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House of the Dreaming • View topic - The Eros ( Sexual) Vampire

The Eros ( Sexual) Vampire

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Moderator: The Madame X

The Eros ( Sexual) Vampire

Postby deacongray » Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:18 pm

“Seduction is always more singular and sublime than sex and it commands the higher price” - Jean Baudrillard

Over the course of time there have been many different looks at vampires in literature and cinema. The blood drinking fiends that stalk the night are well documented, however what seems to often be over looked even in modern times are the other types of Vampires.

None however draw as much interest as the type called the Eros, or sexual vampire. These creatures in mythology have been spoken of in many names and ways. Most often as evil dark creatures that sways the innocent, or defiles themselves in the name of simple physical pleasures. Sometimes they are spoken about as romantic, even tragic figures. The truth behind the Sexual Vampire, however, is much more complex.

To be a sexual vampire one does not, in all cases, have to have actual sexual intercourse. Indeed all they need is in some way use sexuality as a means to feed. Of course all the major types of vampires, Sang or Psi, tend to have those who use sexuality in some manner. As an example the sanguinary feeder that uses his looks and allures to draw prospective donors. However this does not make them a Sexual Vampire as the sexual component is a tool used to get to what they are really after, blood or PSI energy.

So let’s look at the main types… The Succubus/ Incubus, the Siren, the Varsavarti, and the Satyr and Nymph.

Over the next few articles I will be looking into each one of these different kinds of vampire. Of course I want to start by saying that these names are but familiar terms, terms a sexual vampire can use as a means to understand their own nature. I am not suggesting that these creatures were all real vampires or real vampire types. Indeed there are several people out there that would quickly condemn such a thing.

So let me instead start with the explanation of group term. “The Eros Type Vampire”

The Name is taken from Eros, the Greek god of love and sexual desire. He is also known as Cupid in his child like appearance, though in earlier times he was seen as an adult god. He was spawned from Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, and Ares, the God of War.

He is said to have mated with Psyche, whose name means Soul and beget By Psyche, Volupta or Pleasure; Nyx (Night). Perhaps you can see why the name seemed to appropriate.
The Eros type vampire encompasses many of these aspects and many more. They are both savage warrior with carnal lust, and romantic lovers who delight in the simple pleasures a night can provide them.

Nothing is so complex as a vampire except perhaps love and desire, which makes the Eros, type one of the most interesting and intriguing of them all.

Yet, the Eros type is not a simple creature, its not one term that catches them all, but one name that encompasses many others. Inside this paper we will examine the Eros Type, the Sexual vampire in its different forms. I invite you to join me, to speak your thoughts and idea’s, even if you disagree or which to refute what I say.

After all, we all learn from each other, and I enjoy getting closer to all of you.

Continued with Part 2 the Succubus/ Incubus
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Postby deacongray » Tue Jan 16, 2007 12:31 pm

Part Two "

"A tempting look, a sublt allure, devouring your desire, devouring your heart, Sweet Succubus, damned creature."-D

The Eros type that is most easily recognized is actually the lest common. For generations the term Succubus has come to stand for many things. They have been seen as the seductress who is after the wealthy, or the Incubus tempting the innocent. They became known as everything from night goddess’ to the horrid and demonic. However as is too common with those who don’t really understand a term; this term was used as a shot gun term to cover all the different aspects of sexuality that people find immoral. Vampire co-opted it to some extent for the same reason.

The Succubae or Incubi however are, in all reality, pretty rare in the realm of vampires. Take a moment to look back at the historical context in which these creatures are spoken of and you will find a hint of their reality. Succubae and Incubi, simply stated, feed on sexual intercourse. Whether that feeding is on individual spiritual energy, or the act itself, the key element is always the sexual promises that got the victim into that situation.

With a Succubus or Incubus vampire there is no romantic requirement for their feeding. The picture of them portrayed in mythology is actually far more accurate then many might like to admit. There is the shadowed room at midnight, the open window from which a succubus enters and descends on a unwitting victim, often having intercourse with them without even waking them.

In reality however these creatures are those who typically feed on one night stands, or quick sexual exchanges. While the term is common those who actually feed in this manner are fairly few. They do exist and tend to find their prey through the use of other feeding practices of the more romantic Eros Types.

The biggest misconception about the succubus is that because they feed from sexuality with out Love, that they are wicked. Indeed the wickedness of this type of behavior is notorious and often what people think of when they think of a sexual vampire. The wickedness, however, is perhaps out of proportion to their act.

This type of vampire is often the life of the party, they encourage others to act on their inhibitions and the most successful of them actually tend to be seen as anything but what they truly are. The Succubus/ Incubus can be alluring, blunt, subtle or completely inconspicuous. While they are few, if you have spent any time inside the Vampire community you have most likely come into contact with one of them, even if you didn't realize it.

Next Part Three "The Eros Siren"
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Re: The Eros ( Sexual) Vampire

Postby The Madame X » Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:14 am

Decon do you have the Siren article?
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Re: The Eros ( Sexual) Vampire

Postby deacongray » Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:56 pm

Yes I think I posted it here somewhere...if not I can find it
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