Compiled by Yami Hikari
Current Membership
- Madame X - Matriarch
- Herr Wulfsunus – Acting WebMaster/Gatekeeper
- Alterra von Feuers – Intramural Relations
- Lady Aislin Ni Morrighan - House DJ
- Lady Sequanna – House Translator
- Deacon Gray - Gatekeeper
- Bholanath - Webmaster
- Mistress NyxFury
- Khan
- Ezikiel Tempted
- Sir Algernon
Current Dedicants
- Vitriol
- Hades
- Lupus Nocturnus
Sites offered
Official House Site – offering Manifesto, Member Bios, Articles, Traditions, as well as a Discussion Forum for Members, Abbon, Donors and all interested.
House of the Dreaming Myspace Group - Splash-page, bulletins and forum.
Member Hosted
NJ Chapter of Bloodlines International on Yahoo
Kitra, Mradu, Ramkt Study Group
Vampires of Savannah Group on MSN
Vampyres of Savannah Group on MySpace
Savannah Solitary Witchs' Hangout
Georgia Chapter of Bloodlines Group on MySpace
GA Chapter of Bloodlines on Yahoo
Savannah Goths Group on MySpace
Mistress Fury's Discussion Group
Member Hosted in Portuguese
Serões da Quimera MySpace Profile
Serões da Quimera Orkut Profile
Collaborative Projects:
The Collective
House of the Dreaming in conjunction with Vampyre Lounge and with the participation of the Vampyre Society at-large is hosting an exciting video program called the Collective. It features a series of interviews with various Modern Day Vampires, Community Leaders, and other individuals. Each interview will be designed to independently focus on specific topics of community interest. House of the Dreaming and Vampyre Lounge are non-partisan in our approach and hope to provide as many perspectives as possible from all angles of community interest. If you or someone you know is interested in being featured on The Collective, contact Herr Wulfsunus at The Collective Videos can be found at:
The Vampyre Lounge
The Dark Nations
Dark Nations co-founded by Khan and Madame X is an exclusive collective of embassies and ambassadors gathered for the purpose of truthful information exchange, and project collaboration, intent on raising the bar on communication and conduct across the community at large. If you are part of a closed membership group that has an active core membership of three or more which has been active for over a year, and have a vested interest on improved communication and diplomatic community relations, you are welcome to join and establish an embassy at Dark Nations. Please contact us for more details at:
The Dark Nations Splash Page on MySpace
News and Developments
New Member!
House of the Dreaming proudly welcomes Ezikiel Tempted as the newest Member of Our Family of The Dreaming! We are delighted to have Ezikiel finally aboard. Please join us in welcoming our New House Member!
The Collective Videos
The Collective is pleased to announce a new video has been uploaded! Lord Ramirez shares with Madame X his impressions of the changes in the community over the past 20 years… the Internet and the Media. Thank you Lord Ramirez, Khan and Vampyre Lounge.
House of the Dreaming celebrated the Solar Returns of two of its members: Madame X and Lady Sequanna, may their birthdays have been filled with rejoicing and plenty of cake.
Madame X Returns
Madame X returned early December to the states from her trip in Europe with some delicious mead compliments of Von Spookiness and Siivet.
New Collective Video Up!
The latest collective video features Lady Valfreyja of House Illusions
MySpace Private Study Groups Created
Lady Aislin has created 3 private study groups on MySpace for each caste, the Mradu, the Kitra, and the Ramkht.
January House Parlor
On the 24th at 11 AM EST a parlor was held for all Dreaming members and Dedicants to discuss goals and milestones for the coming year.
NYC Vampyre Ball
Madame X and Herr Wulfsunus represented the House of the Dreaming at SABERTOOTH‘s annual February 14th Vampyre Ball held at Element (the bank). There were tribal belly dancers, an escape artist, a costume contest hosted by Anne Rice Fan Club, and with two dance floor s with wonderful DJs.
NJ Gathering and Parlor February 20-21
It was wonderful to celebrate our Family Ties once again as we had a small unannounced gathering here in NJ. Our gathering included a homemade brunch, site seeing, ice skating, a well-rounded Portuguese dinner (complete with Sangria) Madame X, Herr Wulfsunus and Khan in attendance and a member's only Parlor.
Savannah& Atlanta, GA Gathering February 28- March 6
Hosted by Lady Aislin and Mistress NyxFury, Madame X and Herr Wulfsunus visited GA to once again celebrate family ties and to visit family friends. Events included a Dark Dinner, roasting peeps and cheese over a bonfire, sleeping in a haunted room, a fetish party, and greeting old and new friends.
G-mail accounts are Banned
For those of you who are trying to register to our forum by using a gmail account, please note that all g-mail accounts have been blocked due to the high number of fraudulent gmail accounts registrations.
Please use an alternate non-gmail e-mail account for registering purposes.
Please note this gmail block will not affect any pre-existing House of the Dreaming accounts that have used gmail to register.
If you have any questions regarding this please e-mail us at:
Banishment of Ravenheart
Please note that House of the Dreaming has found Ravenharte of Clan Caladvwlch, openly referred to as The Thieves, to demonstrate ethics and behavior that is duplicitous and dishonorable and as such incompatible with our personal and House philosophies. We have therefore stripped Ravenharte of her Abbon status with us and have banned her from our House forums. While we seek to avoid unnecessary drama, we feel it is important to alert the community to this person’s lack of ethics and ask that you pass on the information. The Title of Abbon is an honorable distinction implying friendship and mutual high regard and as such it is an important way to communicate respectability and trust. Unfortunately, this individual’s repeated poor-form has only earned our distrust.
Serões da Quimera (Portuguese Vampiric Guild) News:
Admission: An easy to use Entry Query is available to all those interested in seeking admission to the Guild:
Conferences Presented:
December: “The Awakening” by Vitriol
January: “Vampirism, Sacred or Profane?” by Madame X
February: “History and Tradition” by Anton
Somnium Homunculi- Otherkin Guild Formed!
Ezikiel Tempted has founded the Somnium Homunculi, an Otherkin Guild dedicated to researching the awakening and what comes after.
Admission: A simple application for all those wishing to join the Somnium Homunculi:
Written overview
FaceBook Splash page
MySpace Splash Page
Dreaming Fun Fact
V-day aka Valentines day became 'Vampyres Day' in 1996 when the first public Vampyre Ball was hosted on Valentines Day at The Bank in NYC. The Club has changed, but today many Vampyre Balls are held throughout the country to celebrate V-day. Madame X and Herr Wulfsunus attended the first Vampyre Ball together in 1996 and they did the same this year.
12/20 Merry Yule
12/25 Merry Christmas
1/24 House Parlor
House Parlor for all Dreaming members and Dedicants.
1/29 Wolf Moon
The first full moon of 2010 and will be considered the biggest and brightest of the year.
1/30 Noctuary
9:30-3A.M. @ the Warmhole 2307 Bull Street., Savannah, GA, USA
2/14 NYC Vampyre Ball
Madame X and Herr Wulfsunus represent the House of the Dreaming at the annual NYC Vampyre Ball.
2/20-21 NJ Gathering and Parlor
Member’s only Gathering and Parlor was held in NJ, attended by Khan, Herr Wulfsunus and Madame X and chat hosted by Ezikiel Tempted.
2/28-3/6 Atlanta& Savannah, GA Gathering
Hosted by Lady Aislin and Mistress NyxFury, Madame X and Herr Wulfsunus visited GA to once again celebrate family ties and to visit family friends.
Up and Coming:
3/27th Serões da Quimera in conjunction with House of the Dreaming will sponsor: ‘A Gathering in Portugal’ with Madame X
4/27 Noctuary @ the Wormhole
2307 Bull Street, Savannah, GA, USA
5/1 Beltaine!
5/8- 5/13 Private House Gathering in Portugal
5/16 Dark Dinner, Savannah Georgia
Spotlight on:
The House History Page
The House of the Dreaming History page provides information on the history of the house, its evolution and involvement in the community as well as how each member came to be in the House, their involvements in the community, and a bit about each member. There is also a descriptive time-line from when the House was founded to 2008 about the happenings of the House and its members. Thank you Deacon Gray for putting this all together!
House of the Dreaming History Page
Of Goals and Milestones
by Deacon Gray
Through out time there have been those, who by the strength of their character and nobility of action have earned a place with in their own organizations of respect. These people are those who have a good standing in the community, but who also have a full knowledge and understanding of their organization. Called Emissary, Representative, Ambassador, and with in the vampire community they are called by some the Abbon.
The role these people play with in the community can be a very important one. The Houses, Covens and other organizations often have very different theories and philosophies. These differences, like all differences can lead to major disagreements and issues. With the help of these representatives, those who have the knowledge and the character, many of these issues can be worked out just as they were in times of old.
These individuals also work to help build strong bonds, deliver messages, help work on joint projects, and at times stand witness to the court as an independent voice of reason and intellect.
It is very important that the person who is chosen as Abbon displays the highest level of integrity, honor, and loyalty. One cannot be an ambassador to a House, and at the same time misuse the faith, to trépigner the House or its members. One is always allowed to have their own opinions, but by accepting the honor of Abbon they also accept that they represent the House to others, if they represent it poorly talk poorly of it, or attempt to bring it harm.
That is not to say that the primary loyalty of the Abbon is to their House they are assigned, indeed no, their primary loyalty will always be to their own organization. Still it is important to remember that good faith is key to successful ambassadorship.
In recent days many organizations have dedicated themselves toward building inter community relationships by pulling the leaders of many different groups into their forums. These leaders speak for themselves before the forum. An example of this new trend is the Voices of the Vampire Community.
The VVC as it is called has drawn in as many known active members of the community as possible. Drawing all these people together allows for a common thread of communication and work on projects and the like. While not a governing body of any type and with no real individual theories or philosophies many of the efforts at communications have ended with agreements to disagree, and ultimately very little in the way of obvious progression. Yet there is one that many of them perhaps do not consider.
The effect of building any group is a common means of communication, thoughts and accepted rhetoric becomes more bound in the social consciousness of the community.
More recently a group called the Dark Nations has developed a renewed form of representative council patterned loosely on the United Nations. This forum includes currently only organizational elements, Houses and the like within their ranks.
Once again those strong of characters, honorable disposition, proven skill with in the community and ability to communicate with in the community on various levels have been brought into play, this time as administrational figures with in the Dark Nations, independent of Houses or other organizational groups. In this way they have once again become pillars of the community, administration, Ambassadors, and Abbon working in various forms within community projects.