Oya's name quite literally translates into "She Tore" which is quite fitting for this lady of destruction. She is mistress of storms, especially those involving great amounts of wind and lightening. It's said that when Oya dances, destruction is afoot. Her twirling and energetic dancing creates tornados and wind storms, the sparks from her flying feet and outstretched hands causing lightening and static charges. Like most Yoruban Goddesses, She loves intense colors and Her space should be decorated in rich plums, purples, golds, fiery oranges, and deep forest greens. Feast days are noted for November 25,December 04, Feb 02, and Feb 09. Offerings should include, cocoa butter, black beans, rice, eggplant, and rain water from a storm.
Oya brings destruction, chaos, and as a result, change and transition. She often appears to Her devotees as a water buffolo, a striking African woman amidst fire or tornado, or as a face in the middle of a wind or lightening storm. She speaks through thunder, howling winds, and the sea crashing on shores. To say She is the winds of change would not be an understatement. Oya appears in times of intense transition, life altering events, and is both terrifying and comforting to those who love Her. Oya lessons are those of balance as all change must happen through a natural cycle of creation and destruction. Balance does not occur without some measure of chaos and this is what She teaches. Her roles as a protectress of the dead, cemetaries, and all sacred places of the dead is yet another arm in the role of transition as life, death, and rebirth are intense transitions both for the living and those passed over.
Seek Oya during periods of personal crisis, as a guide through storms, and life changes. Her role as storm bringer teaches that in order for life to continue there must be this cycle of creation, chaos, and destruction. She also teaches that all things are transitory and even the most intense situations will pass.
~ Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan