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House of the Dreaming • View topic - The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

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Moderator: The Madame X

Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:32 pm

I've heard of a large pack in Pennsylvania and another in NOLA that have been around for a while but maintain rather low profiles.
Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby Taris » Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:42 am

What we perceive is our reality is our reality. We think on right and wrong, good and evil, light and dark, god, and the universe yet never look at it from the larger view. Societal and individual perceptions.
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Postby The Madame X » Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:00 pm

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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:39 pm

Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby Taris » Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:42 am

Well I am glad that I had the freedom in my life to allow me to explore myself and my spirituality. It is a shame how many people would ignore their awakenings and try to block it out for the sake of having a sense of normality per typical societal definition *sighs*.

And Madame, thank you for inquiring. I was curious about the "kin" groups. The demon ones in particular I had heard mention of by one of my old community acquaintances who went by Grim, now Thanos.

Aislin, I feel sort of lost in this time of the community. There is too much left to be desired and plenty that i am sure would have been desired in the older times of the community. Thank you again for sharing :)
What we perceive is our reality is our reality. We think on right and wrong, good and evil, light and dark, god, and the universe yet never look at it from the larger view. Societal and individual perceptions.
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Re: The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:04 pm

Very nice!! Love it MadameX! I've always held the belief that we instituted many of the myths ourselves for our own protection. Some of it may be a play on religion and others a play on Dark Age superstition, but whatever the reason and regardless of how many we've lost to these periods of history, we are still here. So we had to have done something right.


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Re: The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

Postby The Madame X » Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:15 am

Much has been forgotten about the days before the Vampyre Balls of NYC. That is unfortunate. I would like to remind you of Vampire Theater aka La Comedia del Sangre. They offered Vampire Theater thru the NY/NJ area as far back as 1987. My friend Tony Sokol's brain child.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_iw3o6X ... ure=relmfu

This is an interview with Tony Sokol on the Joan Rivers' show aired in 1993
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_iw3o6X ... ure=relmfu
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Re: The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

Postby Victorya » Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:44 pm

First I thank Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan, to the highest degree for this article.

I like Ezikiel, have belonged to an Occult Order, the Martinists. Not much can be divulged, as per one’s oath to maintain secrecy even unto death.

I want nothing whatever to do with the old ways of Vampyre Communities as herein this post described. I believe in death before losing Honor, breaking one’s Word, is not acceptable, period. And I wholeheartedly believe and keep my promises and vows. This I not only believe. I lived this way always. This is how I was raised by my grandmother who raised me in the rural Deep South of the USA. She gave birth in mid-life to my mother. My grandmother/granny was born in 1906. She passed on, at the age of 103, in the year 09.

I believe in the right of a Vampyre House to be selective if a sole Vampyric Membership if sought by member consensus. Likewise, I believe in the right of other Houses to include other members whom I consider to be part of the VC. The level of member affiliation, an agreed upon by Founder and members alike, of course. I also believe that Otherkin, Therians and Swans, have their right of chosen membership within their chosen Groups and Family.

What House would I prefer personally? Without further hesitation, I prefer a House which is diverse, as well as, one which welcomes others whom are part of the Community. Which I believe is composed of Vampyres, Therians, Otherkin and Swans.

I believe in the need of utter prudence to whom one associates with; particularly with whom one reveals one’s Vampyric or other identity too. It is a matter of survival, sound judgment and loyalty to our kin, and their well being. However, I believe that to form a non permeable cast in stone, non permeability is not the chosen way for me. It is actually the demise of the Community.

Rather to allow the potential member and the House alike to prove if he/she, and It, is indeed, real is what I believe. In my ideology the honor and loyalty, of the potential member, as well as, that of the House and its members, is equally important. As, why would I want to dedicate my time and efforts or associate with a House whose members have no Honor and loyalty?

Ladies and gentlemen, to say this as diplomatically as I may; not even for a second of time, on gut rut, albeit, (bad moonshine) would I want anything to do with an affiliation to any clan, coven or group, as what has been in this post described, as the vampyric old ways.


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Re: The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

Postby Victorya » Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:37 pm

After reading this, I am going to be in great attention to Vampyre Groups/Covens/Houses. If I see these traits herein this article described, in any associate, member, Founder of a House, I know to keep my distance. Oh yes. The only exception is Honor, Loyalty and the needed by any House or Group lack of indifference. Indifference is a sure sign that there is no need for further efforts with a potential sought House.

This article has been of great value.

QUESTION: I read in an article that the Masquerade was a for profit "invention." This article states otherwise. I would appreciate the validation of the intent of The Masquerade. Thank you.

In the Darkness Blissful and Divine,


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Re: The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

Postby The Madame X » Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:07 am

Please be more specific. The Masquerade can be many things... what exactly do you mean?
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Re: The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

Postby Victorya » Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:09 pm

Dark Blessings and thank you Madame X,

Please know that I read an article which explained the Masquerade incorrectly. I thought that the article which had touched on the topic of The Masquerade, was a very good article. However, I was wrong and the article that I read was misleading. I have been informed of the Masquerade's true meaning, by Deacon Gray. Therefore, I am in full awareness of what is and what is not, in regards to The Masquerade.


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Re: The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

Postby The Madame X » Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:05 pm

Perhaps you can tell me what it means anyway... maybe I'm confused.
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Re: The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

Postby Victorya » Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:47 pm

My Lady,

You areconfused about the Masquerade? What an utterly impossibility, Madame. Lol! An individual wrote a huge article, where it was claimed that the only purpose of the Masquerade was for profit. The article never mentioned that the main individual who is famous for his "events" learned much from real Vampyres, who also formed part of the Masquerade.

In utter shame, I "applauded" the article. To not engage in divisive drama, I would not mention anything in posts. However, now I understand that the linear explanation of the Masquerade, was a lie and the article thus, not good. The only thing that can be said about such article is that much time to put it together was used, if that is the case that, is.

In the Darkness Blissful and Divine,


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Re: The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

Postby The Madame X » Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:37 pm

Victoria, can you post the article as a new thread or send it to me so i can read it?
So your question has nothing to do with these 2 articles, but some other thing?
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Re: The Old Ways (at least how I remember them)

Postby LadyGigiFrost » Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:58 pm

As I began to read this article I was thinking to myself "Wow - that's what I felt like". I say that in regards to "no internet, no groups, ect"..My Stars, the best I got was books at the local library and those where hard to come by.
Growing up as a witch and seeing my mother and grandmother and the other ladies within the family preform rituals, I know that somewhere out there there where vampire Houses/Covens. I did not have anyone tell me, it's something I just felt so deeply that I had vivid dreams and prejections. So that deep longing and searching always ended in a dead end. In the 80's in Dallas, Tx there where talks of such clubs that catered to the night side.However, I only hand a change to visit them only a hand full of times and each visit was short lived, as the person I was with was not comfortable. I on the other hand felt like I had just open the golden gates.

I have always been a firm believer of proper etiquette and how it relates to Elders, again this was before finding that they are very much real. So, you can imagine my surprise when I discovered such.

I can recall finding the OVC, and my first message board I belonged to, there was a topic of etiquette within the community. I can also recall the bashing I took in expressing it's importance. It was not long after that that I was surrounded by those who did not have the same dreams (literally) nor carried any air of respect, thus they where not my cup of tea.
Through my journey and research,I did discover a House that does follow the tribunal's post in this article. Which, was a shock for me. However, if one follows the proper protocol, honor, and loyalty to the House, One would not have to worry about following into being subject to such. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but if ones loyalty, respect, honor and all protocols are followed, I'm not to sure how one could face the tribunal's. Even, thought the tribunal's loyalty, honor, respect and protocol's should be always in the followed. For me it say's a lot about one's character.

What I am happy to see is that diversity is among the HotD, thus creating many avenues for support, teaching and learning. It also is peaceful to me to know that manners, protocol and etiquette are a vital part of the community.

Those before us took more than a bashing and have many walls to claim to get us where we are today and I personally am embedded with gratitude and loyalty to MadameX, WUlfsunus as well as other's for what they had to do to get us here today.
This was a beautiful article and provided more insight to the history of the Community,Thank you for posting this article.

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Lady Frost.
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