelling on whatever serves as past.


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby Khan » Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:18 am

Perhaps, dear sisters, I could muck this up a bit more by going into the debate of time being linear, and whether those past lives might actually various versions of yourself in random spots in the space/ time continuum.

Something to digest: perhaps the reason why we "remember" parts of our past lives, experience deja vu, and other odd sorts of experiences could be because part of ourselves are experiencing different lives in different "eras."

I might even be bold enough to contend that what we consider the Astral, might be something as simple as the one place we can converge with other aspects of ourselves to pull these experiences, thoughts, and lessons into our conscious state of knowledge.

I leave that train of thought to your discretion...
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:02 am

Khan I could not agree more!! I use here the terms past lives and present lives only to segregate various dimensional awarenesses. I have no problem with that concept at all as I view existence as simultaneous and multidimensional. Memories and flashbacks are really nothing more than glimpses into other mirror dimensions where everything is happening at one time. Probably the hardest part of that train of thought was deprogramming myself to see the world and time as being mutifaceted and time itself as being more like a spiral concept rather than a linear one. Oh the fun we could have with this topic brother of mine!!

*evil grin*

Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Re: twin flames, soul mates, and balance partners

Postby The Madame X » Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:58 am

A website I thought might parallel this very topic:
Ex Somnius Scientia
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