Ascensions within the Vampyre Community

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Postby Taris » Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:54 pm

Hmm ascensions and recognition has never been high on my list though Madame X. I have never really stressed it nor have I yearned for it as some others would. I simply wish to learn and grow and possibly find others to learn and grow with.

I knew a few of them from the community in NYC that have been accepted, worked for it, and been fine mentors in their times. I miss the city for that fact as in my area it is two hours from the nearest community anything though I have found a rather good few people online who I work with regularly regarding spirituality.

Deacon, I understand what you mean differentiating community and vampiric. I have come across situations you stated myself and happily excluded myself from those conversations :P

"Social skill is present in most educated vampiric elders, but many are too busy with their own study and growth to even bother. "

All too true. It is a shame because a lot of those new to the community can miss out on those actually working at growth and those who would be beneficial :P

"Great...but I know 14 yearold girls that have more spiritual growth going on then many of them...I don't consider them elders either"

Also, very true. Thank you both for your points :)
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Postby The Madame X » Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:40 pm

You make a valid point Taris.
Ascension and Ranking may not be at all important for some.
In our family we do encourage our simple ascension path, but we also respect the desires of our members who do not desire ranking for themselves.
Ah the beauty of individualization...
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Postby Taris » Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:54 pm

That is always a wonderful thing. Personally, if it meant being able to gain information on spirituality that was more in depth? More beyond the surface of energy working, energy manipulation, basic healing or alleviation of pain, and more into the intermediate or advanced knowledge that may be available. I would probably. I am always seeking new knowledge. Sadly enough though when I was looking into the Strigoi Vii principles and ascensions. It didnt really click for me you know? I have my own beliefs and practices and though I will look into those of others I wouldnt want to feel I have to practice them or view them as my own to move forward within that set or group of the community. If im making any sense. Sort of out of it lol
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Postby LadyDarkAdora » Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:16 pm

Taris - I believe every belief holds at least some truth in it. This may be stemmed from my belief that everything is connected in some way or another. Titles in communities can be a way to keep others driving themselves deeper into teachings. As Madame X said, if members do not wish for titles, they will be respected as such.

Houses are close knit families normally. There are some that value quantity over quality. However, with the close knit families, they tend to already have similar beliefs. Not every house is right for everyone.
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Postby Taris » Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:52 am

Lady, I do hold that perspective when it comes to others beliefs. I dont knock anything before I explore it and see what does work for me, click to me, feel comfortable to me. I guess i could be called a rational/analytical type? I explore everything I come across from almost every possible angle.

Titles as a way of driving someone to push harder? Interesting idea. I guess that that can be so for some and less so for others eh? But regardless if it helps someone drive and push themselves further into their learning, exploration, and understanding of the self, spiritual, universal, etc then it is useful enough.

I honestly, probably would not enjoy a house that has set, structured, beliefs. I feel that every one will have different perspectives, outlooks, ideals, ideas, etc. And the fact that these differences come together helps one to see from different perspectives easier. It helps us to look outside of the things we grow accustomed to. The paths we take and not looking outside of them. It helps us grow immensely when we are in contact with differing views imo.

Close knit doesnt necessarily mean we all have similar beliefs eh? Simply close, comfortable with one another, open enough to explore a sister's or brother's ideas and perspectives as well as them ours in an effort to grow more.

Well went on bit longer than I was intending to :)
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Postby The Madame X » Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:04 am

Absolutely Tarris. We are all different with different perspectives and different experiences. t is thru these differences that we learn, grow and expand our own horizons.
If everyone is thinking the same, noone is thinking very much.
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Postby Taris » Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:34 pm

Very much in agreement there. :P
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Re: Ascensions within the Vampyre Community

Postby Eilyn » Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:46 am

As I have been solitary since having a mentor...sort of...this is very helpful. I know very little about structure and about our community, but am apt to learn. I'll probably refer back to this quite a bit.
Can Ronin just decide to create their own house, structure, group and then work towards having it recognized by the greater community? I understand this as how HoTD sort of got it's start.
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Re: Ascensions within the Vampyre Community

Postby The Madame X » Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:02 pm

The preferred way to go about establishing a House is after Eldership status is earned, weather or not the individual belongs to a House.
Anyone can attempt to start a house but it is unlikely that they will succeed and/or be accepted by the rest of the community.
Before House of the Dreaming sought public recognition, I had been recognized as an Elder and had helped establish other houses and courts, and had years of community interaction.
Experience is important but it is not the only pillar needed, Knowledge is key as well. I find that many start-up houses unfortunately suffer from a bad case of 'the blind leading the blind' no matter how well intentioned they may be.
Most start-up houses do not make it past the preliminary stages, rarely to they even stay together for over a year.
It is a very challenging undertaking and I could never have done it alone.
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