The Sacred Arte of Siring
There comes a point in every vampyre’s life when they desire to pass on their wisdom and training to another and crave a deeper sort of companionship. When most think of siring they consider bringing children into the world. When a vampyre considers siring they consider a protégé that is closer than any child could ever be. They consider a relationship that transcends the mundane roles of mentor and ward and reach into a higher spiritual plane of being. In truth, once a vampyre and their ward have opted to make such an arrangement they meld in ways that few mundanes have ever experienced and emerge something altogether unique and beautiful.
I’ve often read letters from those wishing to be sired, however it is not the chylde that chooses the sire but the sire who chooses the chylde. What brings people together in this fashion and makes one young one stand away from the rest of them is a mystery. Perhaps it is the recognition of Family from many lifetimes ago. Perhaps it is the vibration that has potential to be stronger but is as yet very similar to his or her sire’s. Whatever it is, when seeking to sire one should consider the character of the chylde in great detail. Evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, potential for growth and community involvement, intellect and presence. All and all the spirit of the chylde should speak to you. It should beckon to you as you do to it.
The character of the chylde is important as a sire is in some respect responsible for the education and grooming of the young one until they reach adulthood. Throughout the vampyre’s life, the actions of the chylde will reflect one way or another on his or her sire. However it is every bit as important for the intended chylde to be healthy in every manner of the word. A good physical regimen of healthy diet and exercise is as important as enough rest and clean living. More importantly they must be an adult. Minors should never be brought into the nightside realm nor should a sire take a minor under his or her wing until they have reached legal adulthood.
A chylde should be of good mental capability and stamina and of good enough health to sustain fasting and an extended period of meditation.
In Hollywood all one has to do to become a vampyre is be bitten by another vampyre. We all know how ludicrous and dangerous a proposal that would be. Not many people would tolerate something as painful as a human bite much less want to become a vampyre should that be the only way to transform. There are several ways that this takes place and it’s important to have a good working knowledge of metaphysical artes prior to the working for both the sire and the chylde. In fact no vampyre should sire another without first undergoing the rite of Eldership or Calmae. In this way they are recognized by the community and their chylde is not viewed as something unrecognizable.
Vampyres are indeed alchemical in that we are constantly transforming ourselves into something other than merely mundane. Transformation may occur by transubstantiation, transmutation, and transmigration to bring a latent or absent vampyre into the full extent of their nature. On rare occasions the vampyre is so latent that only a hint of their true nature may be present in their aura. This does not mean that they will not eventually awaken on their own, only that they may not have the assistance they need at their point of awakening. Once a sire has chosen his or her chylde and have determined their potential, they then must choose what method to take to bring them to life.
Prior to any siring the chylde should fast and meditate for up to an hour, longer if they are capable of sustaining it. A chylde should also be sure to drink plenty of fluids, such as water and juice. Avoid milk, caffeinated or carbonated beverages, and alcohol. During a fast all food is avoided for a specified amount of time, however in case of low blood sugar some fruits should be allowed. There will be plenty of time for celebrating and feasting after the rite. Fasting and meditation prepares the body, mind, and spirit for an elevated status.
Transubstantiation is the metaphysical art of transforming something into something else of a spiritual nature, of taking the physical and transcending it into the realm of Spirit or of pulling the spirit into the physical. This is a powerful action and may be accomplished by something as simple as pure faith or as complex as alchemical workings. In this manner communion may be observed between the priest and the parishioner and the vampyre and his or her chylde. Only in this case it is the chylde that is transformed into a different form, not the wafer and wine.
While this term is normally reserved for acts of piety it may also be used to describe the emergence of a newborn chylde through a transformation of the spirit. In this manner through communion with one’s sire, the energy transferred to another acts to raise the vibration of the chylde thus bringing them to a point of transformation in which after slowly and consistently raising the chylde’s vibration they develop a need for greater prana than they had as mundane.
Transmutation as a means of siring is very similar. Transmutation is simply the transforming of the person from the inside out. In short the spirit is transformed or undergoes a change of elevated vibration. In most cases the chylde is unawakened or latent. This process pulls their spirit through the awakening process and is a long and thorough one in which the sire and his or her chylde are bonded for some time until the rite is over. During this time the chylde’s energy is carefully monitored and balanced by the sire as his or her elevation increases. When they reach the elevation of awakening the sire completes communion and the chylde awakens to their nature. In most cases the latent vampyre is on the cusp of awakening and only needs the gentle nurturing of their sire to complete the process.
Both of the aforementioned methods may be utilized with the help of the Ancients. In the case of transubstantiation, the sire channels the spirit of an Elder who has chosen not to incarnate and during communion the blood, prana, or tantric energy carries the energy of the Elder Morte which then triggers the latent spirit to awaken to his or her nature through an elevation of their vibration. In the case of transmutation the sire may choose to host an Elder Morte while communing with the chylde however even though the chylde may be latent there is a variation of his or her energy signature that is altered after communion. The effect is one of being in the presence of a powerful spiritual force and being forever changed by it’s presence. Once the vibration of the chylde has been raised it remains as such and the awakening process begins or strengthens to it’s full potential.
Transmigration is an entirely different method altogether in which the chylde awakens with the help of his or her sire and an Ancient, or those brothers and sisters of the blood who have gone to the other side but who have chosen not to incarnate or who remain ever waiting on the other side for their completed Family before doing so. The chylde is prepared and the sire then calls on the aid of the Ancients. During this process the chylde must be completely open to receiving the Ancient as a host. The Ancient slowly enters the chylde and eventually is hosted within the chylde as a part of his or her own soul. This form of soul hosting transmutes the chylde through gradual elevation as the level of prana the chylde must have increases. When the chylde has reached an elevation that triggers the awakening or reaches an elevation that allows for their latent nature to come to the forefront of its own accord, the Ancient begins to separate from the chylde. At this point, communion between the chylde and the sire may take place.
While the majority of the methods described here are geared towards those chylder who are on the cusp of awakening or who are very newly awakened and simply need strengthening, there are methods of siring for those who are already awakened and simply wish to be bonded with another of their kind. It is inevitable that we all at some point desire the company of one who is wise and able to teach us, walk with us, understand us, and push us into understanding ourselves. We crave acceptance and who better to accept us than the one who mentors and sires us.
Siring for the awakened vampyre is more a manner of deepening the awakening process and bonding than of the more extensive methods mentioned above. It occurs through communion and communion that is done in a ceremonial manner. There must be an exchange of energies and that exchange deepens the process for the chylde. Through bonding the sire may greater learn how to aid his or her chylde by recognizing their energy patterns. Such aids as the beacon, dreamwalking, and thrall are deepened with communion and aid the sire in protecting his or her chylde as well as teaching them.
Communion is a part of the most siring rites and one that should happen in the manner that is appropriate for everyone involved. An Eros vampyre should not try to sire a sanguine chylde if the chylde is not open to receiving tantric communion, nor should a pranic vampyre be subject to sanguine communion if their manner of feeding does not already involve sanguine draw. In some cases, siring may occur on many facets at once through astral, tantric, pranic, and sanguine communion. For the most part the form of communion is decided upon between the sire and their chylde.
Tantric communion may or may not involve physical intimacy but will always involve a form of spiritual intimacy. The vampyre who chooses this form of communion may choose a non sexual form of tantric draw in which the sire and the chylde are in physical contact but not in the form of a more intimate encounter. Those who practice Tantra may be familiar with the extended periods of touch and gentle raising of the kundalini energies with the intention of melding as one unit. This is the form of intimacy that is the closest form of divine union that two people can express without communing with an Ancient.
Astral communion takes place on the astral and usually involves an Ancient in some form. Those who are sired by an Ancient are fortunate indeed as few can make such a claim. However it may also be accomplished by the sire in addition to physical communion. This aids the elevation process and allows the young one to feel the strength that they embody. Many vampyres feed first on the astral and then on the physical even before they awaken completely. This is simply another form of strengthening the exchange of energies between a sire and his or her chylde.
Sanguine communion is of course, communion involving the exchange of prana through the blood. This form of communion should never be done unless all parties involved have been through a thorough health screen and maintain a drug free lifestyle. Other health factors such as anemia and low blood sugar are all important to take into consideration when choosing this form of communion. While this is the best known and is in some cases synonymous with vampirism, it is important to understand that prana may be exchanged in other ways. Communion through sanguine draw is not painless and carries some risk of infection.
Pranic communion is simply the exchange of life force energy without the exchange of blood. This can be done simply and painlessly but the effects of communion are the same. Some who are adverse to using sanguine draw may find this more appealing.
Although many prefer one or two forms of communion, all four may certainly be utilized at once as long as everyone is within the same accord. It is important to remember that the rite of transformation, or siring, is not one of physical change but of spiritual shift from one level of awareness of one’s innate nature to another. The types of siring mentioned here are mentioned with the newly awakened, latent, and awakened vampyre in mind. However, dhampyri may also be sired even though they are born to one extent or another fully awakened to their nature.
The dhampyre may be fully awakened but there may be an instance whereas the spirit is elevating too quickly for the mind to catch up and thus the sire must bring the dhampyre nature into balance in order to allow him or her their full potential. The dhampyre is then brought into balance through communing with his or her sire with the strength and energy of the sire elevating the mental body of the dhampyre into balance with their spiritual body. As this happens the vibration of the dhampyre alters and elevates so that the physical body also transitions into a state of heightened awareness. Even though these are spiritual elevations, what happens to the spirit happens to the other bodies until they are balanced and of one accord.
While this also is true of the siring process of other vampyres it is not the triggering of an awakening or union with one’s nature that is being affected by the siring process but the balancing of the nature that occurs within this type of vampyre.
While much of this article has focused on communion, siring may also be accomplished by a noncommunion process called adoption. In this case the chylder is usually awakened enough to be able to make informed decisions and is taken under their mentor’s wing as a member of their extended family. In short this person is presented to the community as being the chylde of that Elder. He or she may be formally adopted through rite of passage, rite of presentation, or formal public claim. In some cases the chylde would sign their name as Nadja of or Chylde of and their mentor or Elder’s formal title. In the old days it was not uncommon for chylder of Elders to use the last part of their sire’s name, for instance: Azrya Shadowborne, Dark Chylde of Lady Shadowborne. Mistress of House Shadowborne. A chylde adopted in this fashion should be considered as valid a member of the community and association as a chylde sired by communion.
Siring itself is a controversial process among the Nightkind community and well guarded within the realms of secrecy among those who accept that this is even possible. There are many different ways of going about this however I opted to only disclose a select few as some are more dangerous and not fully endorsed. All in all it is simply a deeper mentorship. A relationship that supercedes many mentorships in it’s personal and sometimes intimate contributions. It is important to choose your chylde wisely but also to choose the method of siring with special care. To the young ones in search of a sire, don’t be in a hurry. All things happen within their own time. To the sire in search of a chylde remember the old adage of the student and the teacher. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. In such a way you will find each other and may the union between sire and chylde be eternal and blissful.
Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan, © 2007