Who Are You: An insight into personality development

Nonfiction literary compositions

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Who Are You: An insight into personality development

Postby SophieAnn » Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:45 am

Who are you?

To the layperson the answer involves a simple description of one’s physical aspects; one’s eye or hair colour, or perhaps the most significant or apparent aspects of our personality.

To those of us who perceive in layers, the question is indeed immensely complex. At each venture, a different side of our personality has an opportunity to shine; new avenues of exploration can be ventured allowing us greater insight. Every thought, every perception yields a different part of our inner persona, illustrating even for just a fraction of a second another window into our inner soul.

The foundations of our personality originate primarily from our parents. Small insignificant gestures point towards inflections primed upon us from an early age. The manner in which we argue, which issues we pursue and small obsessions are learned from our familiar childhood surroundings.

Once we become aware of the origin of these tendencies we have made our first step towards establishing our own identity. Images from our dreams enlighten us as connections are made between the physical and metaphysical world. Each object possesses a different dynamic to our growing thoughts helping us examine our lives from a different perspective as well as how we fluctuate between higher and lower levels of consciousness. Through internalising these messages our repressed memories and desires slowly push their way into our awareness allowing greater control over our developing personality, direction and spiritual path.

Real life situations play through different alternatives to the developing conscious persona. Seemingly unconnected scenarios can be perceived with greater meaning and depth and further progression may now take place as these new ideas can be tested and argued.

To the well trained inner ear, any stray thoughts previously conceived as random now carry a deeper message. Such thoughts may for example be disguised as a fantasy wish fulfilment indicating a deeper bond towards another source or a desire for further development within our growing personality.

Who are you? Indeed the question can be conceived as a spiritual whole uniting unknown people as part of an invisible giant jigsaw. Or part of an individual whole. Or even as just the parts we reveal both to ourselves and others in each unique situation we are presented. But for the person who truly listens and understands the never-ending internal and external messages, the personality is a unique combination of inner soul and outer being, and not a construct made for us through an external source.

We are ourselves.
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Sun May 03, 2009 10:46 pm

I'm not sure there is a label for me yet, but I am very sure I don't need one. Excellent piece Sophie Ann.


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby The Madame X » Mon May 04, 2009 9:00 am

Lovely Article Sophie Ann!
It is very important that we exert some degree of societal suspendibility and come to terms with who we really are and have become, with naked honesty.
Ex Somnius Scientia
Madame X
Matriarch, House of the Dreaming

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