Current Membership
- Madame X - Matriarch
- Herr Wulfsunus
- Sir Algernon
- Bholanath - Webmaster
- Aislin Ni MorRhiaghan
- Mistress NyxFury
- Lady Sequanna
- Alterra von Feuers
- Deacon Grey - Gatekeeper
Current Dedicants
- Khan
- Ezikiel
Sites offered:
Official House Site – offering Manifesto, Member Bios, Articles, Traditions, as well as a Discussion Forum for Members, Abbon, Donors and all interested.
House of the Dreaming Myspace Group - Splash-page, bulletins and forum.
House of the Dreaming Therian Space Group - Splash-page, updates and forum.
Ramkht Discussion Group - Ramkht are the organizers, catalysts, ritual leaders, and teachers of the community. Here we discuss this challenging road and endeavors.
Member Hosted
Vampires of Savannah Group on MSN
Vampyres of Savannah Group on MySpace
Savannah Solitary Witchs' Hangout
Georgia Chapter of Bloodlines Group on MySpace
Georgia Chapter of Bloodlines Group on Yahoo
New Jersey Chapter of Bloodlines Group on Yahoo
Savannah Goths Group on MySpace
Mistress Fury's Discussion Group
News and Developments
Family Game!
House of the Dreaming invites all to join in and try your best hand at the ‘unlikely skills match game’. You have till December 25th to post your best answers. A terrific prize package awaits! HotD Forum
Conferências Luso-Brasil
House of the Dreaming is hosting a series of weekly chats exploring Vampirism in Portuguese. This group is open to all Portuguese speakers 18+, who have exposure to the vampiric condition and seek further enlightenment. Conducted by Madame X on MSN every Friday 4PM EST. For participation details contact:
Tantric Vampires
Deacon Gray has co-developed an educational forum for sexual vampires, it currently stands as the primary source of educational articles, topics and conversations for sexual vampires of all kinds. Tantric Vampires
Dark Dinner
Lady Aislin invites you to join her at a monthly social dinner gathering open to all Nightkind and those of the gothic persuasion. The 7PM dinner is held at a different location monthly, check her blog:. HotD Parlors
Online Family Parlors
In October, House of the Dreaming began conducting monthly On-line Parlors to accommodate all its membership regardless of geographic location. Our new Online parlors serve both as a social meeting place as well as a forum for collaborative study and discussion. Parlors are open to Dreaming Members only, with select invitations to Dedicants and Special Guests.
A Naming Ceremony
HotD would like to announce that Ezikiel’s naming ceremony was held in the misty outdoors at the desert’s edge in Boise, ID on the first hour of September 21st. The private ceremony was officiated by Madame X, while the purple fires were kept by Herr Wulfsunus. Alterra, as well as the other participants, will forever remember this exhilarating ceremony. Join us in welcoming Ezikiel! See pictures at: HotD Gallery
Meet us on real time topical chats!
Tapestry of Dark Souls hosts a weekly Friday chat at 1PM, 4PM and 10PM EST at
LesVampires hosts a biweekly chat on alternate Tuesdays at 9PM EST at
Collaborative Projects
Conferências Luso-Brasil
House of the Dreaming in collaboration with Brazilian and Portuguese interested parties is hosting a series of real time chats on MSN for Portuguese speakers on both sides of the Atlantic (and anywhere else) who are interested in exploring Vampirism, Vampyres and the Vampiric Journey. The group came together in November of this year and engages in thematic discussions, research, meditation, ritual, astral work, and written communication, as well as other forms of personal and interpersonal study. This group is open to Portuguese speakers 18+, who have exposure to the vampiric condition and are seeking further enlightenment. Conducted by Madame X. Every Friday afternoon 4PM EST / 7PM SPT / 9PM LBNT Interested parties are subject to approval. For participation details contact:
The Dark Nations
Madame X and Khan have co-founded Dark Nations an exclusive collective of embassies and ambassadors gathered for the purpose of truthful information exchange, and project collaboration, intent on raising the bar on communication and conduct across the community at large. Dark Nations celebrates its One Year Anniversary this December with over two dozen established embassies since its inception in December. If you are part of a closed membership group that has an active core membership of three or more which has been active for over a year, and have a vested interest on improved communication and diplomatic community relations, you are welcome to join and establish an embassy at Dark Nations. Please contact us for more details.
Dreaming Fun Fact
House of the Dreaming celebrates Initiation with ebony, Calmaeship with sardonyx and Eldership with silver.
Spotlight on our Globe Trotters!
Ask Lady Sequanna about her recent jaunt to Paris, France.
Brighten Deacon’s day by dropping him a line while he is in Iraq.
Find out what Bholanath is doing in Prague, Hungary.
… and when is Madame X heading back to the southern shores of Portugal?
Official House Gathering
Official HotD Gathering in Boise, ID September 13th -14th. Madame X, Herr Wulfsunus, Alterra Von Feuers and Deacon Gray, enjoyed a wonderful weekend (actually 2) in the company of Dedicant Ezikiel and local friends of the Family. See pictures in our Gallery of our adventures and midnight summonings, complete with a Family side trip to Yellow Stone State Park! Photos
“Sanguinomicon” release party
Gotham Halo “Sanguinomicon” release party & banquet in New York City, NY, October 12th hosted by Father Sebaastian. Madame X and Herr Wulfsunus were distinguished guests at this select gathering. See pictures in our Gallery: Photos
The Dreaming Festival
The Rousing Chimera is the Dreaming Festival celebrated on November 17th. It is the most important day for our Family Members, Dedicants and Friends who collectively engaged in a simultaneous meditation and egregore building. Introspection and visualization details are up-coming in the Traditions area of our house site: The Rousing Chimera
Up and Coming
House Sahjaza Yule weekend - NYC, NY December 18th-21st
Tampa Vampyre Community Gathering – Tampa, FL December 20th
House of Rexxx Gathering - NYC, NY December 27th
New Year's Eve Drac's Ball Philadelphia, PA December 31st
Of Goals and Milestones
Community Spirit by NyxFury
Everyone has some form of community patriotism, some are just more overzealous then others when it comes to our Community. Most do it for social purposes and some people do it because feel obligated to get into the spirit. Much like college football, some people are just over the top bat-shit crazy, do anything, and become a slave for their sport and team. Some just watch the game every once in awhile but stay on top of all the scores, all the players and personal aspects of the players, and then others just hate it mostly because fanatics are… well fanatics and very irritating. To me the Vampyre Community seems no different but on a much smaller scale and underground. Some pour themselves into the community, everything they do and all they talk about mimics that they are proud of being in the Vampyre Community. Then there are some who participate sometimes but stay current with everything, go to big events etc., but most people in their social lives don’t really know they are part of the Community, just like college football. We wouldn’t be a community if it didn’t have several personality types blending in. It is a social system, and I don’t know if it can or should be changed. Community Spirit is about being a collective, a community of people with different objectives, different ideas with passion toward the group.
Our Community was always close-knit from the beginning. It had to be so, since it was very underground and we really had to really protect ourselves from those who don’t like differences. Of all the underground groups I have been around (and you know that is a lot) the Vampyre Community is the closest. We stick together when it counts. When something really big happens in the Community even if we don’t know the people involved it shakes us all....for instance when D’Drennan committed suicide, many didn’t know him but it was very much felt by everyone; the Community still keeps his memory alive. Another example is if you visit a place where the people there may not even know you, but they act as if you are just part of the family. I am closer to people in the Community that I have never met, than I am to my cousins who I have spent time with. How close we are is one of the greatest ways we manifest Community Spirit.