Article on the soul
Many of us practice magical work and develop both our intuition as well as any psychic capacities the human potential contains for a myriad of different reasons.
With this we have created branches of understanding and mountains of theories compiled to explain why and how best to do such things.
We see some who relate all spiritual work to religion and god entities, others which say it comes from the human innate capacities/divine condition or at the very least the inner god within us all. Others believe that this is all a mere distortion of our own reality through the altering of facts and creation of illusions which affect us in a psychological spectrum, allowing us to believe in things that are mere self defense mechanisms or fantasies as if they were real.
However this may be, there is one question that I have not heard often enough. “What physical adaptations of the body are fruit of such work?”
It has become clear through scientific studies and the wonderful art of biopsy that every and all growths/adaptations/mutations that the body undertakes can be measured through biopsy and analysis of the results.
It isn’t always plausible since we don’t know what to look for, but for instance if a certain person contains a inhumane amounts of strength. We can study their muscle fibers and neurological network to see the cause or adaptation and classify that same strength. It goes far beyond the apparent tonus.
If a person has a mental disorder or to be less exuberant is just highly intelligent, there is a physical difference in the hormonal imprint left on the brain and in its structure. Though small there are changes and areas that are affected.
It is through the study of such things we can now define what sort of physical & mental exercises put strain on specific aspects or specific fibers and tissues.
I have seen people name a huge multitude of physical changes that come trailed along with things like “Awakening” or the surpassing of other spiritual thresholds. Yet I still see very little explanation as to why hormonal and chemical changes take place and what triggers that change.
That it does take place and is triggered by spiritually related events is something that I have stopped questioning.
Now I seek to understand what physical or meta physical body do we develop when we do magical/spiritual work. Otherwise we would not improve over time and practice. The law of over compensation must apply here as well, I seek to find out where exactly.
There must be changes and links that can help us to understand which parts of our bodies are related. It has long been though that all psychic capacities are merely something that happens in the brain, however I question such things. There must be other organs and tissues that are stimulated and put under stress, there must be alterations or some form of contractions that happen within the brain and body to allow such things to happen. There has to be a chemical flood or hormonal shift taking place somewhere in the body.
I truly believe that we have a subtle body which is often considered the soul or astral form. I also believe that there is much we still need to learn about how to interpret and measure the intensity and changes in that same subtle body. It is a link and a golden one at that, which must be developed in order for modern science to evolve even further.
Now for those who believe that the subtle body is a factor I move on, to state that such a body is not separate from our physical shell like many still believe. The spirit, mind and body are all one and link. All systems function as a whole not as individual pieces, why should the connection between the subtle body and the physical plane be exempted from this natural law?.
Here I raise the question, which change in the subtle body affects or leads the body to change and vice versa? What tissues and parts of the body “grow” as a result of our spiritual/energetic development/improvements and why.