Of all of the questions I receive and have received over the past few years, I have to say that this one of the most requested topics that I've addressed privately over the years. It's become such a popular request that I simply don't have time to address them one on one due to time constrictions and such. I thought this would be a much better way to address this issue and offer a very basic beginner's guide to shielding. For those that would like a more personal approach, I will holding a discussion session after the Litha circle Sunday at 7pm. We will hold the circle and then the discussion forum.
Shielding is the process in which we block, filter, or otherwise make ourselves impermeable to outside energetic interferences. There are many reasons to do this. The most obvious one is to block emotions, tensions, circumstances, and so forth belonging to other people from interfering with our own energies. This is especially true of empaths, people who are highly sensitive to the emotions or thoughts of others around them. Generally speaking, any time we deal with the public or public places we are exposed to any number of variable emotions and energies.
From a scientific point of view, our bodies are huge electromagnetic devices from the most basic of cells to the most complex of organs. We are constantly producing bioelectrical energy. It is the radiation of this energy that is referred to as our aura. Our hormones, biochemistry, and every physical make up is in accordance to our bioelectrical process. If we can emit electrical currents, we can also take them in. Those who know how to recognise and draw from those bioelectrical currents or direct them, can cause issues with your own personal biochemistry, thus knowing how to effectively shield is very important.
The most common reason that someone learns shielding is to protect themselves from unwanted energy predation. We have every right to choose who we share our energy with as it is a very personal thing and something that holds a lasting bond with those that we share ourselves with. Thus it is not something that is taken lightly. We share our energies with those we care for, during communion, those we have ritual, mass, or other spiritual experience with. We do not share our energies with random people at random times nor should we actively allow people to take our energies without our permission.
There are many different kinds of shielding. I'm just going to touch on a few simple ones here and go into other methods at another time. Shielding is literally the spiritual armor we place around ourselves so that we are well defended against unwanted attacks and negative influences. If it were visible, it would appear as a light or cloak around the aura , just outside the last ring. If you don't know anything about visualizations or need to brush up on them, do so before trying to construct a shield.
From a more practical point of view, if the reader is not a spiritual or religious person, you are simply reforming your bioelectromagnetic current to keep other like currents out. consider the laws of attraction. When one atom is lacking an atom it needs, it naturally attracts the atom required to it. Drawing from someone occurs in much the same way.
When we begin to create a shield we have to do two things. The first thing is to believe that we are absolutely and completely protected. The second thing is to program your shield. You want to make a list of (it can be mental, it doesn't have to be a physical written list) of what you want your shield to do. Consider why you need it, what it's purpose will be, whether it will be a longterm shield or a temporary shield, will it be an astral shield or a shield to protect you in the physical world, what will it look like and what will it protect you against specificly. Remember that emotions and thoughts such as negative mindset or doubts can reflect in holes in your shield or it not working altogether.
Now that you have a good idea of what the shield will do, you must collect the energy to bring it to life. This is where your visualizations come into play. Sit in a quiet room or a place where you feel peaceful and safe. If you have an altar you may want to sit in front of it and light a purifying and protecting incense such as sage, sweetgrass, lavender, cedar, or any combination of the above. Now close your eyes. Feel yourself sink into a slightly meditative state. Above you there is a pure white light, below you is the soft warm protective earth. Raise your arms very slowly until your palms are almost touching. Feel the white light between your palms. Slowly fill your palms with this energy. Feel it flowing through your fingertips, centering in your palms, and finally pulling down into your arms. Continue pulling this pure white light down into your shoulders, your torso and finally settle it within your solar plexus. You are now ready to select and construct your shield
The bubble shield is probably the most popular and easily constructed of all of the shields. This shield literally places you within a bubble of white or protective light. Remember when constructing any kind of shield that white reflects and negates ugly energies and darker lights guard, protect, and hide. When creating a bubble shield you can use either form of light, but it is the most common to use white for bubbles. Now that you have your white light stored in your solar plexus you are now going to release it. As you do so, repeat something along these lines:
My body is my temple. Only love and light may enter my sacred space.
As you form a mantra of this phrase (or one of your own construction that relays the same idea) imagine that this white light within you is spiraling upwards. As it travels upward towards your arms imagine that it is pulled upward into your shoulders, down into your hands and finally into your palms. As you feel the energy build from both your visualization, harvesting, and mantra, bring your hands up in front of you so that it is directly in front of your heart. Your palms should be very close but not touching. Concentrate on feeling the energy between your palms. They should be tingling and flushed by now. Close your eyes and feel the energy form and build between your palms. Slowly pull them further and further apart until they are outstretched. Extend them above your head and note how fluid the white light is as it stretches between your palms. When your hands are directly over your head, slowly pull them apart imagining that the white light is enfolding you on both sides. As you lower your palms, the white light lowers with it until you are encased within a bubble of white light. Sit until you are comfortable moving and as you stand know that you are safely encased within a sphere of pure white protective light. This technique is great for beginners with some occult or ritual knowledge. It's also a great starter technique that can be used to build on more advanced techniques, however it is very limited on what it will do. The more you reformat your energy the more you will become used to manipulating energy and creating shields at will. It can take some time to accomplish this so don't be discouraged if it doesn't work well the first time out. The more you practice the stronger you will become.
The mirror is another technique that is very useful especially when dealing with more specific targeted energies. The purpose of this shield is to reflect specific negative energies. It is very good in conjuncture with the bubble as the bubble great for every day shielding but not necessarily effective for unwanted predation. When using this technique you will need a different kind of visualization. For this one try constructing a mirror. It can be a black mirror...like a scrying mirror...or a regular mirror. The idea is that it be able to not only deflect but also reflect negative energies. You may imagine this to be a whirling mirror or a bubble with a reflective exterior.
After you have decided how you wish your mirror to look choose a symbol that reflects what you wish to be deflected. Raise energy and use it to create this mirror. This time the energy is pulled into your crown. It is then formed using your visualization specifications. Imagine that you are crafting this mirror. Place whatever symbolism you choose to associate with protection and banishing of negative energies on your mirror. As complete the creation of your mirror, release the energy you've raised and stored in your crown into your mirror. If you've also created a bubble, this could be somewhat depleting. Be sure that you have had lots of practice in harvesting and visualization in order to create an effective shield. After the mirror has been charged imagine that it is whirling around you constantly, completely encircling your auric field. As it spins and whirls around you, it deflects negative energies and target energies. If you feel tired or drained, have some juice or a fresh cold fruit.
The next kind of shield is what I refer to as affectionately as the pillow shield. It basicly captures and absorbs negative or prying energies sent your way. I wouldn't suggest trying to use this as a primary shield as it can be exhausting to try and maintain over very long periods of time. Again do your programming before you try to create the shield. This kind of shield can be constructed out of white light but it is best to use a darker light, the darker the better as it is for absorption and not reflection. To do this go back to your initial visualization. Remember the warm protective energy of the earth beneath you? You're going to tap into this energy for this type of construction. As you sit on the floor and feel the earth beneath you, imagine a soft dark whirling light beneath you. This light can be brown, dark gray, or black. These colors are stabilizing, healing, neutralizing, and absorbing colors. Feel these energies swirling around you. Imagine that they are warm and enveloping like a soft firm pillow. As soon as you are comfortable, pull them in through the soles of your feet. Feel them swirl up your legs, into your thighs, and into your solar plexus. When you are ready, construct your pillow the same way that you've constructed the bubble and the mirror. When you are ready, imagine it balloning out from your solar plexus. It is nearly smothering and very close to your body and auric field. This shield is intended to trap and absorb, but it can also be very tight to some people. If you are claustrophobic you might want to use an alternative method. I don't particularly care for it because it is very tight and too close for comfort, but it is effective nonetheless.
Another kind of shield is commonly known as a cloak or dimmer. It literally dims you so that you are much less noticeable and thus less easily targeted. Basicly you create a cloak that allows only the amount of light to show. In this case, the light is your, your aura, and your energy. If you want to be seen by some people program your cloak to allow only those people to see you. If you want to be left alone completely, you cover yourself with the cloak you are going to create. The darker the cloak the less likely you are to be seen. You can program the cloak to absorb negative uglies as well as hide your energies and you can also use it with other forms of shields to make it more effective. Again, it's energy intensive to someone not accustomed to it so make sure you have some juice nearby and stay hydrated while you are using it. This time you are going to take the earth energy and pull it around you like a cloak. Invision yourself crafting this cloak and pulling it around you. You can use either the dark earth energy or the pure white energy to create this cloak as you can make your white cloak a dull white, as if it were created from velvet and not reflective as much as deflective but to some forms of energies, white energy is in itself a reflective and if you choose to use the two in conjunction with one another you will have a fairly reflective shield.
If you're familiar with shielding techniques and are ready for something a little more difficult, there is a form of shielding that requires the visualization of sharp objects or the construction of stone objects around one's person. This is a longer visualization and you have to be able to maintain concentration in order to construct it properly. Instead of using light to form a protective shield around your body, you're going to instead create something of a thoughtform (see the blog on thoughtforms if you don't know how to do this) to deflect negative energies and discourage future attacks. Again move into the state that best enables visualization. As you do so repeat the mantra I am a fortress I am safe from all invaders. Imagine that you are constructing a fortress around you made of sharp objects...swords, blades, jagged glass, or stone...and as you add each object, charge it with the deflection and repulsion of any outside forces that mean you harm. Construct this wall around you tightly so there are no spaces. For your mortar, use grey energy. This energy is an equal mixture of light and dark and will act to neutralize and repel negativity. Visualizing this "mortar" sealing any leaks that would allow predators or negative influences into your fortress. Lastly charge it so that only the energies that you allow will come through. Everything else is to be completely deflected by the sharpness of the material you choose to use.
As with any type of shielding it is always best to use the one that you are most capable of maintaining. you can also construct these shields in the astral, during lucid dreaming, or magickal dreaming. But I will leave those for another posting. Play with them and see which methods work best for you. Combine them or find one that is the most effective for your needs. You may not want to use a full out fortress for a trip to the market or a stroll down City Market. But you may choose to use one at a Club or specialty event where you are most likely to run into many different kinds of people. Not all of those people are going to be ethical regarding drawing.