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House of the Dreaming • View topic - Our Otherkin Brothers and Sisters

Our Otherkin Brothers and Sisters

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Our Otherkin Brothers and Sisters

Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:29 am

Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby RavenHarte » Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:01 pm

Love this article Aislin.. very good!!!
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Postby Wolfblane » Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:10 pm

I can honestly say I'm very glad to have read this article. It has given me a deeper understanding of Otherkin. How I myself fit into the mix, I'm not sure. I'm a Sang vampire, but there's other things I have yet to truly understand, but I do believe these things to still be inherantly vampiric. It was a great article all-around. I have had the chance to mee a few Otherkin in my day, but I strongly agree with you on one point. Maybe you didn't word it the same way I will. I think there are distinct differences between Otherkin and vampires. Most at least believe that this is a physical as well as spiritual condition. Otherkin, from what I've researched, see it as a wholly spiritual condition. Some vampires believe this way also. Just some food for thought. But in saying this, I do agree with you when you say we should accept them for who they are and vice versa. We are many kinds of creatures, but closely bonded like no other family tree ever could be. It is very sad I think that Otherkin people are not met with the same acceptance in other houses, as they would be accepted in this one. Really, really good read Aislin.
Later Night Scoundrels.

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Postby EzikielTempted » Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:40 pm

In my experience of being Otherkin, I've found many people that have been drawn to me because of the energies I exhibit. you're right when you say that we are drawn to the things we are, because with most of us there is a need to feel that spiritual connection (I think that everyone has this, not just otherkin, but I'm trying ot focus and doing it badly.)

Though my True Form and soul may not be, well- any of the above mentioned ones, I do find it refreshing that we are being discussed. Albeit I find it even more refreshing that we are being discussed here.

There are so many things to cover with each subset of the Otherkin comminuty, that it would be nearly impossible to detail the workings of each one unless you went to each house and elected a chosen official to preside over a written synopsis of their Kin. While this may not be a very effcient, it certianly would get the job done for now.

My partucualr breed isn't mentioned here, though I doubted that it would be. Knowing you are otherkin is the single most confusing thing that I still haven't come to full terms with. It's strange how you can feel something so intensely, and not have a freakin' clue what you're babbling on about.

Without further ado- the end.


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Postby Amara-Syn » Mon May 12, 2008 9:47 pm

If you are looking for the answers, dare to look inside yourself!!!
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Mon May 11, 2009 9:12 pm

I can very easily see vampyres and Otherkin being one and the same for no other reason than our direct connections with the Ancients as well as the general view that we are something other than human, or a different type of human. I certainly hold the belief that vampyrism is a spiritual situation that manifests on a physical and astral level. One can't help but affect the other.

I'm working on two different pieces on incarnations and "fallen" angels. Not sure if anyone will like them but they are bound to get a response...muahhahhahaa!!


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

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