Origins of Nightkind: The Divine tie

Nonfiction literary compositions

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Origins of Nightkind: The Divine tie

Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:10 am

Origins of Nightkind: The Divine tie between Therian, Otherkin, and Vampyres

This is a fundamental question that we have all at some point asked ourselves and others as well only to receive the same answers over and over again. When looking into our origins, I first began looking into the paleontological aspects of the actual origins of man and the behavior of those early primal beings for something that would be logical to me. To say that I know everything about where we began or where we originated would be arrogant and erroneous and so all I have to offer are my theories and hypothesis. Nothing more. Knowing that not everyone is a spiritual person or even a religious one, I’ve included a more basic suggestion of origins of our kind at the end of my conjecture.

Through my consideration years ago, I found that some studies among our kind revealed several ties between the communities of Otherkin, Therian, Sanguine, and Psy alike. It seems that all of us have some Anomoly that in some way separates us apart from others. We have some common deficiencies such as B12, lactose intolerance, food allergies, nocturnal natures, and to some extent or another, an intolerance to light as well as strong empathy, psychic and pranic bonds with each other, healing, and a greater extrasensory perception than most mundane people. This indicates to me that we are more than just cousins. We have a common ancestral tie. It is too much of a coincidence that random people sharing some of the same symptoms would also have similar natures and so I began to see the community not as separate individuals but as a tribe.

Looking into mythological beings (and from most perspectives we are just that), almost always leads to yet more myths and legends. The truth is there is a little bit of truth in every myth and even more answers to be found by examining them. As I examined more myths of our kind I saw similarities between not only the creation of the Vampyre race, but also of the Nature Spirits, the Children of the Gods, and both as direct lineages of the Divine in accordance with the development of humanity.

I often consider what the Ancients mean to me, who I perceive them to be, where I perceive them to come from, and how they relate to me and my current incarnation. What I concluded is that the Creators, after sharing their breath of life and tethering us together through the silver strands of delicately woven Spirit, went a step further. Most religions accept that there was more than one; male and female that played an equal part in the Creation of all there is. Thus they also played an integral part in the spiritual and metaphysical development of the human race that resulted in the Vampyres and all of their cousins.

From the very beginnings of time humanity has sought to commune with the Divine in mystical, magickal, and altogether spiritual ways. We have created traditions of magick and mysticism, eons of precious philosophy based around the improvement and empowerment of our spiritual bodies and mind. In seeking that communion with the Divine, Divinity itself, both as the Androgyne and as Mother and Father, took into Their service those men and women who desired a spiritual bond above all others in the form of Priest and Priestess teaching them the mysteries through visions, dreams, spiritual communion, and intuitive discovery. To assist with their teachings They created aspects of themselves in ways that would be appealing to more mundane beings, appearing to Their followers as visions and dreams. To some They would appear as a great dragon, to others as a beautiful woman or man, and still to others as angelic beings surrounded by pure radiant light.

In time these aspects sought physical communion as well as spiritual with humanity and incarnated giving humanity physical contact with the Gods and Goddesses they loved so much. Being unable to support the same amount of prana that they were able to carry with them in infinite spiritual form and being limited to a physical form rather, it is possible that They lost prana or could not produce the amount needed to support Their spiritual infinity within a finite physical form. Priests and Priestesses of the incarnated Ancients were trained by the Ancients Themselves to both give and receive prana in effect learning to heal using energy, to become donors to those that became weakened by physical constraints, and to manifest their desires by walking between the worlds, being in service to the Ancients as conduit between themselves and the rest of humanity and also being the living donors to the Ancients.

Because the physical and spiritual forms of a being can not manifest on the same plane at the same time, They were unable to revert to Their original spiritual forms and remained in Their physical bodies. Over time They took to Themselves human mates taking into Their service as priests and priestesses and as beloveds and Their offspring being human but having a stronger sense of the mystical and inheriting the need for prana as well. These half human offspring were the foundations for the legend of world mythologies and the first race of humanity.

In time, as most things do, the Ancients returned to the realm of the Spirit to be incarnated again later on in time. It is possible that they assimilated through physical death or returned through spiritual ascension into Their complete Divinity. One thing is certain. At some point, the Ancients left humanity and communicate to Their children still just as They did in those first days of man. In the meantime, Their offspring developed in many different ways. Just as the incarnated Ancients took human mates, They first took each other as Divine lovers producing a race of purely Divine offspring, the Fae. As their parents were adept shapeshifters and magi so were Their children. The true children of the original incarnated aspects the Fae, or the Other, also took to themselves human mates and the breeding of vampyric humans with Other resulted in the Liannon shidhe, the Bdobhan shidhe, and countless other beings who would also take to themselves human mates, perhaps even other offspring of the incarnated Ancients. These humans were among the first races of humans created and they remained through survival of the fittest as living children of the Ancients.

To arrive where we are now, we must fast forward through countless centuries of human development, nomadic traveling, and genetic diversity. I suspect that the original race of vampyres was very small indeed as the first selection of priests and priestesses would have been very limited given the populations, individual spiritual awareness, and mental development. Reaching the point of enlightenment and spiritual Truth would have and still does, taken many years of study and training. Through communion, the Ancients would have given the priest and priestess an overpowering charisma, intellect, and strength perhaps even causing them to be worshiped as minor deities themselves. As humanity progressed and became more sophisticated so did their views on the Divine.

Now I must switch to another topic that is tied to but not an obvious part of the origins of our kind. The gift of free will and spiritual blueprinting, in which the Ancients gifted us, Vampyre and mundane alike, with the ability to make our own decisions in as much as even being able to decide what would happen to us after our physical bodies expire. At the time of creating the spiritual ribbons that bind not only one soul to the other, but each soul to the source of all creation, the Divine gave to their new creations the decisions to map our every move, thought, decision, life lesson, path, obstacles, joys as well as tragedies prior to incarnating. We map out our lives down to the flecks of colors in our eyes, when we would acquire our first teeth and take our first steps in numerous blueprints. The final blueprinting is a collection of all of them, finely edited and attune to give us the abilities to grow and manifest our lives in positive and spiritual ways. At the time of incarnation, we have already decided to come into this world as either mundane or as Vampyre so that we have many lifetimes when we have lived as a normal every day person and in another life time as Vampyre, Therian, or Otherkin. Unless of course, we choose otherwise. This is the ultimate form of parental love and acceptance. I include the concept of blueprinting and free will only to separate the spiritual condition of vampyrism from the physical concept of genetics, which is in itself is highly questionable as an inherent origin.

The more scientific theories of our origins include recessive genetics, citing a hereditary ancestral condition that only occurs occasionally. That we may have long lines of Vampyres within our families is no indicator of recessive genes unless we maintain those genes through inbreeding. In some cultures, the concept of intermarrying within the family to preserve a lineage may have at one time been common, also including preserving a vampyric lineage as well. However, because we choose our aspects prior to coming into our incarnations it is unlikely that this is the case. Throughout history we have seen cases of this type of inbreeding and the end results, bringing about a sort of revenant condition in which someone exhibits Nightkind tendencies but because of their mental instability is a danger not only to themselves but to everyone else around them. Historical cases of Lycanthropy, Prions disease, or Reinfeld’s Syndrome in which madness is accompanied by the desire to consume human flesh and blood have often been mistaken for Vampyrism or Therianthropy.

Other theories of Nightkind origins not steeped in mental illness include physical disease, such as Porphyria which is a condition that causes the blood cells to disintegrate due to a B12 deficiency resulting in a severe anemic condition. Anemia in any form is a result of either genetics or deficiency and is by all definitions an illness not related to vampyrism as vampyrism can and does exist separate from this condition. Porphyria is also an inherited condition caused by interfamilial marrying somewhere down the line and is a recessive trait. Today the illness is extremely rare, although it is commonly blamed for our nature.

Over time I have tried to go over the myths and lore and discover the origins of our kind and have concluded that the original locale was not in effect Africa, which may well have been the origins of the second age of humanity, but in Northern Europe. Taking into effect that the descriptions of Vampyres and Therians have been found on caves, carvings, on altars, and some of the more ancient standing monuments and temple spaces as well as resplendent throughout myths and lore, the original Vampyres were from the more Northern climates. Although the climate during the first age may have been more jungle like and not as cold as we consider Northern Europe to be now, we know that these sacred places were used for human sacrifices as well as initiation, worship, lunar, and celestial celebrations. We are only just breaking the skin of the uses for these places. Recently a circle of monoliths strikingly similar to Stonehenge was found in Siberia, showing that these places were not merely a product of the Druidic cultures. Moving further southward, we also see other monuments and sacred spaces such as those found on Easter Island.

Anthropology tells us that the first race was a nomadic sort and actively traveled across the then singular continent of Afro~Euro~Stralia. Whether or not the Americas were a part of that is still very much debated. All were part of one great continent in which case the various tribes assimilated into their own territories and began the cultures that influenced the shaping of the world. In time, many of these races were driven to extinction either by their own actions or by environmental, stellar, or political reasons. In these ways, the Ancients traveled with Their tribes and in each culture became living representatives of the Divine.

Many legends and much evidence cite the first identifiable humans as originating from Africa and it is very well true also. Science has proven that at one time there was a great disaster, whether it was natural as in the case of the flood or whether it was a huge astronomical disaster of one or more asteroids, the face of the world and human civilization was greatly changed. Humanity was not completely destroyed but was greatly limited and the first emerging humans came out of Africa. There are still many parts of Siberia that have yet to be explored and it would be fair to say that the most primitive man would not have created such exact monuments to their deities. In this way humanity survived and our legends and traces of divine lineage of the Ancient Ones remained. Today we as living descendents of those first Vampyres, countless incarnations later, have that same beautiful connection with the Ancients through dreams, visions, and astral visitation. Just as the incarnated aspects of the Divine tried to fit an infinite creation into a finite shell, we also are more in tune with our infinite selves so much so that we have a higher vibration thus requiring a steady input of life force to maintain our health and physical shells.

These are just my theories and conjectures. No one should ever accept any statement of origins that does not ring true to their Spirit. Nothing that I have here is expressed as fact. As always, we should be open to what the Ancients are telling us and should examine and question everything until we find our own truth through intuitive discovery.

Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan,
copyright December 18, 2005
Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

The Seed

Postby The Madame X » Mon Jan 02, 2006 12:20 am

Awesome article!
I can only respond with a story of my own.

The Seed
By Madame X © 2005

This is a recount of a story that was told to me many, many years ago by a familiar soothing voice that spoke to me as if from beyond a misty curtain. It was told to me before I truly understood it. Today as I come to understand its truth I pass it on to you.

Once upon a time, millions of years ago before the universe was as it is today, there was a singularity in space; an intelligent, self-aware entity alone in the void. It was then that the concept of curiosity was first forged. In the void the entity’s will shaped the universe through curiosity alone. I cannot describe what this entity resembled, except that it was ultimate thought, absolute energy and potential. It was an amorphous conglomeration of spirit, far from anything that you may even imagine to be physical. But, it imagined the physical, and it was curious.

You see, there is the Prime Material Plane which is where our reality is based, where we sit and where we play the piano; this we see and understand. Then there is the Etheric Plane where energy flows, like the energy between you and I, and the energy that we call electricity and magnetism; this we are starting to measure and understand, but for all our technology we will always fall just a little short. Then farther away there is the Astral Plane, a place where our dreams, emotions and magic exists; this may be difficult for you to grasp at first but soon it will become undeniable. Then, farther still there is a place so removed from the physical that words fail; this place we call the Devine Plane, for no other word is enough to describe it.

This self-aware entity existed there, in that far away plane beyond the astral. The desire was to cross the divide and experience the pleasures of the physical. To that end the entity extended itself into the astral. It could now experience magic, dreams and emotions through these helpers that were themselves made of divine and astral fabric. They were beautiful beings, interconnected through the parent source, capable of all things you may perceive as magic, see in your dreams, or feel in your heart. Their experiences were simultaneously and mutually shared by all, and instantaneously transmitted to the parent source. They behaved only per the will of, and as an extension of the parent entity in a continuous state of elation and bliss. They were eternal beings, ageless and genderless, as there was no need to procreate …in fact, the Source had not yet thought of procreation, nor the concept of time; there just wasn’t the need.

The Astral Plane was delightfully consuming, yet the ultimate desire was to cross the divide and experience the pleasures of the physical. In order to get closer, the parent entity extended itself into the ether and the Four Elements came to be. And in what may have seemed to be a blink of an eye, the Elements – Earth, Fire, Water and Air created the physical universe. They were powerful forces of creation and destruction affecting and shaping the physical. The source reveled in their tremendous power over the physical but still wished to experience it.

The entity once again extended itself, this time through the four elements and through the angelic beings onto the dismal world called Earth, and reached the Ethereal Plane between. The beings that were then created were amazing. Creatures that once were and that dwelled somewhere between our world and the realm of magic. Unlike the Astral beings the ethereal dwellers were not all eternal; upon expanding themselves they would dissipate, their energy returning to the parent source. Unlike the Astral beings the ethereal dwellers were not all of untold beauty, nor were they all interconnected. Unlike the Four Elements, they did not wield immense creative nor destructive forces. They were chaotic beings responding only to the Earth as their mother, and the elements as their portents. Their devotion to the Earth was uncanny, yet they could not experience the physical as you or I do. And although their bodies might have resembled that of ours to some degree, they were made of tenebrous energy, not flesh and blood. They were magical creatures of great knowledge, wisdom and skill but far more akin to a tree, fog or a rainbow, than to you or I.

Soon the right combination had been deciphered and the source became enthralled with experiencing the physical, creating every mode of plant, animal and insect to delight in its individual physical experiences. And alas, what today we know as Man and Woman came to be. Two beings of flesh and blood made of the Earth, the 4 elements and of the source itself. Delicate handsome beings, aware, intelligent, and interconnected.

Man and woman; brother and sister made by the same source, both of the same stuff, one male the other female with similar desires and awareness. Man and woman were made with one sole purpose to experience the physical plane, and to transfer those delightful experiences to the parent source. Immortal sexual beings, not only could they experience the physical they were also interconnected with each other, as well as with the Parent Source and the astral beings. The Source took particular delight in its latest creation, dedicating itself to them almost exclusively. One thing that the Source indicated was that they should strive to solve their disputes without seeking interference from the Source. Unfortunately there came a time when there was a great quarrel between man and woman, the man wished to experience physical intimacy with the woman, and because he was a man stronger than her, being a woman, he took her by force against her will. The woman was humiliated and desperate, and called upon the parent source for intervention. The source was angered that the woman disobeyed a simple direction, and perhaps because the source did not understand the physical; it was unable to relate why she was so desperate over what should have been mutually pleasurable. She too could not understand why the man or the parent would be so uncaring, and so she turned her back on both venturing into the wilderness. The woman cried so much that her tears filled the oceans and that only the waters gave her comfort. In time, together with the waters, this woman gave rise to all forms of fish, sea dwellers and creatures of the deep, that you will come to know as the Deep Ones. It is said that the shinning woman often mated with men and occasionally gave birth to human children with special gifts of youthfulness, longevity, and mental abilities that claimed an innate connectivity with the shinning mother. Even today you will find those who shine that carry within their lineage the seed of the shinning mother.

Meanwhile, man was lonely, no other plant or animal could replace his mate. The source knew this, and after several attempts at the perfect mate, the source finally extended himself through the man creating a woman who was made of the man and thus part of him forever. This woman was not only to be man’s mate, but his wife in a mutual agreement to be there for each other, as well as to contribute their experiences in the physical plane to the parent source. But there were rules imposed on them by the source, rules that for one reason or another were difficult to keep and each time the rules were broken, some precious gift was taken way. Eventually the man and his wife were left alone to explore free will, disconnected from the astral beings, disconnected from the source, disconnected from each other, living a mortal life of pain and sorrow laced only with fleeting moments of joy. The source would still be the parent, extending itself thru every new life, but the connection would be more subtle and each new creation would be brought onto the world through laborious pain, completely helpless and devoid of any genetic recollections.

Mortality was balanced with procreation and propelled the concept of time, as the lack of interconnectivity propelled the development of language and the source’s new creation became Humanity. The woman bore many children; among them were two brothers who loved each other, their family and their source, which became known as God. One developed the art of animal husbandry and the other, the eldest, the science of farming. Together they worshiped the God with burnt offerings of their best. The eldest offered, rice and wheat and barley while the other offered mutton, grouse or beef. The God was pleased with all their offerings, but there was something about his offerings that pleased It more, perhaps it was the concept of burn flesh, perhaps it was the mere concept of flesh, as it was so different and perhaps mysterious to the divine. It is said that the eldest killed the other out of jealousy, but he was slaughtered, as he, himself had slaughtered animals readying them for God. The eldest brother delivered his brother as a burnt offering to God, satiating, not just jealousy, but hoping to please God even more so with this precious gift. But God was not pleased at all with the killing of man. The eldest brother was confused and horrified to know that what he had done was the most terrible offense to God. He was the first murderer; he could never wipe that away from his soul. So he turned his back on the world he knew and ventured into the wilderness never to return. The parent source sent his astral-helpers, to bring him back, but he refused to let go of his guilt, some say that he was cursed with bloodlust, immortality, and aversion to the sun. Some say in the wilderness he met the shinning woman and together they begot a brood of preternatural humans that in their time became the new gods of men, and even to this day there are some who share a deep connection to him, still referring to him as the ‘Dark Father’.

The God watched over humanity as did the astral beings, Humanity flourished and multiplied from a few to thousands. They expressed their creativity with helpful inventions and resourcefulness. God was delighted as its curiosity was both fulfilled and peaked. The astral beings too became curious, curious to experience the pleasures of the flesh that only the physical plane could offer. There was one, which in his curiosity wished to cross the divide and explore the physical, even if for a short time. A few others wished for the same, but they were not allowed free will as was Humanity; so their small infraction could prove disastrous. Together hundreds of astral beings descended upon the world and while maintaining their original nature and attributes, possessed and incarnated in the bodies of humans. No one knew where exactly they came from. Some said they came from the other side of the mountains, some said they came from the sky above, while others believed they came from heaven.

Soon God was aware of the disrespect and without a second thought severed the connection from those astral beings, banishing them to be Earthbound, never to return. It is said that the one, leader of the forbidden exploit, was banished even beyond the physical becoming a flame of abhorrence among humanity. It is said that the shinning woman and he sired a brood of eternal beings that walked both the physical and the astral world and to this day are perceived as immortal Gods. To this day some still feel a deep spiritual connection with the one and revere him as their father.

Eventually the banished folk could no longer stay in the shadows as their half-breed offspring had come to age and being so different in nature had begun to be noticed. Their children had not only superior intellect and mystic abilities, but also superior longevity; soon they became known as Giants of wisdom and deed, feared and revered by the humans as Gods themselves. They brought onto man valuable knowledge for healing, warring and bending reality. They spread throughout the world establishing themselves as kings of powerful kingdoms, valiant warriors and sought-after mages. The world was shaping in a completely different direction; toward magic, hedonism, secrecy, deception, extravagance, devastation, self indulgence, and debauchery. These new Gods sought to revel in the physical and all it had to offer: pleasure, pain, anguish, love, lust, death, creation and destruction. It was an essential need for them to bask on such high energy, a need comparable to our own need to drink and eat.

But one day there came an end to the golden years of the new gods. There came a dreadful persistent warm rain that melted all the ice of the North and flooded the whole known world. The new Gods were, brutally exterminated from the world, and many of those humans that were privy to their knowledge, philosophies and experiences were also eradicated with them. Only a few survived to carry on the knowledge of healing, warring, and magic. Those astral beings remain severed, Earthbound, watching and waiting, often guiding and nurturing those that show a trace of the magnificent.

Now still your mind and listen to my words: They see a trace of the magnificent in you. In you lies the essence of those that once inhabited the Earth, the seed of the astral germinates inside you. Recall it. Seize it. Master it. Become it.
Ex Somnius Scientia
Madame X
Matriarch, House of the Dreaming
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Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:28 am

Absolutely beautiful. I especially love the last lines. How could we not be magnificent? We are an extension of the Divine! I love reading things like this. It makes my wee black heart flutter lol
Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Postby Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:47 pm

Since we have several articles about the Ancients I thought I'd throw this one up in the air lol.


Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan

Re: Origins of Nightkind: The Divine tie

Postby The Madame X » Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:56 pm

Ex Somnius Scientia
Madame X
Matriarch, House of the Dreaming
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