the power of the word

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the power of the word

Postby VodalokNightkiller » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:36 am

The Power of the Word

From Webster’s online dictionary;

a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury
b : extreme dislike or antipathy : loathing <had a great hate of hard work>
: an object of hatred <a generation whose finest hate had been big business — F. L. Paxson>
Examples of HATE
1. These crimes are motivated by prejudice and hate.
2. They have been unable to overcome their hates and fears.
Origin of HATE
Middle English, from Old English hete; akin to Old High German haz hate, Greek kēdos care
First Known Use: before 12th century
Hate as a Verb;
Definition of HATE
transitive verb
: to feel extreme enmity toward <hates his country's enemies>
: to have a strong aversion to : find very distasteful <hated to have to meet strangers> <hate hypocrisy>
intransitive verb
: to express or feel extreme enmity or active hostility
— hat•er noun
— hate one's guts
: to hate someone with great intensity

These are the recognized forms and meanings of the word. But it is used today with great carelessness. It is to this end that the article I now write was conceived. As many of you know, or may not know, I am disabled and unable to live on my own due to several conditions that are for the most part unseen, and as a result, intangible by most who see or assume to perceive who or what I am. And this is something that I “Hate”.
But do I really hate this, or is it just a strong emotion that is borne upon me by reason of my own inability to accept the state of my being?
What Webster’s does not say is where or how Hate exists in each of us. Though it is a strong emotion, it is not one that exists without some underlying pathos that digs deep into our subconscious like a cancer, poisoning our perspective and reason. In a perfect world, Hate would not exist. But it does. As a result, it gets thrown about every day by everyone in little ways we take for granted, ignoring the deeper implications of what we say: and in the worst cases, very deliberately hurl at one another even though true hate may not exist or be the reason for the use of the word.
In the home in which I now reside, we have the wonder and pleasure of raising a four-year-old boy who is high on the autism spectrum. He picks up words fast, and to our joy, he also picks up the understanding of those words by an innate empathy which borders on the mystical. As you can imagine, we must constantly watch what we say and how we say it. He has the right and authority to put anyone who uses words that we have deemed, “bad” in Time Out. It’s a house rule. If he can’t say it, neither can we or our guests.
His father has explained that the word “ 'hate' is not exactly a bad word like fuck, pussy, or bitch, but it is a word which, in our world, has the power to steal innocence.”
His fiancé, an educator of children of the same age, who has studied abroad, and even taught abroad, says, “Hate is an adult emotion. It’s something that comes with age.”
And many will agree that it is also something that is taught, by us, the adults, through example and everyday use of the word.
It is easy for us to regulate words such as “ass, dick, cunt,” etc... but in the months that have passed since the word “Hate” has been put on the watch word list, I have noticed not only in my own vocalizations of thoughts, emotions, or ideas, that the word “Hate” is extremely hard to weed out. Not just for myself but for the father and mother, and mother to be. For the uncles, aunts, and friends who come and share of themselves some of their joys and sorrows in our home.
I have begun to ask myself why this is the case. And I have found that the word is, in some part, whether we realize it or not, part of the very foundation of the language we speak. As I have shown in other things I have written by request, or interviews given within our most humble and wondrous community, I take my time with what I say. It may take me weeks or even months to compose an article, petition, or even a simple reply, and still, the word “Hate” falls so freely from my lips, without reason or care.
So I have begun to watch every word I say, contemplating its meaning and usage according to the conversation or dictation. How callous have we become as a species that such a word has become so intrinsically rooted to our very everyday communication needs? Think about it, look at your use of the word, think clearly of how often it falls from your lips and is spread, like the plague it is, by our tongues.
Where is this going? The forgotten power of words. Each word holds a deep and powerful command over how we perceive the world around us, the words that are used as names, the names that become words, etc... We have, as a people, worldwide, forgotten the very power of a single word. There was a time when A Name was so sacred that no one would be allowed to know it unless they were family, or mate. There were words that one would never speak for fear of being struck down dead, either by the gods, or by the lords/kings/pharaohs/emperors of the lands once ruled. But in our modern age, the reality of the power of words has been lost through both the iron fist of religion, and the unforgiving digging of science.
But here, as we grow, and learn, we learn again what was lost, out of fear, and “Hatred,” of ways not acceptable to the religions of the world. We are all connected, not just the living things, but the seemingly non-living rocks, air, and even the cold depths of the universe around us. Every word carries a vibration, and that vibration, over time, is attuned to an emotion. And in the case of the word “Hate” every time it is said, whether in jest , careless intonation of some little thing that annoys us (“oh, I hate when I stub my toe”, or “don’t you just hate pants”) we add to that vibration and give it more energy. Energy that reaches out and touches everything regardless of how close we are to it. Think when you speak, find new ways to express what you feel, even in the deepest of trauma, emotional distress, or anger. Find a way to not say it, that word which is an infection of suffering, which brings on the darkness in our souls and pollutes us with things like depression, anger, remorse, or worse, violence against others.
We need to find as a people a way to “weed” this word out of our very rich and vibrant vocabularies. Regardless of what language it is said in, it carries the same emotional vibrations, echoing out from us like ripples on the water. And if, like rain, those ripples collide and merge until there is nothing left of the calm on the face of the water, then we are doomed to be just as devoid of calm in our everyday lives.
“Hate,” as a word alone, does more harm to each and every one of us than we could ever imagine, simply by saying it. It is a ugly thing, full of the bile of contempt and uncontrolled rage. It is a poison that robs us of hours of our lives, even days or years. Letting go of Hate, is the hardest thing to do, because it is an addiction of the soul. An addiction, which, if given time, will destroy our souls and leave us nothing more than empty shells: long dead, yet still breathing the plague that consumed us. So, for the sake of our children, our nations, our world, our one world people, let us find a way to bring an end to this cancer full of the evil so many say comes from outside us. When, in truth, we carry it and spread it, utterly unaware of the damage we do to everyone and everything we touch with that word.
In the words of Vodalok (yes, that is me), “there is no man or woman, alive or dead, so worthy of the energy consumed by hatred that we should ever give them that much power over us, that we should ever allow that hatred to consume our very souls. Free your mind and your soul of hate, and the world will become a brighter and safer place.”
Thank you for reading.
In love, Vodalok Nightkiller
L. A. Nantz

Copyright 2013, June 4th, 6:58pm eastern
Property of L. A. Nantz
I am all that is left of life, I am Vodalok.
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Re: the power of the word

Postby VodalokNightkiller » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:37 am

i will be sharing this on my fan page as well as in the seekers page on face book. i do hope you will not mind.
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Re: the power of the word

Postby The Madame X » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:02 am

This is a very interesting and inspiring article that touches not only on the concept of 'hate' but also on the power of words, actions and thoughts.
Mindless actions mean little compared to mindful words, much like how mindless words mean little when compared to mindful thoughts.
And yes, we should all be on time'out when we speak negativity. Our words and thought should be constructive, loving and affirmative so that our mindful actions can follow suit.
We learn much thru the eyes a children. As adults, we should practice ~introspection~ and foment a personal space for time'out when we become careless with our actions, words and thoughts. And yes, we must be able to control every thing about us - our actions, words, thoughts and emotions. Its ok to feel a myriad of emotions but we need be able to channel these in constructive, loving and affirmative ways.
I currently have a couple of similar projects of my own, not just with my 6yr old child, but with my aging mom who is a very pessimistic person. And, I do put her on introspection time when she speaks negativity. I think she is a happier person just because she needs to refrain from speaking garbage around me. She does not believe she has any control over her thoughts, but maybe one day she will realize she does have that power, and I am a firm believer that practice makes perfect.
I like to call it Mental and Verbal Hygiene towards a better you.
Kudos Vodalok on a good article and a even better slice of inspiration.
Ex Somnius Scientia
Madame X
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Re: the power of the word

Postby VodalokNightkiller » Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:39 am

thank you Maddam. its a topic very dear and near to my heart. i feel that hate is such an ugly thing and work very hard to keep it out of my soul. as an empath feeling it in others is painful for me, and i try to explain why but most simply do not want to listen, the hate, is more important than letting it go and healing the hurt done by it.
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