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House of the Dreaming • View topic - Taking on a Night Side Name

Taking on a Night Side Name

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Postby Khan » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:36 am

Nightside, as in something common to the House.
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Postby The Madame X » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:21 pm

Many Houses do that. Like House of Black, House O'Malley etc... The members add the house name to their scene name becoming i.e.: Stephen O'Malley and Rex Black.

Some of our members have been published with "of the Dreaming" like: Bholanath of the Dreaming and Madame X of the Dreaming.
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:16 am

Naming ceremonies...I had one. I rededicate myself to my goddess every year. A few years ago I opted to take on a different name. I went from Queen of the Shadowborne or to drag it out a bit Azryil Shadowborne to Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan, which loosely translates to Dream/Vision Daughter of the MorRhiaghan. The first part was taken as a tribute to an ancestor and spirit guide but the last is my dedication to my goddess. My older name was part title and part past associations, either way they were no longer fitting so I chose something that did fit. My first name was given to me years ago, this second one was my own choosing. Shortly after I met MadameX and the rest as they say is history. :D


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Magickal Name vs a Scene Name

Postby The Madame X » Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:44 pm

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Postby RavenHarte » Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:18 am

I'm very glad you made this point MX.. which I know we have talked about in other posts.

Personally my magical name is known only to my own coven, is used only in a ritual setting, unless I have to invoke it to a covenor to make a point (which snaps them too damn quick let me tell you). Even other members of my coven's clan do not know this name, it is that sacred, AND that powerful to me.

RavenHarte on the other hand was my public Pagan name before I was ever part of the Nightside, so as a perfect reflection of the shadow me, I kept it. Truthfully though, I always felt slightly apart from the name until MX started calling me by it. Having she and the members of the House of the Dreaming I knew then, never calling me anything BUT RavenHarte truly made it mine, made me RavenHarte. That to me was more powerful than any naming ceremony I could ever have had, and I will always be grateful to MX for that! And honestly sometimes I am far more RavenHarte now than I am even my mundane name, LOL
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Postby The Madame X » Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:17 pm

Here is another point, that i have to address.
Most of us take on a Nightside name because we like it. Not because we like it abbreviated.
While some folks may not mind being addressed by a random abbreviation or alternate spelling of their chosen Nightside name, it is BAD Form to do so with out their express consent.

Don't call Khan, Kon...or RavenHarte , Rhx.... or Lady Sequanna, LadyS...

Most individuals dislike having their Nightside name or title abbreviated, morphed or turned into some random acronym in public or private, just as much as they like being called by their Dayside Name in public.

Instead the best guide line is to note what name the individual uses when signing e'mails or correspondence, or note the name they originally introduced themselves to you. Least you risk offending or ignorantly implying someone else by the casual use of abbreviations or misspellings.

For instance, my Nightside Name is Madame X... not Madam, not MX, and certainly not X. I actually prefer Hey You to any one of those. You may call me and refer to me as Madame, The Madame, or Madame X... and I don't object to Mme, or MmeX particularly in chat situations where typing has to be done fast.

Thank you
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Postby deacongray » Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:27 am

I always liked typeing Madame X, I dunno why exactly its just one of those names that for some reason is fun to type for me.

I mostly just get my name shorted to D, sometimes Deac or D the Devil. What can I say,...I am wicked sometimes. I like to go on Mad Female Tickling Spree's....even if they proclaim that in no way are they ticklish...like someone we know...no names mentioned of course...heh
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Postby Jade Faol » Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:25 pm

Yeah, this is an old thread, I know, but I'm curious. I go by Jaden online- always have. It's not my given name, but something I use here naturally. I have no nightside name, so does that mean I have to change my name (here) from Jade to my given name? Stupid question I know, but I don't want to offend anyone.
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Postby The Madame X » Fri May 01, 2009 1:01 am

Not at all. You should use the name you feel comfortable with.
Jade is wonderful and does suit you well.
and...hehe we are not easily offended.
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Postby hades » Fri May 01, 2009 9:05 am

The names within a system acquire a magical power of personal power ... or he may be chosen based on meditations and rituals ... is often used names of gods and goddesses because there is already an energy feeding the astral so powerful. .. well it stronger our own energy ...
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Sun May 03, 2009 10:43 pm

Jade I also chose the name Aislin for the same reason. It has always felt more like my name than my given name. I suppose now would be a good time to introduce something else to the mix.

Scene names are names used within a certain population and only then.

Nightside names are slightly different, as they tend to have more significance than simply using an allias.

Magickal names are usually only used within covens or within circle, when publishing within a magickal community, or working ritual.

Spiritual names...the newest addition...are those names that come from somewhere deep in your psyche. There is an old saying that you mother gives you one name, your spirit knows another. That name will follow you until you claim it. It's very much like coming home after being away for far too long.


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby doreanne_shade » Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:04 am

I would love to attend a naming ceremony.
I go by Doreanne Shade. It was a girl I met in a dream that led me along a path in a cathedral. In the dream she told me we shared the same name . After climbing the stairs of the cathedral, she whispered it to me in the dream. "Doreanne of the Shadows". I always spell it this way... not really sure why though.. It just stuck...
not sure if I would conisder this my Nightside name however.....I'll have to think on that ...

thank you for reviving this post.
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Postby Draco Nierti » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:53 pm

I dont know why but this message has been calling out to me for a while so bare with me please

When i was awakened i was not given much of a name, but my day side name was used from lorenzo to enzo, i dont know why but it always felt wrong to me in such ways that i never used it.

Then the night came of a dream in that my spirit was being accused of committing wrongs and in the dream a moment came where i spoke and i saw into my eyes and the name Dracon was spoken and so I used it.

The name meant a lot to me only using it to those i would trust as friends, when i opened the first site up i decided to make the name common as so it was.

Another name of mine was given to me by a dear friend and teacher of mine it was the name of Servios, thou the last time i spoke to her was in 97 she has been the only one to call me by this name. Others came to know of it none called me by that name and stuck to the name of Dracon.

Durring my awakening to my demonic/angelic side the name of Dierte and this name meant trouble :evil: / :twisted: one day i hope to learn to control this side and name of mine

Then the name of Lucivar Beliam Yasslana was given to me by a group of dear friends in a rebirth/wedding/naming ceremony thou sadly I am no longer part of that group i remember the naming ceremony.

Now the name of Draco Nierti like i said in another part of this board was a reward from my guardians Thou i am still learning the depths of this name

So what is in a name that by any other name a rose would sound as sweet. Is this true do we make a name be what it is to be? Does the name make us who we are to be?
For me it is a combination of the both as a name brings to us a different perspective a different truth that with out that name we would have never attained.
As we shape a name into something like a name given to two people for the first the name seems week, but for the second person the name seems strong and powerful.

It would be a privilege to receive a name from the members of this board thou I don't know if it would be appropriate for me to ask.
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Postby LadyDarkAdora » Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:24 am

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Postby Taris » Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:25 am

Ive actually read Father Todds books and come across that. I actually "chose" my nightside name which I use in the community online as well as physically. I believe that there are ways to go about finding your nightside name rather than having it given to you or choosing it.

I believe finding it helps you connect better to your nightside, your spirituality, and the universe at large. This is just my thoughts on the topic.
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