by Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan » Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:58 pm
*bump* I am so glad to see this here. May I add this to my own local msn group page? This is of vital importance as so many donors often feel as if they have to tolerate abuse and mistreatment in order to be truly giving. Unfortunately, too many times young ones are caught up in the whole drama of abusive vamps that either through disregard for the safety and well being of another or through sheer ignorance, do not know the proper ways to draw or that they are entitled to treat their donors badly. Likewise sometimes donors also feel as if the vamp is entitled to treat them badly because of the illusion of power, the hope fo sharing their gift, or the concept that we are so above the natural laws that we must also be above mundane laws as well. This is not the case and I really intend to bring this home in my own community as I feel it is needed at this time. Forceably or violently feeding from someone is more of a dehumanizing and degrading experience than rape or even murder. It bores into someone's very psyche and leaves long lasting scar tissue...both spiritual and physical...that take a very long time to heal. No one should have to endure such a thing and certainly not someone that offers theirself in such a manner.
Thank you so much Bholanath.
Eternally lost in the night,