by Blackwolf » Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:49 am
Firstly,I absolutely love the title of this article.Secondly I love its content.You definitely provide a wide array of examples and illustrations on the value and depth of the Chthonic. I have two tattoos,one on each wrist. On my left,I have a personal symbol,my signature,a combination of the sigils of saturn and jupiter.It is meant to represent the hightest of what a human animal can become,A God.On my left is the alchemical symbol for antimony,which in alchemy represented the free or animal spirit of the human,the deepest or lowest (as in closest to physical reality)-,in essence,the Beast.I think that It is the beast in us, that Chthonic,the primal,the animal, that drives us to attain the higher, the greater-Godhead.I got these tattoos to represent personal inner and outer balance.I think that the Therianthrope/The Human Beast,stands in between. and is both simultaneously.
Mmmm.Yes.This article is delicous. Thank you Madame X.
" Only the ideas that we really live have any value. " - Herman Hesse