by Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:11 am
LOL!!! Yes it is ET, always. I've found that to be true on more than one occasion.
A magickal child is nothing more than an energy packet...a bundle of energy that is formless until it is released but has a specific charge and intention...that is placed into another individual 9usually female but not really gender specific) and released through her. Some use this in conjuncture with sex magick or sexually charged rituals, some simply pass the energy bundle into the other person to be absorbed and released. I've read several different procedures for doing this. Another way of doing this is to create the energy and nurture it until it is ready to be released.
A servitor basicly is just that. It's an energy form that has a very definite purpose, usually protection or other such mission. They may be used for intimidation as well and very effectively I might add.