It is true Pain is what lets us know we are living feeling creatures. Without pain what good would ecstasy be. Duality is what keeps life balanced. Although much of what we concieve as pain is all in our heads. I've seen a man have is arm amputated by a blade on a chopper and he didn't realize it was gone until he actually saw it. How many times have you seen or been hurt yourself and not realized it until you saw the damage? At some point in our minds pain is no longer existant. Those who should be screaming in pain shattered beyond recognition and on the verge of death often cease to feel it. I remember a doctor telling me one time if I cried it just made it worse, He was right! I ignored it and it went away. As for getting runners high! Any time adrenilin is released into your body in vast amounts this happens. It also comes with a huge crash. The first few times you might actually be physically sick to your stomach and headache of huge proportions often ensues. You also have very little energy to even lift a finger.
I'm an adrenilin junky ! Don't get me wrong I live the the high you get when you feel your heart jump into your throat as your jump of a bridge
2000 ft above the ground. I've also got over the hangover so to speak. I just don't see the need to inflict pain upon yourself to bring the endorphins to life. Possibly as a test of courage if you feel the need. My own grandparents came from a reservation and I have actual pictures of the sundance being performed.I do understand its significance in NA society as a rght of passage for a young warrior. It is no different the the Massii boys undergoing circumcision at age 12 without anesthetic. They are expected to stand and not show pain.
Society has come a long way from this. One point I do think should be noticed is that almost all of these right s are exclusive to males. Makes me wonder if the origins of them weren't to make up for inadequacy in other areas.