Lakota Wolf Preserve Outing 6/13 Columbia, NJ

Things to do away from the infernal machines.

Moderator: The Madame X

Lakota Wolf Preserve Outing 6/13 Columbia, NJ

Postby The Madame X » Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:49 am

HotD and The Citizens of the Iron Garden invite our friends to join us on this fun educational outing.

Explore and learn with us about some of the world's most amazing animals through the educational Wolf Watch tours. Upon arrival we can enjoy either a scenic 1/2 mile nature walk from the parking area to the preserve or a shuttle bus that can drive us there. Once we are at the preserve we will be invited into the observation area in the center of the preserve, where we will be surrounded by 4 different packs of wolves!

We MUST be there at 10:00AM as the tour begins at 10:30 and is 90 min long. Afterwards we'll have lots to talk about!
Cost: $15.00 a person, $7.00 for children. Bring your family!

Car Pooling is possible from the FT. Lee/ George Washington Bridge at 8:30AM. Let us know if you are interested or if you can offer carpool from your area. ... ia-NJ.html

FB Event Invite at:
Ex Somnius Scientia
Madame X
Matriarch, House of the Dreaming
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